The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 134 Fina, who loves cleanliness

Seeing Fina's little mouth opening and closing, but what came out of it was Bell's voice, Hermione was so surprised that her voice broke.

If it weren't for the daytime, and Hermione was sure she wasn't dreaming, she would have thought she'd hit a ghost!

Because Little Fina usually only communicated with Bell and Shanna, she naively thought that all humans could understand what she said.

I thought I had already said hello to Hermione. Moreover, Fina, who was very impatient because Hermione kept talking but did not respond directly to its words, and most importantly, did not bring it delicious food, directly activated Bell's attachment to it. Magic mark.

After receiving the activation prompt from the magic mark, Bell activated the magic spell previously cast on Fina. While isolating outsiders from observation, he tried to communicate directly with Hermione.

After all, Bell is not Fina who doesn't know anything. He knew that Hermione would not be able to understand what Fina said.

"Hermione, are you okay?"

Belle asked worriedly.

"Hey!? Okay! I-I'm fine!"

Hermione responded frantically.

"Bell!? Is it Bell!? Why did your voice come out of Fina's mouth!?"

"Of course it's me. Don't be surprised, it's just a little magic."

‘I believed you, you idiot! By the way, is there any magic in your mouth? ? ’

Hearing Bell's answer, Hermione subconsciously vomited in her heart.

"Hermione, can you come out now?"

Although from the sound of her voice, Hermione seemed to be fine?

However, if he thought about it, if nothing happened, how could Hermione have been avoiding him for a week.

Therefore, Bell decided to call Hermione out and see with his own eyes what was happening to her.

As for whether Hermione will come out?


Bell never considered this question.

If Hermione doesn't come out, do you really think he won't go in?

As the saying goes, things have priorities, and concerns should also be based on circumstances.

"Get out? Where?"

Hermione asked nervously.

Bell actually asked her to go out? Why did you ask her to go out? What is his intention?

If Bell knew Hermione's inner thoughts at this moment, he would definitely scream aggrieved.

He was obviously worried about Hermione's safety, so why did he think he had any intentions in the other person's mind?

Doesn't he look that good?

Senior Penello was like this before, and Hermione is like this now. Where is the most basic trust between people?

"The common room outside your dormitory. I am here now. It is not convenient for me to enter the girls' dormitory area, so I have to ask Fina to come in and help me pass the message."

"You're in the Gryffindor common room!? Now!? How did you get in!?"

Hearing Bell's answer, Hermione became even more panicked.

Bell was in the Gryffindor common room! ? Doesn't that mean that Bell is now more than 10 meters away from her! ? As long as she leaves the dormitory door, she can see him immediately! ?

what to do? Should she go out to meet Belle? If she went to see him, how would she explain what happened in the past few days? Will Bell be angry if he doesn't go out? But if you go out...

"I just came in. The Gryffindor lounge is not a dragon's den or a tiger's den. Isn't it normal for me to come in and hang out occasionally?"

("Have you not found that damn Ravenclaw yet!? Keep looking! I have to dig deep to find him! No one can fool Gryffindor without paying any price!")

Regarding the "Hedong Lion's Roar" coming from the boys' dormitory area, Bell said that he was really unskilled in the spell he was currently using, so he had to concentrate all his energy to ensure that the connection would not be interrupted. Therefore, his true form cannot hear any sound now.

"And none of this is important. Hermione, come out quickly, otherwise Fina will get impatient later, and it will bite. I am not with it now, but there is no way to restrain it."

Fina rolled her eyes unhappily at her master's slander.

You know, it loves to be clean!

It wouldn't say that when he was a child, he once got muddy while playing in the garden, ran back to the room without taking a shower, and soiled Master Shanna's favorite little skirt. As a result, he was killed that night. Master Shanna left it in the garden where the cold wind blew all night.

It was December! Fina, who was still a little baby, almost turned into a dog from the cold!

So it won't bite people casually.

How unhygienic!

If you encounter something you don't like, you can basically fix it with just a paw. Even if you encounter something you can't handle, doesn't it still have an owner?

Fina didn't believe there was anything that couldn't be solved by "letting the master go". If there is, then adding it is of no use.

So overall, it's completely mouth-free.



Hermione glanced at Fina with a horrified look, and subconsciously moved back, a little further away from Fina.

She once saw Fina eating bones. At that time, she still wanted to blame Bell.

Fina is a cat, not a dog, so how can you feed it bones?

As a result, the next scene completely subverted Hermione's understanding.

The thigh bone, which was almost as thick as her wrist, was chewed to pieces by Fina in three mouthfuls. After eating, she licked her lips with unsatisfied content...

If Fina really took a bite out of her, the best case scenario would probably be to end up with a second-level disability, right?

"S-Son, come on. My relationship with Fina is also very good, so it won't bite me. Isn't that right, little Fina?"

Hermione forced a smile.

At any rate, she has known Xiao Fina for several months. No matter what, Fina wouldn't bite her, right? should?


Not disappointing Hermione, Fina made it clear that she would not bite her.

It raised one of its little paws, popped out the sharp claw hidden in the meat ball with a 'clop' sound, and lightly scratched the table.

A clearly visible scratch mark was deeply imprinted on the table.

‘Stupid humans! ’

Hermione couldn't understand what Fina said. But although she can't understand it, she can understand it!

Hermione almost cried when she saw Fina staring at her and licking her little paws.

You're such a heartless person, it's a shame that you fed it, hugged it, and combed it!

"No! Bell! Tell Fina to stop!"

In desperation, Hermione could only choose to grab the only life-saving straw and ask Bell for help.

"There's nothing I can do. I can't break into the girls' dormitory area, right? So you'd better come out quickly."

Bell continued to scare.

Just kidding, how could Fina attack someone without his permission? Do you still want to eat dried fish?

"Give hour. I'll be out in one hour."

Hermione, who wanted to give her 10 minutes to change clothes, accidentally caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and then decisively extended the time to 1 hour.

"One hour? Isn't that too long?"

"Just 1 hour!"

"Hey? Where's that cute kitten?"

A little witch looked around strangely.

"I don't know! It's strange. I saw it entering this dormitory just now, but why is there nothing in it?"

Another little witch who was also looking around replied.

"Let's look for it."

Someone suggested.

Following the boys' dormitory, the girls' dormitory also began a vigorous sweep.

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