The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 146 Ravenclaw’s Agreement Becomes a Custom

Trying hard to suppress the raised corners of her mouth, Katie's heart was filled with the joy of revenge!

'What? You say I look like a villain? What a joke! What is my identity? I'm the prefect of Gryffindor! I was selected by the professors as an outstanding student who can exercise school rules on their behalf when necessary. In other words, I represent the school rules. I am justice! ’

"Okay, since you want to know so much. My name is Bel Menethil. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. If we don't hurry up, lunch will be cold."

After saying that, Bell hugged Hermione and left without looking back.

Seeing the serious look on the senior sister's face and the gritted teeth, Bell thought that she would do something extraordinary.

Is this the result?

Come on, it’s just college points, will he care? He's not Hermione.

"Bell! No, I'll go help you intercede with the senior. The senior is a very nice person and will definitely be accommodating!"

Ever since she was held in Bell's arms, Hermione had been in a state of brain shutdown.

There was no way she could help it. This was the first time she had been so intimate with Bell in front of outsiders. Of course, the innocent little witch couldn't accept it for a while.

But after hearing that Bell was going to be deducted points, Hermione finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Although, she is still confused and has no idea what happened between her boyfriend and senior Katie.

but! She couldn't just watch her boyfriend's college points being deducted and remain indifferent.

"Forget it, Hermione. You know, I never care about empty house points. And I don't think you can convince your senior sister. What's her name?"

Bell stopped Hermione's move.

From the fact that the other party did not know Hermione, we could know that Hermione had no friendship with the other party.

Now, in order to deduct points from him, the other party has even resorted to dirty tricks like framing him. Bell doesn't think that his girlfriend can change his mind by just saying a few words to him.

By the way, he didn’t seem to have done anything to that senior sister, right? Why is she so angry?

"My senior sister's name is Katie. I don't know her last name either."

Hermione looked at Bell speechlessly.

"By the way, you don't even know your senior's name? Then how on earth did you offend your senior?"

"Hmm~ Did you make a little joke?"

Bell thought for a moment and said with some uncertainty.

‘Why is it a question? ’

Hermione's eyes became even more speechless, but she didn't say anything more.

After all, everything has happened, and now, even blaming Bell is of no use.

And the most important thing is that she believes that her boyfriend is a measured person.

Although Bell's sense of proportion is often a little... big different from others.

Since Bell said it was a little joke, although he felt a little uneasy about the word 'little', but since Katie-senpai didn't seem to be hurt at all, then maybe it was just a misunderstanding. ?

Watching the two people's backs gradually go away, Katie couldn't help but grit her teeth again.

Bell's indifferent attitude just now irritated her a little bit. Even the pleasure of revenge before was weakened a lot because of this.

Bell has no interest in caring about that Kai... What's Kai?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

In short, he has no interest in caring about the thoughts and feelings of a passerby.

After entering the auditorium, Bell took Hermione straight to the Ravenclaw table.

The Gryffindor table was as noisy as ever today, and Bell really didn't want to get close there, let alone sit there and eat.

Because the stamina potion she had taken previously had the function of promoting the digestion and absorption of nutrients, Hermione unexpectedly discovered that she ate about twice as much as usual today!

But compared to Bell, Hermione is a bit insignificant.

In Ravenclaw, there is a common custom that no one will sit on the opposite side or to the left or right of the seat where Bell sits.

It wasn't that Bell was isolated or excluded, and it certainly wasn't possible that Bell didn't allow anyone to sit next to him while eating.

Really, Bell ate too fast and too much!

If they sit too close to Bell, others will not be able to take a few bites of food (except Penello). They were all snatched away by Bell!

"Hu Mi (chew), you go to Huqiuxi first (chew) and take a nap (chew) your fragrance..."

"Swallow your food before you talk!"

Hermione, who had no idea what Bell was saying, reached out and grabbed Bell's ear and twisted it 180 degrees.

At the same time, she put a plate of fried chicken legs far away from Bell in her left hand and put it in front of Bell.

This made an unknown little wizard not far away who was about to eat a fried chicken drumstick take back his hand.



"Water...give me water..."

Because he swallowed too quickly, Bell accidentally choked.

Hermione was annoyed and amused as she took a glass of pumpkin juice from the little wizard on the left.

The poor little wizard thought that by sitting one seat away from Bell as usual, he could enjoy the food in peace as usual.

But who knew, today there would be a Hermione who doesn't follow the 'rules'.

With Hermione's help, Bell's hunting range was slightly expanded.


"It tastes better if it's chilled."

After drinking a glass of pumpkin juice in one gulp, Bell licked his lips and said something unfinished.

Seeing that his girlfriend had a tendency to get angry again, Bell quickly restrained his immorality.

"Ahem... I just said, you should go and rest for a while. You have consumed too much in the morning. Although your physical strength may have been replenished by the magic potion, the mental consumption cannot be easily replenished. . So you go back to the dormitory and get some sleep first. I will call you later."

Bell ruffled Hermione's reddish-brown hair. He was both gratified and a little distressed by his girlfriend's hard work.

Therefore, he must shoulder his responsibilities as a lover and strictly control Hermione's physical condition to ensure that she does not have any negative consequences due to over-training.

"……All right."

Hermione said reluctantly.

Although the two of them had been together all morning, they didn't actually communicate much because they both had things to do, and Hermione always felt that there was a lack of intimacy.

Therefore, now Hermione really wants to stay with Bell, watch him eat, and get some food for him.

But as Bell said, she did consume a lot of energy.

From the beginning, she had been holding on and not letting her eyes close.

After listening to Bell's words and thinking about it for a while, Hermione chose to follow her boyfriend's advice.

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