The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 147 A love affair that ended before it even started

After Hermione left, as expected, Senior Penello appeared on time again.

Looking at the senior sister sitting next to him, Bell was speechless.

He had specifically asked Hermione before, asking if something happened between her and Senior Penello?

As a result, Hermione actually said that she didn't know any Senior Penello at all. She didn't know anyone in Ravenclaw except Bell.

Since Hermione said that, the problem can only be with Senior Penello.

Although Bell was curious as to why, it was not like he had never asked Penelo before.

But obviously the other party had no intention of telling him, so he had to keep his curiosity firmly in his heart.


Penello's expression was a little subtle.

Bell stared at Penello, wondering what happened to him today. Why did he stop talking after calling his name? So what happened?

( ̄~ ̄)


Finally, Penelo, who couldn't stand being stared at by Bell, gritted his teeth and continued to speak.

"I just saw that you...there seemed to be something strange between you and Hermione? Did something happen between you?"


"Strange? What's strange?"

Bell, who had just been taught a lesson by his girlfriend, still felt the pain in his ears that had not completely dissipated. So this time he chewed well, swallowed well, and then spoke well.

Don't praise him, he will be proud.

"It's seems that the two of you have become a lot closer?"

Penello hesitantly asked about the doubts in her heart. She had an ominous premonition.

"Oh, you're talking about that. Hehehe~"

Bell, suddenly enlightened, let out a burst of laughter.

Don't look at his calm and calm appearance in front of Hermione, but in fact, as a single man who can be awarded the title of 'Great Magician', his mood is many times more exciting than Hermione's.

It's just that relatively speaking, he can control his emotions better.

"Senior, let me tell you..."

There was a hint of unconcealable pride in Bell's voice.

"Actually, Hermione and I started dating!"

"Dating, dating!?"

As if struck by a bolt from the blue, Penello stood up suddenly and shouted. Even when the chair behind her fell to the ground, she didn't care at all.

The little wizards from Ravenclaw around looked over curiously.

You know, here in Ravenclaw, few people yell during meals.

Not to mention, they were also surprised to find that the person who shouted out was Penelo Crevat, the beautiful senior sister of their college and one of the female prefects.

Some little witches who knew Penello immediately gathered together and whispered excitedly.

Although Bell didn't know about it, privately, rumors about him and Penelo had already spread throughout Ravenclaw Academy.

Many people are speculating on the relationship between Bell, Penelope, and Hermione.

And now, women's intuition tells them that maybe something good is about to happen!


Bell was a little frightened by Senior Penello's reaction.

Although the fact that he was able to get a girlfriend was indeed shocking. Until now, he still had the illusion that he was dreaming.

But no matter what, there won’t be such a big reaction, right?

Bell felt as if several arrows had been inserted into his chest, so hurt...

"When did it happen!? What happened!?"

Penello grabbed Bell's shoulders tightly with both hands, lowered his head and stared into Bell's eyes, and asked.

In fact, she also knows that her current behavior is very inappropriate, even excessive?

After all, Bell was free to associate with whomever he wanted, and she was just one of his seniors, so she had absolutely no reason to interfere with the other person's feelings.


She understood the truth, but she couldn't control her behavior.

She is not willing to give in!

Very, very, very unwilling!

Although it was indeed the other party who got acquainted with Bell first, Penello did not feel that he was inferior to the other party at all.

Whether it is knowledge, body or appearance, Penello feels that he has the advantage.

Perhaps the only thing that can be said to be weak is age.

So why did she lose?

Why did she lose so inexplicably that everything was settled before she even knew what happened?

"Just yesterday morning. Well, Hermione confessed to me, and then I agreed, and then we were together."

Bell said a little cautiously.

That’s not right! By the way, why should he be cautious and look guilty? It's obvious that he hasn't done anything untoward!

So, why is he afraid to look into Senior Penello's eyes now?

Maybe it's because the emotions revealed in those eyes are so intense, so heavy, so...seemingly familiar...

Her arms slipped down weakly, Penello didn't expect... No, she should have thought of it.

Many times, things are actually that simple.

Because the other party became friends with Bell faster than her, Penelo always felt that Bell's relationship with the other party was always closer than with her.

And now, because the other party was one step ahead of her, Bell and Hermione became lovers, while she became an outsider.

Who is to blame for all this?

Who else could she blame other than herself who was too timid to take that step?

But why? Why is she so unwilling? ?

Penello bit her lip, trying hard not to let tears fall. As Bell's friend, she should be happy for him now and wish him well.

A drop of liquid slipped and landed on Bell's cheek.

Bell looked at Penello in shock, unwilling to believe his inner speculation.

However, as a man, Bell must face all this.

He must give an explanation to Penello, Hermione, and himself.

Bell stretched out his right hand and tapped the tip of his index finger on the corner of Penello's mouth.

There was a flash of blue light, and Bell healed Penelo's bitten lip.

Now, Bell no longer has the energy to estimate what others will think when they see him casting spells without a wand. All his energy was focused on the person in front of him.

"Senior sister, Hermione and I have started dating! Although we may not be qualified to say that we love each other now, there is no doubt that I like Hermione very much and hope to be with her forever and ever. !”

Every sincere feeling should be responded to sincerely. Bell looked directly into Penello's eyes, the determination in his eyes not wavering.

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