The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 158 Bell is worried when no one answers

Bell didn't believe a word of what his father said that his mother and sister were about to demolish the home (in fact, they had already demolished it many times)!

joke! My younger sister is so cute and well-behaved, and my mother is so beautiful and gentle, how could they do something that sounds outrageous at first glance.

So my father must have made a fuss again.

In the morning, after the professor called his name, Bell and Hermione, who was finally willing to talk to him, walked on the way to the Hogwarts platform together.

This time, Bell will ride the Hogwarts Express back to London with Hermione.

After all, we've even spent Christmas together, so it would be outrageous if we didn't ride in the car together when we go home.

"Bell! During the vacation, you must video chat with me every day!"

Hermione stared at Bell seriously.

"If something happens and you really can't make a video, you must tell me in advance!"

However, the second sentence fails.

"Okay, I will definitely video chat with you every day!"

Bell said softly.

Seeing his girlfriend's cute appearance, Bell couldn't help but reach out and rub Hermione's hair.

In fact, he also wanted to spend Christmas with Hermione, but the prerequisite was that Zannah must be there too.

Chatting along the way, the time soon approached noon.

When the train arrived at the station, Bell and Hermione got off the train together.

"Bell, where is your family?"

Hermione asked nervously.

Hermione had been feeling nervous ever since Bell said he would ride the train back to London with her a few days ago.

The reason why she didn't talk to Bell for a few days was because she was angry with him for not spending Christmas with her. On the other hand, she was adjusting her emotions.

Hermione didn't want Bell to know she was nervous.

She was nervous because she was about to meet her parents. What if Bell found out and laughed at her?

Although it had taken several days of adjustment, Hermione still felt as if her heart was being grasped as the train was about to pull into the station, and she was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

Bell looked around strangely. Hermione's question was also what he wanted to ask.

According to the character of his sister and mother, they should have been waiting for him here for a long time. Why is there no one now?

Nothing will happen, right?

"I don't know, maybe something delayed me."

Hearing Bell's answer, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little disappointed.

She didn't know whether she wanted to see Bell's parents now. Still don’t want it?

What if Belle's parents disdain her?

After all, she was born as a Muggle, and as pure-blood Bell's parents, it seemed more likely that they would look down on her?

When she thought of this, Hermione couldn't wait to leave the platform.

"Bell, just wait here, I'll leave first!"

"I'll give it to you."

"No! No need!"

After saying that, Hermione ran towards the exit of the station without looking back without waiting for Bell's reply.

It seemed that she needed some time to adjust her emotions.

Bell looked at Hermione's retreating back in confusion, wondering what happened to his girlfriend? Why are you so anxious?

But now is not the time to think about that. Instead of chasing Hermione and asking her what's wrong, Bell is more concerned about why his family is late?

In the end what happened?

After taking two deep breaths, suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Bell took out his personal terminal. He plans to contact his family.

However, at this moment, a soft sound of 'pop~' suddenly came from beside him.


Today is the first day of the Christmas holiday at Hogwarts, and Bell has contacted his family before telling them that he will take the Hogwarts Express back to London today.

Bell's family strongly agreed with his decision to take the slow train home.

William and Elena originally did not want Bell to use apparation too much. They believed that Bell was too young and should not learn such a dangerous spell.

And for some unspeakable reasons, Shanna rarely hoped that her brother would get home later.

At around 11 o'clock at noon, Bell's home was a busy scene.

After William's angry roar yesterday evening, Elena and Shanna, mother and daughter, who had been so immersed in the battle of wits that they had even forgotten the date, suddenly woke up.

Bell (brother) will be back tomorrow! ?

The two men, who did not want Bell (the older brother) to be homeless, hurriedly stopped the confrontation. Looking at the ruins at their feet, the mother and daughter looked at each other speechlessly.


The mother and daughter called the housekeeper, an old house elf, in unison.

"What are your orders? Mistress, Miss."

Nanu, who appeared in Apparition, calmly glanced at the castle that was once again in ruins.

He didn't know how many times he had seen this scene in recent times.

From the panic at the beginning, now, the house elves, including him, have become accustomed to it. If one day they don't feel the roar of the earth, they will worry, has something happened?

"Quick! Put everything away quickly! We must restore everything to the way it was before Bell (brother) comes back!"*2

Mother and daughter said in unison again.

As a result, there were roars from Bell's house again, but this time it was the sound of construction.

In fact, castles and gardens are relatively easy to restore.

The house elves waved their wands and used restoration spells, and soon the castle was rebuilt from the ruins.

However, the decoration inside the castle is more troublesome.

Some blankets that were burned to ashes by Elena, some vases that were frozen into ice by Zannah, and some murals that flew to who knows where, these cannot be repaired by simply using restoration spells.

And compared to the castle, the magical animals that hid somewhere after being frightened, and the magical plants that were affected and became dilapidated, are the real big trouble!

After a night of emergency repairs, and with the efforts of dozens of house elves, the Bell family managed to regain its original appearance.

As for the damaged magic stone statues and the defensive magic circle that can barely keep functioning, we really can only find time to repair them later.

"No! It's already this time! Bell will arrive in London soon!"

After taking a look at the time, Elena couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Then let's go to the station now."

William suggested.

He wished that Bell could come back and see the ruins of his home. Anyway, he had no choice but to place his hope on Bell. I hope Bell can control these two women at home.


Elena and Zanna said in unison for the third time.

‘So the relationship between you two is actually very good! ? ’

William was speechless.

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