The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 159 William the scapegoat

"I'm going to put on makeup."

After Elena finished speaking, she rushed towards her bedroom like a gust of wind.

"I'm going to change clothes."

After Shanna finished speaking, she rushed towards her bedroom like a gust of wind.

'Oh, woman...'

William was the only one left there, thinking disdainfully in his heart.

Of course, he only dared to think about it in his heart.

10 minutes have passed... half an hour has passed... 1 hour has passed...

"Okay, let's go quickly!"*2

William, who had fallen asleep at some point, was awakened by a shout. He was really sleepy after not sleeping all night.

As soon as he opened his eyes, William saw two women at home, one large and one young, standing in front of him with a new look, glaring at him dissatisfied.

After stretching, William walked sleepily towards the parking lot of the speed car. He planned to go to the car to catch up on his sleep.

As for driving?

Just kidding, the flying cars they produce all have low-level intelligence. As long as the destination is set, they can drive to their destination automatically without any control at all.

"Oops! The speed is too slow! Brother should have arrived at the station by now!"

Looking at the direction her father was walking, Shanna raised an objection dissatisfiedly.

"But, aren't you unwilling to use Floo powder? You said that your brother has not allowed you to use Floo powder for teleportation."

Elena looked at her little daughter strangely.

Little Zannah always listens to her brother's words, but since Bell objected to her using floo powder last year, she only takes flying cars wherever she goes.

As for her youngest daughter’s persistence, Elena actually very much agrees with it!

After all, when using Floo powder, it will inevitably be contaminated with some dust, which will stain her clothes and makeup.

‘Could it be said that Shanna will disobey her brother’s instructions for the first time today? ’

Elena didn't know whether it was expectation or something else.

"We can use apparation!"

After saying that, before her parents could react, Shanna stomped the ground hard.

Magic power was injected into the flying shoes, and in just a moment, she moved outside the defensive barrier, and then disappeared from the sight of William and Elena in a burst of distortion.


William opened his mouth wide and stared at the place where his little daughter disappeared without blinking. The sleepiness in his mind disappeared instantly.

"Honey, I shouldn't be dreaming, right?"

William was a little suspicious. Could it be that he was actually still sleeping?

Elena silently stretched out her hand, placed it on William's waist, and squeezed it 'gently'.

"Ah——! It hurts! What are you doing!?"

William clutched his waist and glared at his wife.

"Well, it seems you're not dreaming."

Elena silently retracted her hand.

If William hadn't asked the question in time just now, she would have almost pinched herself. My husband performed well today and deserves praise.


"Okay! Let's stop talking about you and me! Why don't you catch up quickly! I'll have to ask Bell carefully in a while, what did he teach Shanna in private!?"

Interrupting William's complaint, Elena also quickly ran towards the outside of the defensive barrier.

Really, she didn’t even look at what was going on now, and she just kept complaining. Fortunately, she thought William performed well today. Praise canceled!

William only reacted after being reminded by his wife.

Yes! Now the question is, why is Zannah able to cast Disapparate? How dare she cast Disapparate at such a young age! ?

no! After a while, he must also interrogate Bell carefully about what he taught his good daughter! ?

At platform nine and three-quarters, Shanna really felt her brother's aura. So, she directly apparated and appeared next to her brother.


While shouting, Zannah rushed into Bell's arms.


Bell quickly hugged his sister.

"What happened? Why did you Apparate? Where are the parents?"

After sensing his sister's emotions and finding that Shanna did not exude any negative emotions such as anxiety or sadness, Bell felt a little more at ease.

No matter what, as long as nothing happens to your family, it's not a big deal.


Shanna's heart was very tangled.

On the one hand, she doesn't want her brother to know about her fight with her bad mother. In that case, what if her brother thinks that she is not good?

On the other hand, she didn't want to lie and deceive her brother. My brother once said that it is a very shameful behavior to achieve a goal through deception.

Looking at his hesitant sister, Bell said nothing. He just stared at Shanna quietly.

Although he was indeed curious about what happened, if Shanna didn't want to talk, then he wouldn't force it.

He can still ask his parents.

Fortunately, Shanna didn't have to struggle for long before Elena and William apparated one after another and appeared next to them.

"Oh, honey, you look like you've grown taller again. How was your time at Hogwarts?"

As soon as Elena appeared, she couldn't wait to hug Bell and asked with a smile.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bell always feels that his mother's smile is a bit far-fetched? So something really happened, right?

"Mom, what happened?"

Bell asked.

"...Haha, this... is actually your father, right! That's him! He... tell me, what good things have you done!?"

Elena, who really didn't know how to explain it, decisively chose to pass the blame to her husband.

She turned her head and looked at William behind her, and cast a threatening look at William without Bell noticing.

‘It’s so hard for me! ! ! ’

Seeing the hidden, threatening looks cast by his wife and little daughter at the same time, what could William do? He is so desperate!

"Actually...actually I didn't wake up in the morning, so I set up the automatic navigation for the speeding car. But I accidentally pronounced the wrong sound and ran to Landes, Belgium!"

Sure enough, people are forced out, and William himself admires his wit.


Bell was a little skeptical. He looked at his mother who was nodding her head, and then at his sister who was burying her head in his arms and acting coquettishly.

"Didn't I tell you that the intelligence on the flying car is only rudimentary? It would be better to use automatic navigation as little as possible in the future. God knows where that stupid car will go."

In short, after confirming that nothing serious happened, Bell temporarily believed his father's mistake.

"By the way! Bell, why did Zannah use Disapparation!"

Elena looked at her son seriously. I don’t know if she is really concerned about Zannah learning to apparate, or is she trying to divert Bell’s attention?

After all, my husband's excuse was so unreliable. My son is so smart, how could he be deceived?

I really don’t know what William is thinking, he’s so stupid!

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