The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 160 The castle is too old and needs to be repaired

"Just learn it, it's not a difficult spell. Okay, this is not a good place to chat. Let's go home first."

Bell said casually.

Putting Zanna down, Bell took out his wand.

‘Everything is forgotten! ’

Not far away, a little wizard who had been rubbing his eyes since Zannah's apparition appeared was stunned for a moment, and then walked towards the exit as if nothing had happened.

"Let's go."

With that said, Bell took Shanna's hand and disappeared.

William and Elena looked at each other helplessly, then disapparated and left.

Standing outside the defensive barrier of his home, Bell carefully observed the castle and gardens not far away.

‘…Well, intact. Sure enough, it was my father who was making the fuss. ’

As for the perceived defensive barrier, why are there some abnormal fluctuations?

After using a barrier for a long time, there will always be a few days every month where things don't feel right. Is that normal?

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Shanna asked nervously.

The little girl stood behind Bell, trying not to let her brother see her nervous expression. At the same time, she took a closer look at the home in front of her.

'……Ah, very good! The movements of the house elves are still very fast. ’

"Nothing, let's go home."


After their parents also apparated, the Bell family of four walked happily towards the castle.

"Over there...I remember there was a tower before?"

As he walked, Bell always felt as if something was missing. After thinking for a moment, Bell pointed to the north side of the castle and asked.


"Oh, that... that tower is a bit too old. After discussing it with your mother, I decided to tear it down and build a new one."

William quickly used his intelligence and deceived him.

‘So you two don’t look at me anymore! Sure enough, the relationship between you two is actually very good, right? Otherwise, where would this kind of tacit understanding come from? ? ’

For the mother and daughter who both cast threatening glances at him as soon as they heard Bell's question, William really wanted to cry without tears!

The tower on the north side was destroyed during the first 'battle' between mother and daughter. After that, it was ravaged over and over again before it could be repaired.

Later, not even a single intact stone could be found, and there was no way to repair it with a restoration spell. Plus I was so busy and dizzy that I completely forgot about it.

It wasn't until Bell mentioned it that William suddenly discovered that his house was missing a tower. In fact, during this period of time, he was almost having a nervous breakdown from being tortured by his mother and daughter.

‘So don’t let me take the blame again! I don’t want to carry these pots! ’


Bell was a little confused again. Although he really couldn't remember exactly how old the tower was, but with magic, even if he wanted to renovate it, there shouldn't be any need to demolish it, right?

Looking at the messy magical plants and scattered magical animals in the garden, Bell frowned.

"Dad, have you encountered any difficulties in collecting magical creatures? Also, why did they all run away as soon as they saw us coming?"

"No! It went quite smoothly! But you also know that if you want to transport magical creatures from abroad to us, you need to establish a lot of connections at the Ministry of Magic in various countries, so the procedures are more complicated. As for why they fled... this……"

William's forehead was sweating a little.

Why did you run away?

That's of course because they saw the two female devils at home coming over! Otherwise, why else?

But William would not dare to say this even to death.

"Because they see you, honey."

After glaring at her useless husband, Elena spoke quickly.

"You haven't spent much time at home, so they are relatively unfamiliar with you and don't dare to approach you."


Bell was a little confused again.

Remember during the summer vacation, when he stayed at home for a few days, the number of magical creatures seemed to be slightly more than now? And there has never been a situation where they avoided me, right?

"Brother! Let's go quickly! It's already 12 o'clock, and Shanna's belly is hungry."

Shanna decisively made the final rescue.


Bell rubbed his sister's little head.

Regardless of so many things, nothing is as important as filling her belly with my sister!

Speeding up, Bell took Zanna's hand and strode to the gate of the castle. He put his hand on the door and was about to open it.




Before Bell could exert any force, the door fell down completely, causing the ground to tremble slightly. Before the trembling on the ground stopped, an outer wall not far to the right of the gate collapsed and opened a large hole, stirring up dust all over the sky.

‘Well, it seems that this castle is indeed too old. It seems to have been built 500 years ago? So it seems reasonable for the North Tower to be completely demolished and renovated? ’

After ignoring these insignificant episodes, the family happily enjoyed a sumptuous lunch.

After the meal, Bell and Shanna returned to the room to rest.

"Sanna, what happened between you and mom?"

Sitting on the sofa in Zannah's bedroom, Bell asked his sister who was clinging to him.

"W-what!? F-what happened?"

Shanna was startled and asked nervously.

"I'm asking you if you're okay?"

Bell rubbed his sister's little head lovingly.

"I see there was a strange atmosphere between you and mom during dinner?"

"Oh, n-nothing. Nothing happened between me and Bad Mom."

Shanna breathed a sigh of relief. She thought her brother had discovered something.

But having said that, when eating before, she did have a habit of guarding against bad mothers who drugged her meals. Unexpectedly, my brother felt strange about this?

As expected of a brother!

"Sanna, I vaguely noticed it before. Why do you call your mother 'bad mother'?"

Bell frowned and asked.

"Because she is a 'bad mother'! Not only did she attack my brother and me on the platform, but she also punished my brother later. She is a bad mother!"

Zannah said angrily.

"Sanna, you haven't been calling your mother 'bad mother' at home these past few months, right?"


Shanna puffed up her small breasts with some pride.


Bell's expression rarely became serious. He sat up straight, turned around, and looked directly into Zannah's eyes.


Zannah immediately sat up straight when she heard her brother calling her name in a stern tone that was rare, no, never before.

"It's not wrong for my mother to do that. And the most important thing is that it doesn't become a reason for you to disrespect your mother! I originally thought that you just said a few words playfully. I didn't expect that you actually... I have been calling mom this for months! Now, go and apologize to mom immediately!"


Shanna pouted her mouth in embarrassment.

"No but! Now, go and apologize to mom immediately, don't let me say it a third time!"

Bell said sternly.

"R-I'm sorry——! Ah——!"


Little Shanna cried in grievance.

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