The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 161 As expected, Shanna is both well-behaved and cute

"You're not apologizing to me! You're going to apologize to your mother!"

Bell gritted his teeth and continued to scold him sternly.

Listening to Shanna's cries gradually fade away, Bell felt like his heart was cut by a knife. Just now, he almost lost his composure and spoke out to comfort his sister.

Bell slumped on the sofa, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his emotions.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a loud bang, and two doors flew past Bell's eyes. His mother, Elena, appeared at the door holding Sanna.


Bell seemed to know why his sister always liked to blow down the door.

"Bell! Why did you bully your sister as soon as you got home!"

Elena held her sobbing little daughter and glared at Bell.

Elena was extremely surprised when she saw her little daughter crying and coming to apologize to her. She could swear that even if Voldemort was resurrected immediately and appeared in front of her, she would not be so surprised.

In her opinion, her son doted on her little daughter to the heavens. It is not an exaggeration at all to say that the stars are not given to the moon.

By the way, no rhetorical device is used in this sentence.

Therefore, if she wasn't familiar enough with Bell, Elena almost thought that her son had been kidnapped. And the person in front of me was pretending to be someone who drank polyjuice potion.

William, who was following his wife, glanced at his wife's back speechlessly. Is she addicted to house demolition during this period? That kick just now almost brought down the entire wall.

Why hadn't he noticed before that his wife had such an irritable side?

"Exactly! Bell, you have gone too far!"

William scolded Bell harshly, but he was secretly having fun in his heart.

This is truly a God-given opportunity! While his son and his youngest daughter were having conflicts, he could seize the opportunity to comfort his youngest daughter and buy more delicious and fun things for Shanna. I believe that Shanna will be able to realize how good her father is, which will greatly increase his status in Shanna's heart!

Maybe, even surpassing Bell is not impossible!

Faced with the cold expressions of his parents, Bell rolled his eyes speechlessly. What made him seem so heinous?

"Sanna, come here."

Ignoring his parents' questions, Bell waved to his sister who was sobbing in her mother's arms.


Upon hearing her brother's call, the little girl jumped down from her mother's arms and walked over.

'no! My dear daughter, don’t go there! Don't be afraid, your father will support you! ’

Seeing that his youngest daughter still obeyed his son so much, William was a little suspicious of his life.

So didn't the two of them quarrel? Wasn't Shanna crying super sad just now? Why did she just go over obediently when Bell waved?

‘What a cheater! This is it! ! ! ’

William, whose plan was stillborn before it could be implemented, roared unwillingly in his heart.

Seeing Shanna standing in front of him with her head bowed, looking aggrieved, Bell almost failed again.

"Ahem...have you apologized to mom?"

Bell asked.


Shanna nodded her head.

"Has mom forgive you?"


Shanna nodded her little head again.

"Not allowed again, do you understand?"


Shanna nodded her head for the third time.

"Come here and let me wipe your tears. I'm almost crying like a little cat."

Shanna threw herself into Bell's arms, tears bursting out of her eyes again. In all her life, this was the first time that Shanna had been scolded so harshly by her brother. The little girl felt extremely wronged.

"Okay, don't cry anymore. It's my brother's fault. Can he apologize to you?"

Bell stroked his sister's little head distressedly, patted Shanna's back with his right hand, and comforted her softly.

Obviously, little Shanna, who had endured the biggest grievance in her life, could not be comforted by her brother's simple two words.

At least 20 sentences!

The little girl kept pushing her head hard against her brother's chest, venting her grievances, dissatisfaction... and fear.

Yes, it's fear.

For Shanna, grievances and dissatisfaction are actually no big deal, but the fear of whether her brother will no longer like her is the key to making her burst into tears.

Seeing the harmonious and warm scene between the brother and sister, Elena reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She closed the door gently, grabbed the back collar of William, who was still doubting life, and left.

‘This is neither science nor magic! There is no way my daughter...'

No matter how reluctant William is, reality is reality and will not change according to his wishes.

And at this time, William still didn't realize that due to Bell's interference, the mother and daughter Sanna and Elena had reconciled.

Therefore, he no longer has to live a life of worry about whether he will step on a trap when walking home, whether there is life and death water in the food, and whether a Boggart will suddenly appear under the bed. .

The next morning, as soon as Shanna opened her eyes, she couldn't wait to jump out of bed.

It’s that time of year again, the time to open Christmas presents.

Although every year on her birthday, Shanna also receives birthday gifts from her brother. But those gifts are usually books, dolls, or beautiful little dresses.

Christmas gifts are different. Just like the brooch from the year before last, the scarf from the year before last, the butterfly hairpin from last year, etc., they are all gifts made by my brother himself.

So Shanna is looking forward to it very much. What will her brother make for her this Christmas?

After quickly opening one gift after another, Shanna finally discovered her brother's Christmas gift.

The gift is a dark gray hooded long trench coat. There are carapace-like armors inlaid on the right shoulder and left chest of the windbreaker. The hem of the windbreaker is also dotted with fine lace.

Shanna happily picked up the windbreaker and put it on herself.

The windbreaker, which was originally a bit big, quickly shrank in size after Shanna put it on, until it fit her figure. Shanna moved her little hand to the side, and the full-length mirror on the wall flew over and floated in front of her.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Shanna nodded with satisfaction.

The overall style of this windbreaker is rather handsome, but the patterns and some small decorations embellished on the windbreaker give Sanna wearing it an eccentric feeling.

All in all, it’s very cute!

On Christmas morning, as soon as Bell opened his eyes, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Gift boxes one after another filled his room. Bell looked around, but couldn't find a place to put his feet.

‘So when did I become so popular! ? ’

Bell casually took the gift box closest to him. After opening it, a subtle smell wafted out of the gift box.

Looking closely, Bell discovered that what was inside was a plate of... sweet and sour pork ribs?

He wasn't quite sure what these dark things on the plate were.

Bell opened several gift boxes around him one after another, and found that they contained all kinds of meals.

Bell had speculation in his mind.

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