The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 183 Little Shanna’s first plane trip

"Brother! And mom and dad, what are you doing!? Let's go! There seems to be something fun over there!"

Xiao Shanna urged dissatisfiedly.

Now their family has passed customs and entered the waiting hall. The energetic little Shanna would run here to look at it, and then run over there to touch it. Everything she saw seemed strange.

"Brother! Brother! Is that big guy the so-called 'handicap'?"

little Shanna asked curiously.

"It's 'airplane'."

Bell stroked his sister's hair lovingly.

"Yes, we will take that one to China soon."

"So big!"

little Zannah exclaimed.

She had never seen such a large vehicle before, it was even bigger than her bedroom.

Compare her own flying car, which is only about... about ten times as big as hers, and the internal space is almost as large as her room.

So now, this one probably has... um... many, many planes as big as her, and the space inside should be comparable to a Quidditch pitch! ?

I wonder if she can play Quidditch with her brother on the plane in a while?

 ̄△ ̄

Standing in front of her seat, little Shanna felt that her young heart had been deeply hurt.

How can someone be so hateful! ? Even she, a 10-year-old child, had to be deceived!

Little Shanna wants to explode something.

My brother said that bad guys who deceive children will not regret their death!

"What's wrong, Zannah?"

Bell looked at his sister strangely. I don’t know why, but as soon as she got on the plane, Shanna, who was so lively just now, quickly became quiet. Now I am still standing in front of my seat in a daze.

"Brother, let's go kill those bad guys!"

Xiao Shanna's face was tense and serious.

"What? Who do you want to kill?"

Bell was a little confused. Didn't he see any bad guys?

"It's the big bad guy who sold us the plane tickets! How could he let us take this plane? There is no traceless expansion spell used to expand the space!"

Xiao Shanna said angrily.

"Yes! That's right! He dares to hack us, we must not let him go!"

Rarely, her mother Elena is also on the same side as Shanna.

Looking at the rows of narrow seats, Elena was very dissatisfied. This is simply narrower than the Knight Bus!

Looking at his father who was nodding in agreement, and his mother and sister who were about to take out their wands and start working, Bell stopped them in a state of laughter and tears.

"Muggle vehicles do not have the Invisible Stretch Charm cast on them, and Muggles don't know how to cast spells. So this is normal."

Bell explained.

"But this is too narrow!"

Even after listening to her brother's explanation, little Shanna was still dissatisfied.

She had planned to play Quidditch with her brother on the plane before, but now it looked like it was more like playing peek-a-boo.

"Bell, do you think you could talk to the conductor about changing to a bigger place?"

Elena looked around, seemingly looking for a more spacious location.

She also didn't want her little daughter to suffer in such a narrow seat.

"Um, but this is already first class, the most spacious seat."

Bell helplessly spread his hands.

Finally, with Bell's comfort, several people finally sat down in their seats.

However, Bell did not realize at this time that his disastrous journey had just begun.

Not long after the plane took off...

"Brother, why is this plane always buzzing? It's so noisy! Can you make it quieter?"

Little Shanna pouted her mouth unhappily.

The noise of the plane affected her chatting with her brother.

"Um...that's what airplanes are like. How about I put up a soundproof barrier around it."

After a while after Bell put up the soundproof barrier...

"Sanna, what are you doing?"

Bell asked curiously as he looked at his sister who had been groping around the window since just now.

"Brother, how do I open this window? I feel a little stuffy and want to get some air."

"Uh... Shanna, you can't open the windows on the plane."

"Hey!? Why? How can there be such unreasonable rules?"

Little Shanna was very surprised.

The plane is so narrow and there are so many people inside, it will definitely be boring. As a result, it is even stipulated that windows cannot be opened for ventilation? Which bad guy made the rule? How could he be so bad! ?

Seeing that his sister couldn't help but want to take out her wand and hit the bad guy, Bell quickly removed the window next to Shanna, and then placed a layer of Qi Barrier on the window. This kind of enchantment is specially engraved on the flying car to ensure fresh air inside the car.

After a while the air became fresher...

"elder brother!"

Xiao Shanna said suddenly.

"What, what's wrong, Zannah?"

The smile on Bell's face was a little forced.

"Brother, I want to play with Fina. Can you let Fina out?"

"Um, but..."

Bell was a little embarrassed.

Pets are not allowed on airplanes. Moreover, if Fina bursts out with fire, it will be great fun.

"Brother, it's so pitiful that Fina is left alone in the suitcase. I can vaguely hear Fina's lonely whine. And after not seeing each other for such a long time, Fina must miss me very much!"

Little Shanna stared at her brother seriously.


Little Fina sneezed.

It stood up and looked around. I don't know why, but it suddenly felt a chill.

Fina, who found nothing, lay back down again. When she thought that it would not be long before it would fall into the hands of some little female devil again, Fina felt a burst of sadness, and the meat in her mouth no longer tasted good. )

Bell discovered that his sister was indeed his sister, and she had learned the essence of his lies. All kinds of nonsense that you don’t even believe if you tell me, just come out of your mouth.

"But my brother wants to play with Shanna, and he..."

"Okay! Okay!"

Before Bell could finish making up an excuse, little Shanna couldn't wait to agree.

"Brother, let's play a battle game!"

"Um... Brother doesn't want to move now. Let's play wizard chess."

Bear would be crazy to play a battle game with Shanna on the plane. If the little girl gets too excited, he has no chance of counteracting every spell from Shanna.

Terrorist attacks, which require such technical skills, should be left to professionals.

Shanna happily played wizard chess with her brother...




Bell looked at his father William, waiting for him to make a move.

"I'm a little disgusted. Why is this thing called an airplane so bumpy?"

William covered his mouth and turned a little pale.

"No, Dad! It's okay for you to drive a speeding car, but you can still get airsick on a plane?"

Bell said he couldn't understand, so what exactly is the principle?

And William is even less likely to understand.

So in the end, Belser gave his father a bottle of water of life and death, once and for all, eliminating the possibility of anything happening in the future.

William is sleeping...

"Brother, haven't we arrived yet?"

Little Shanna looked at her watch and saw that an hour had passed since they got on the plane. In her life, she has never experienced a situation where she could not reach her destination even after spending an hour.

As long as she depresses the accelerator of the speed car, she can go anywhere in less than an hour.

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