The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 184 Never fly again!

"No, it's only been an hour. It's still very early to arrive in China."

"Hey!? But brother, didn't you say that I flew to China less than an hour ago?"

Facing his sister's questions, Bell was speechless.

Mainly because he didn't know what to say to appease Shanna's little mood.

On Shanna's birthday last year, Bell gave her a speed car with the highest configuration as a birthday present.

For this reason, his parents complained about him a lot. He said that Shanna was so young, sitting on the seat and not even taller than the steering wheel, how could she drive? What if someone is killed?

Of course, that was all last year. Now, Bell didn't know what his mother Elena was thinking, but his father, William, didn't mind Shanna driving a speeding car out for fun at all.

As long as his little daughter doesn't tear down the family, William will support whatever she wants to do!

And the flying car named 'Bena' by Shanna has a maximum flying speed of 10 times the speed of sound. Starting from a standstill and accelerating to maximum speed only takes 10 seconds.

After receiving the birthday gift from her brother, the happy little girl immediately boarded the 'Bena' and flew towards the sky while video chatting with her brother.

Looking at her happy sister on the screen, Bell was also very happy. While he was instructing Shanna to master the flying skills, he was also guiding Shanna's flight path.

Although the various hidden magic words engraved on the speeder can ensure that it will not be detected by Muggle radar. But if it flies too fast, it may still be captured by the detection magic of the Ministry of Magic of various countries.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Bell asked Shanna to fly along the national border or over uninhabited areas.

That day, Shanna returned home after flying around the earth. And this is also one of the main reasons why parents complain about Bell.

There is no doubt that it is impossible for an ordinary civil airliner to fly from the UK to China within one hour.

Although he doesn't know much about it, Bell guesses that even the fastest military aircraft may not be able to do it?

‘So why is there no portkey connection between China and Britain? ’

Bell thought dissatisfied.

"Sanna, the speed of a plane is much slower than a speeding car."

"Then how long will it take to get to China?"

"Um, about... about 10 hours..."



Bell tilted his head, not daring to look at his sister's look of disbelief.

"Okay, Zannah, be quiet!"

Elena finally couldn't stand it anymore and spoke out to save her son.

"And Bell, you've been doting on Shanna more and more recently. If this continues, she will become more and more willful, so be careful!"

Elena gave Bell a rare scolding.

"Yes, Mom, I will pay attention."

In fact, Bell himself discovered this problem. But when he thought of Shanna crying so sadly when she returned home during the summer vacation, Bell, who felt that he was ashamed of his sister, could not help but refuse his sister's request.

Now that her mother had raised this issue, Bell simply took advantage of the situation and made up his mind to be stricter with Shanna in the future.

"I'm sorry, brother..."

Shanna's heart was full of apologies. Because of her, my brother was punished by his mother once before. Now it was because of her that her brother was scolded by his mother.

Because her brother finally had a vacation, and because she could travel abroad with her brother, Shanna, who was a little overheated, finally calmed down.

After being scolded by her brother once before, she will no longer lose her temper with her mother Elena like she did in the past.

"It doesn't matter."

Bell rubbed Zannah's little head lovingly.

"As long as she knows her mistakes and can correct them, Shanna is a good child. Besides, my brother also made mistakes. How about we correct them together?"


Shanna nodded her little head cutely.

As long as she can be with her brother, even if she makes mistakes together, Shanna will feel happy.

"Sanna is so good! If you feel bored, just take a nap. Brother will wake you up when the time comes."

Bell suggested.

"No! I want to play with my brother!"

After finally being able to play with her brother again, Shanna didn't want to waste even a second.

The reason why she had such serious dissatisfaction before was because she couldn't play with her brother as much as she wanted in the cramped airplane cabin.

She knew that her brother didn't really like playing wizard chess.

"Finally here~!"

As soon as she got off the plane, Shanna jumped up and down with excitement. The previous 11-hour trip was a hellish torture for her.

"Brother, let's not take a plane next time, okay?"

Shanna looked at her brother pitifully.

"I won't sit down! I won't sit down anymore!"

Not to mention Zanna, even Bell wanted to blow up the plane later!

He is used to the speed of speeding cars and the convenience of apparating. Now it is really torture for Bell to take a "slow" means of transportation like an airplane!



After another complicated customs inspection, the family finally left the airport hall. The greeting personnel who had been waiting outside for a long time came over immediately.

"Nais, Tu, Miter, You, Ai, Aimu, Zhao Youde. (Hello, my name is Zhao Youde.)"

In just half a sentence, beads of sweat dripped from Zhao Youde's forehead. Looking at the row after row of Chinese pinyin on the small book in his hand, his heart felt so cool!

Zhao Youde couldn't understand it. Even though he was lazy and slept during the night shift, it had become an unwritten rule in the department.

As a result, nothing happened while others were sleeping on the night shift. But when it was his turn to work the night shift, that damn fat minister suddenly got crazy. He didn't want to stay in the warm bed, but decided to come and make some sort of surprise attack. examine! ? Crazy!

Zhao Youde couldn't figure out when he had offended that damn fat man, and he could only accept the fact that he had betrayed him.

In short, not only did he have one month's salary deducted, but he was also assigned a job that no one wanted to do.

'etc! By the way, could it be because those bastards were afraid that the job of receiving foreign guests would fall on them, so they went to the damn fat man to report him? ’

Zhao Youde felt that he could not figure out the truth.

‘Just wait for me! ’

As for why no one wants to do the job of hosting foreign guests? That's of course because no one speaks English!

Just kidding, there is no English course in the academy, okay? Only the devil knows what those chirping bird sounds mean!

The small book in his hand, which is said to contain all daily English conversations, was something he had to go through a lot of trouble to get by asking a friend who knew many 'non-spiritual people' to get it.

Moreover, although it was to adapt to the international situation, the big bosses of the Monk Alliance in the past few years had somehow established a department like the International Exchange and Cooperation Department.

But since their establishment, apart from doing odd jobs for other departments, they haven't done much serious work, okay?

Therefore, when they received the notice from above a few days ago, they all thought that the minister had finally lost his nerve.

You know, their minister was assigned to the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation as a handyman because he offended someone. So the fat minister always dreams of finding opportunities to perform, so that he can prove himself and get promoted and make a fortune.

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