The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 186 The Chinese Monk World

"Most people use flying swords."

Zhao Youde introduced.

"There are basically no flying broomsticks. After all, the posture of sitting on a broomstick is difficult for many people to accept, especially men.

In addition, there are some flying carpets, but because the flying speed of flying carpets is relatively slow, most of them are used when families go out together. "

Bell nodded in agreement. He also doesn't like riding broomsticks.

Although he knew that the broomstick was enchanted and would not feel uncomfortable sitting on it, he just couldn't accept it emotionally. So except for flying lessons in school, he almost never chooses to fly on a broomstick.

"Speaking of Brother Youde, I have always heard that the Chinese magic world, no, the monk world is very xenophobic, but...I mean, from you, I don't feel that...tendency?"

Bell considered his words and asked his doubts.

As a Chinese in his previous life, he was also very curious about the situation in China in this life. However, even if he searched all the books at home, he only found a few fragments.

"Hey, what you're talking about is the old almanac. Nowadays, except for some hermit monks who don't care about worldly affairs, everyone is actually quite curious about things in other countries."

"Then why are there so few exchanges between the European and American magic circles and the Chinese monk circles?"

Bell has been curious about this issue for a long time.

"I don't know much about the specifics, even though I'm a bigot. I'll just tell you what I learned from the textbooks when I was in the academy."

Hearing this, Bell turned sideways and looked at Zhao Youde expectantly.

"In our country, monks have had close ties with various dynasties since ancient times. Some powerful seniors will be named 'National Preceptors' by the emperor.

Oh, by the way, at that time, people like us were generally called 'Taoist priests'. Later, because more and more people were unwilling to live a life of seclusion in the mountains, they gradually changed their name to 'monk'.

And I heard that the monks over there in Europe seem to be called ‘wizards’? They are often hunted down by 'people without spiritual roots', that is, ordinary people. In the Middle Ages, there were massive witch-hunting campaigns in Europe?

In short, due to the different circumstances, it seems that from a long time ago, the overall strength of the Chinese monk community has far exceeded that of the outside world.

Therefore, the ancient monks looked down upon foreigners, who were called "barbarians" at that time.

In addition, because they were afraid that the hatred of wizards among ordinary people in foreign countries would spread to the Central Plains, the monks took the initiative to cut off contact with the outside world.

Later, you came up with some kind of "secrecy law" that prohibited wizards from contacting ordinary people. On the Chinese side, there are still many contacts between monks and people without spiritual roots, especially cooperation with the government.

Therefore, I heard that in order to prevent their existence from being exposed, those wizards also actively cut off information from China.

Since then, communication between the two sides has been completely severed. "

Bell nodded thoughtfully.

To put it simply, it is the different attitudes of Muggles towards wizards that have led to completely different situations for wizards in the two places, thus creating a gap that isolates the two worlds.

"Brother Youde, you just said that Chinese monks have a lot of contact with people without spiritual roots? How exactly do they come into contact?"

Bell asked.

"That's a lot. Many of the Taoist priests in Taoist temples are monks, and they often solve problems for rich people.

In addition, there are also some monks serving in the government departments of those without spiritual roots.

There are also fortune tellers on the roadside and some goddesses in the village. The weirdest thing is that there are monks who will go to the market for people without spiritual roots to set up stalls and sell some cultivation secrets.

However, it is strictly prohibited to sell magic weapons to those without spiritual roots.

It is said that this custom of selling secret books originated decades ago. At that time, there was a monk with a bad taste who sold a secret book "Palm of the Tathagata" to a child.

As a result, the child actually had spiritual roots and successfully practiced the secret book in a daze. I heard that later on, he seemed to have become a great master. "


By the way, why does Bell have an inexplicable sense of déjà vu? There was once a big boss named ‘Fire Cloud Evil God’, right?

The speed of the car was very fast. Although Zhao Youde was a novice among novices, he still quickly sent the Bell family to the hotel.

"Then you guys should rest first and I'll come back tomorrow morning. What time?"

After settling the Bell family, Zhao Youde wisely prepared to leave immediately.

"8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Bell said.


Watching Zhao Youde go downstairs, William finally had a chance to speak.

"Bell, what did you talk to that person along the way? The Chinese monk alliance is going too far! They actually sent a person who doesn't speak English to receive us. Are they provoking!?"

William's dissatisfaction was bottled up all the way. If his son hadn't been able to speak Chinese, he would have turned around and left with his family!

"Let's talk about the situation in the monk community in China."

Bell said calmly.

In fact, he was not surprised that Zhao Youde could not speak English.

If you look at the Hogwarts curriculum, you will know that wizards have no concept of learning foreign languages. Only the staff of the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, some of whom would deliberately learn a foreign language because of their work needs.

From this point onwards, it is understandable that the Chinese monk community, which has almost zero communication with the outside world, cannot find a monk who can speak English.

"Don't be angry, Dad. Anyway, the result is not bad, isn't it? Go to bed early, we will be busy tomorrow."

It was already very late now. Bell glanced at his sister who was rubbing her eyes sleepily, then found a bedroom and placed Shanna in it.

"Okay then, good night."

Considering the huge market in China, William decided not to care about some minor flaws.

"Good night, Mom and Dad."

"Good night, Belle."

Standing in front of the bedroom window, Bell quietly looked at the city in the dark night.

The hotel arranged for them by the Monk Alliance is located in the center of the Chinese capital, which can be regarded as the most prosperous area in the entire Chinese country. However, the capital of China in this era was far from as prosperous as it would later be.

There was no entertainment, no people coming and going, and the city was dark late at night. Even with Bell's eyesight, he could only vaguely see buildings that were not tall in the distance.

Standing on this land again, Bell was filled with emotions, but he couldn't express what he felt in his heart.

familiar? But this is not the motherland he once was.

Miss you? As I said before, he has no nostalgia for his previous life.

In the end, Bell could only breathe a long sigh of relief and once again lamented that the human heart is really too complicated. Maybe it would take a lifetime to think just to figure out his own thoughts?

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