Early the next morning, Zhao Youde came to the door of the hotel. At 8 o'clock sharp, the Bell family came downstairs on time and appeared in front of Zhao Youde.

"Little brother Bell, where are you going today?"

Zhao Youde asked.

"Since we are here to investigate the market, of course we should go to the busiest commercial street in the monk world."

This time their family came to China in the name of market research.

Due to some issues left over from history, the Chinese Monk Alliance has very strict control over outsiders. If you apply for entry as a private person, you not only need to go through a very cumbersome application process, but it is also difficult to access the gathering places of monks.

Therefore, in order to achieve his goal, Bell specifically asked his father to use the official route through his connections.

Over the years, the Bell family's magic props have been very popular in the markets of various countries, so applying to enter China in the name of opening up the market will not feel any violation.

Not to mention, that was indeed his father's main purpose.

"Speaking of the most prosperous commercial street, it must be BJ's Hulukou! Let's go, it's not far from here."

Zhao Youde looked proud.

Zhao Youde cannot understand that some people who are not clear-headed actually think that Nanjing's Chaotianmen is more prosperous.

He sneers at everyone he sees!

As for the guys in the southwest and northwest, he didn't even bother to spray them.

Hulukou is indeed very close to the hotel and is also located in the city center.

Under the leadership of Zhao Youde, the Bell family passed through alleys one after another, which made Bell so dizzy that he had to look at the sun to barely distinguish things.

"Here we are."

Standing in a dead end, Zhao Youde pointed at the brick wall in front of him and said.

"Behind this wall is the Hulukou. Only people with spiritual power can pass through this wall. Remember, don't hesitate and rush over."

Bell said he was not too familiar with this screening mechanism. Isn't this the same as platform nine and three-quarters?

Unlike Bell, little Shanna felt a little nervous. The main reason is that the little girl has knocked down so many walls since she was a child in order to become proficient in flying shoes. So now, seeing a wall standing in front of her, the little girl subconsciously wanted to activate her magic power to smash it.

Holding his sister's hand, Bell didn't want his first day of play to be delayed by unnecessary trouble.

Passing through the brick wall, a bustling commercial street appeared in front of the Bell family.

"Baozi~! Hot buns just out of the cage~!"

"Tofu bran~! One copper coin and one bowl of tofu bran~!"

“Fried dough sticks, fried cakes and braised naan~!”


Bell glanced at Zhao Youde suspiciously. No matter how he looked at it, this place didn't look like a commercial street in the monk world, but more like a morning market for people without spiritual roots.

"Have you had breakfast? If not, I recommend the pancakes and fruit pancakes from that place, or the egg pancakes over there are also very good, but remember not to add ham. The ham from that place is cheap."

"Um, Brother Youde, are you sure this is a commercial street for monks?"

"Yes! Is there any problem?"

Instead, Zhao Youde looked at Bell in surprise.

This is not Hulukou, where else could it be? I didn’t see the sign on the door... Oh! damn it! Which naughty child took the sign to play with?

"No, it's nothing. It's just that this scene is a bit unexpected. Why are there so many breakfast vendors here?"

Bell asked his doubts.

"Isn't it still relatively early? Some monks nearby often come here to buy breakfast in the morning. After buying, they can eat and go shopping."

"Is this very close to where the monks gather?"

"Where are the gathering places? In recent years, the population of China has grown too fast. Most of the places that were uninhabited before are now covered with houses.

The monks had no choice but to live together with those without spiritual roots. It is said that there are still several monk settlements in the less populated areas in the southwest and northwest. "

Zhao Youde explained.

"After passing this food court, there is a place selling various magical instruments, materials and other cultivation supplies."

Although they have already had breakfast, the Bell family is very interested in the authentic Chinese breakfast. Bell also bought some, and the family happily tasted them.

Shanna's favorite food is sugar figures. The sugar figures made by the monks are also magically imbued with a magic similar to chocolate frogs. Various small animals made of sugar are vivid, cute and delicious.

Having said this, Bell had to complain about the creativity of the British wizard.

You said they made the chocolate into a bad shape, but they wanted to make it into a frog? Didn’t you know that frogs are beneficial insects? ?

Because monks in China have not been encircled and suppressed by those without spiritual roots, their proportion in the population is higher than that in European countries.

Coupled with Hua's huge population base, even in the morning, the flow of people in Hulukou is already very large.

Walking among the crowd, Shanna kept looking left and right. The little girl is very curious and wants to study everything she sees.

For this reason, Bell had to hold Shanna's hand tightly to prevent his sister from getting lost.

The food court is not long, and it didn’t take long for a few people to reach the end. After turning a corner, a wider street appeared in the eyes of the Bell family.

Compared with Diagon Alley in the UK, this street has a significant advantage in terms of width and the number of shops on both sides.

The biggest difference between this place and Diagon Alley is the huge stone statue located in the center of the square in the distance.

The stone statue is carved of a man sitting on a throne. This man had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He used his only right hand to support his cheek, slightly lowering his head and staring at the pedestrians walking by.

"Brother Youde, that stone statue?"

"Oh, that gentleman is Wu Shijie, the founder and the first and only leader of the Monk Alliance. After that gentleman disappeared, the Monk Alliance became a parliamentary system."

Zhao Youde glanced at the stone statue in the distance with reverence in his eyes and explained.

"There are statues of that gentleman in the four monks' commercial streets and four academies in China.

At the same time, that statue is also the core of the formation that covers the entire Hulukou. It is said that if Hulukou is attacked by foreign enemies, the stone statue will be activated and destroy all invading enemies.

But as far as I know, Hulukou has never been attacked since its establishment. "

Bell nodded thoughtfully. This was the first time he heard about the origin of the Monk Alliance. I didn’t expect it to be established by one person.

"You said that Mr. Wu Shijie is missing?"

Bell asked curiously.

For such a person who can single-handedly build such a huge organization as the Monk Alliance, Bell would still like to meet him if there is a chance.

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