The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 188 Treasure Pavilion

"Yes. Some people say that the Lord was tired of fighting and lived in seclusion. Others say that he left alone before his death due to serious injuries and passed away. You see, doesn't that Lord only have his right hand?"

Bell nodded, he had discovered this problem from the beginning.

Bell did not believe that the person who could establish the monk alliance would be a weak person. So what kind of powerful enemy can make such a strong man lose an arm?

"It is said that that gentleman was alone, facing the siege of hundreds of Japanese Onmyoji, and finally annihilated all the enemies at the cost of one arm!"

Zhao Youde said enthusiastically.

"But it was in that battle that the gentleman was seriously injured."

Bell was skeptical about Zhao Youde's description.

Onmyoji in Japan, another name for wizards, is the same as monks in China. Therefore, it was difficult for Bell to imagine how strong a person must be to be able to fight against hundreds of wizards on his own?

Not to mention, in the end, they completely wiped out the opponent?

It is normal for history to differ from facts, but even so, Bell felt that Mr. Wu Shijie was, at the end of the day, a figure of Dumbledore's level.

In addition to the most conspicuous stone statue, the second most conspicuous thing is a 3-story wooden ancient building on Bell's right. And above the door, a plaque with three colorful characters "Jinbao Pavilion" is constantly attracting the attention of the people passing by.

"Brother Youde, what is this Treasure Pavilion selling?"

"Jinbao Pavilion is the largest chain store in China. It sells various finished magical instruments, talismans, etc."

Zhao Youde said.

"Wait! What do you want to do?"

Seeing Bell who was about to walk into the Treasure Pavilion before he could finish speaking, Zhao Youde quickly grabbed him.

"Let's go for a walk and do some shopping. Otherwise, what else can we do?"

Bell looked at this virtuous brother with a strange mind. If he came to the commercial street instead of shopping, could it be that he came here to have breakfast?

"You little melon, I haven't finished saying this yet, why are you so anxious?

Let me tell you, although the things in this treasure pavilion are indeed good, the prices are also ridiculously expensive! A person with a moderate income like me might not be able to afford one of the magic weapons with just one year's salary. "

As he said that, Zhao Youde glanced into the Zhenbao Pavilion, his face full of envy and jealousy.

"So you can go in for a while, but don't touch it randomly. Especially, you have to warn your sister who wants to touch and touch any new things she sees. Otherwise, if you break something, your father will beat you to death. "

Bell found that he liked this naive and virtuous brother more and more.

I have to say that although there are people like Brother De, sometimes it can make people laugh or cry. But it is also the most relaxing and comfortable to interact with this kind of people.

"Don't worry, Brother Youde, my family is also in business, and we are quite rich. When I come to China this time, I plan to buy more special products from China. After all, you can't buy flying swords in the UK."

Bell explained with a smile.

"Well, you just have to know what you are doing. But you have to communicate with your parents. Also, remember to let me show you before you buy anything. These profiteers are all very bad! When I see that your family is a foreigner, I might try to trick you."

After Bell's repeated assurances, several people entered the Treasure Pavilion.

Shanna, who had been impatient for a long time, immediately pulled her brother around like a bird leaving its cage as soon as she entered the Treasure Pavilion.

The interior of the Treasure Pavilion is also cast with magic similar to the Traceless Stretching Spell, so the space inside is much larger than it looks from the outside.

Perhaps it was Shanna's shout that alerted the store. A few seconds after a few people came in, a man who seemed to be the shopkeeper walked out of it.

"Welcome! Oh? This is a rare visitor! I, Wang Defu, am the shopkeeper of this Zhenbao Pavilion. I don't know how to call these distinguished guests?"

Shopkeeper Wang was obviously surprised to see that the Bell family looked obviously different from the Chinese. But the next moment, years of business experience told him that a big deal was coming!

Wang Defu can no longer remember the last time he saw a foreigner. Anyway, it must have been a long, long time ago.

And seeing a foreigner in the gourd's mouth is really the first time for a young girl to get on a sedan chair.

Even if he thought about it with his big toe, he could tell that the identities of these foreigners must be extraordinary. An unusual status usually means an unusual worth.

"Hello, Shopkeeper Wang. My name is Bel Menethil, just call me Bel."

Bell introduced himself politely.

Then, Bell introduced his family to Shopkeeper Wang.

In view of the fact that when Bell was chatting with Zhao Youde before, his parents and sister could only stare at him and couldn't understand it at all. So this morning, after obtaining the consent of his parents, Bell used Legilimency to connect the shallow minds of several people.

Therefore, although the three people still cannot speak Chinese, they can already understand what others say through Bell's brain.

After letting Shanna wander around with her mother, Bell and his father William came to Shopkeeper Wang's side.

"Shopkeeper Wang, can you briefly introduce us to Zhenbao Pavilion?"

"Of course! This is my honor. Zhenbao Pavilion is the largest chain store in China, specializing in selling precious magical instruments and other items. We dare not say that the items in our Zhenbao Pavilion are the most complete, but they must be the best! Our Zhenbao Pavilion has Pavilion…”


Bell coughed twice, interrupting Shopkeeper Wang's endless boasting.

"Well, Shopkeeper Wang, I don't quite understand what you're talking about. Why don't you just introduce us to the products in the store?"

"That's it, stop talking about unnecessary things."

Zhao Youde also followed suit.

"Look at me, when I see a distinguished guest coming to my door, I accidentally get too excited. It's a sin."

Shopkeeper Wang smiled and apologized.

Originally, he had planned to make some nonsense first, exaggerate as much as he wanted, and try to fool these foreign devils into lameness. In that case, it will be convenient for him to ask for high prices later.

But looking at the current situation, this family doesn’t seem to be easy to fool!

‘Speaking of which, where did this poor-looking idiot come from? ’

Shopkeeper Wang glanced at Zhao Youde. If the other party hadn't said something just now, he wouldn't have noticed that there was such a person standing next to him.

"Our Treasure Pavilion has three floors. Among them, the first floor sells consumables, such as talismans, elixirs, etc.; the second floor sells magic weapons, such as flying swords, wands, etc.; the third floor is the auction house, which sells regular There will be an auction to sell some rare treasures on the market. But only members can enter."

"Bell, don't buy elixirs here. The elixirs in Shennong Valley are very effective and cheap. If you want to buy any elixirs, we can buy them there later."

Before Shopkeeper Wang finished speaking, Zhao Youde immediately started to make trouble. Shopkeeper Wang had black lines in his head and wanted to draw his sword and kill someone.

‘My sword! ? ’

Shopkeeper Wang looked around.

He hadn't drawn a sword in decades, and the flying sword he used for decoration back then had been thrown to gather ashes.

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