The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 189 Sword cultivator is actually a wealthy profession

"Ahem, this gentleman..."

"My name is Zhao Youde."

‘Moral? I think you are more or less immoral. ’

Shopkeeper Wang cursed in his heart.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao Youde, you are wrong to say that. Indeed, Shennong Valley is second to none in healing elixirs, and we at Zhenbao Pavilion are also convinced by this. However, when it comes to some functional elixirs, our Zhenbao Pavilion is But it’s not bad at all.”

Shopkeeper Wang rarely spoke the truth.

Compared with Shennong Valley, which started out as a medicine company, it is almost impossible for others to surpass it in related fields. Therefore, Zhenbao Pavilion took a different approach and set its target on functional elixirs.

There are Yi Yong Dan that can change the appearance, Transformation Pill that can transform into animals, Dali Pill that can enhance strength, as well as cat food and dog food for raising pets.

By the way, why do you feel like you've gone astray?

Seeing that Zhao Youde and Shopkeeper Wang were showing signs of fighting, Bell quickly interrupted them.

"Shopkeeper Wang, I just heard you say that there are wands for sale on the second floor? Do the monks in China also use wands now?"

Bell was very curious about this. He had always thought that Chinese monks all used flying swords.

"Yes, since Lord Wu Shijie took the lead in using the wand, more and more monks have begun to use wands. By the way, do you know Lord Wu Shijie?"

Bell nodded.

He became more and more curious about Mr. Wu Shijie. It's a pity that the other party has disappeared. I wonder if he is still alive now?

"Bell, don't listen to him."

Zhao Youde once again stood up to cause trouble.

(Shopkeeper Wang: ‘My sword!?’)

"Although Master Wu Shijie was indeed the first to use magic wands, more and more monks are giving up flying swords and choosing magic wands instead. Mainly because this dealer has raised the price of flying swords too high and everyone is buying them. I can’t afford a good flying sword.”

Sword repair is the traditional profession of Chinese monks. Ancient sword cultivators emphasized "one sword to break all magic", which is quite similar to the modern wizard's "one magic wand to travel to the end of the world".

"Did we raise the price of the flying sword? There are more and more monks, and the raw materials are getting more and more expensive. What can we do if we don't raise the price? Are we going to drink the northwest wind?"

Shopkeeper Wang gritted his teeth and stared at Zhao Youde.

He has never seen such a rude person! It’s not like you’re buying something, it’s so hard to talk nonsense! ?

In fact, what shopkeeper Wang said is indeed reality. Chinese monks have had a high status since ancient times. They are not like the wizards in the West, who are beaten by everyone.

This also leads to the fact that in China, the proportion of monks in the population is much higher than that of wizards in the West.

In addition, China's population has exploded in recent decades, which has led to a sharp increase in the number of monks from families without spiritual roots. Even though China has a vast land area and rich resources, it still seems to be a little stretched in front of the large number of monks today.

This has also led to an increase in material prices, as Shopkeeper Wang said.

Unlike wands, which require relatively few consumables, a good flying sword requires a lot of precious materials. Therefore, it is very normal that more and more monks cannot afford expensive high-level flying swords.

Unlike ordinary monks, sword cultivators have very high requirements for the quality of flying swords.

A powerful sword cultivator holding an ordinary flying sword would most likely not be able to defeat an ordinary sword cultivator holding a top-notch flying sword.

Therefore, more and more monks, especially those from families without spiritual roots, have to give up practicing flying swords and instead choose wands with affordable prices.

Nowadays, apart from true fans, the only ones who still insist on taking the path of sword cultivation are some young masters and young ladies from big families. The top flying sword passed down from the family makes these people not to be underestimated.

Seeing Zhao Youde and Shopkeeper Wang staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, Bell felt a little funny. He estimated that the two people were incompatible.

Although now I want to go to the second floor to see if there is any difference between the wands used by Chinese monks and the wands used by wizards. But as the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so Bell suppressed his expectations and planned to take a walk on the first floor first.

In the spacious hall on the first floor, there are counters more than 1 meter high. The counter is made of glass and has high transparency, allowing customers to clearly see the products inside the counter.

At the same time, next to each product, a small sign was thoughtfully placed, which gave a general introduction to the functions of the product.

While walking around, Bell quickly looked through most of the products.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed. These products, such as defensive jade pendants, communication paper cranes, etc., you can also buy similar or even better products in the UK. At most, they are just different in appearance or production techniques.

On the contrary, her mother Elena happily bought some sachets, hairpins, etc. that were said to enhance women's charm.

Looking at her mother who was choosing a sachet for Shanna, Bell was speechless. By the way, Shanna is only 11 years old! Is it too early to give her a sachet now?

Bell walked to his mother and was about to say something, but his attention was unexpectedly attracted by the products on the side of the sachet.

"Please take out this Ningshen Incense and show it to me."

Bell said to the clerk at the counter.

After receiving the smallest model of Ningshen Incense handed over by the clerk, Bell observed it carefully.

The Ningshen Incense in your hand is about 30 centimeters long and 1 centimeter thick. It is brown in color and looks ordinary in appearance.

Bell put the Ningshen Incense under his nose and smelled it, but there was no smell.

"Shopkeeper Wang, can you light a piece of Ningshen Incense and let me experience it?"

Upon hearing Bell's greeting, Shopkeeper Wang immediately gave up competing with Zhao Youde and hurried to Bell's side.

"Of course no problem!"

The mother and daughter just picked out a lot of small items. Therefore, Shopkeeper Wang, who further confirmed that this foreigner was a fat sheep, would not care about a stick of Ningshen Incense that was not worth much.

And if that poor guy over there is Zhao Quede, don't even think about touching it!

After receiving the response from Shopkeeper Wang, Bell first crushed a small piece of Ningshen Incense, placed the powder in his palm, and observed it carefully again.

Unfortunately, Bell did not study the knowledge related to potions in depth. He could not even identify all the commonly used potion materials in Europe, let alone the materials used to make the Chinese Ningshen Incense.

Bell, whose observation was fruitless, did not feel annoyed. A weak flame ignited in his palm, igniting the powder in his palm.

After the powder of Ningshen Incense came into contact with the flame, a stream of white smoke immediately spread out.

Bell controlled the magic power and formed a barrier on the top of his palm to isolate the air circulation, trapping all the gases produced by the burning of the Ningshen Incense.

Shopkeeper Wang glanced at Bell in surprise. He didn't expect that this kid who looked young was quite capable.

As the saying goes, you can tell the whole leopard by looking at one spot. Bell's series of operations just now are simple to say, but if you want to do it as smoothly and without any twists and turns as he does, not many people can do it easily.

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