The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 199 Disadvantages of Kung Fu

When the monks have completed a skill, they will be able to perform "casting without a wand" similar to wizards, and in comparison, the power of the skill is much stronger.

How about it? Does it sound awesome?

But reality is not like that.

The method has two major shortcomings.

First, it is very difficult and dangerous to open up the Dantian Qi Sea.

To use spiritual power to solidify a ball in a small location like the Tanzhong point and open up a sea of ​​​​dantian energy requires extremely high magic control skills and a lot of time.

Even Bell, who is very confident in his own magic power, estimates that he will need to retreat for as short as a week or as long as a month to successfully open up the Dantian Qi Sea.

Once the development fails and the spiritual power is out of control, the solid spiritual wall that can be formed by consuming a large amount of spiritual power will explode, causing serious damage to the internal organs.

In ancient times, the monks' skills were taught hand-by-hand by their masters to their disciples, so that the master could stay by their side while the disciples were practicing the skills. Once a disciple fails in cultivation, the master can immediately provide treatment to prevent the disciple from dying due to serious injuries.

As for those who accidentally received the inheritance of a certain skill, and then believed the rumors that came from unknown sources, ran to the deep mountains and forests, found a random cave and went to retreat to practice, they were basically left cold.

Therefore, when European magic wands were introduced to China, more and more monks gave up practicing the exercises.

Rather than taking the risk of serious injury or even death at any time to practice skills, monks naturally prefer a wand that can cast spells easily, quickly and safely with just one wave.

Moreover, the peaceful life in recent decades has made few people willing to risk their lives for a little improvement in strength.

Second, even after successfully practicing the skills, the monks cannot actually cast spells as they wish.

Different from the wizards' wandless spellcasting, the monks' techniques actually have a certain degree of trickery.

When a wizard casts a spell without a wand, all the magic in his body will receive the wizard's thoughts. Then part of the magic power will change in nature, and then gather towards the wizard's hands, feet, etc., and then be released.

In other words, the wizard's entire body will be under pressure.

The monks chose to gather spiritual power into the Dantian Qi sea first, allowing the changed spiritual power to flow only along fixed meridians.

In other words, the monks concentrated the pressure that should have been borne by the whole body into certain meridians.

This also results in the selected meridians needing to withstand very high pressure.

Therefore, even if the monks use spiritual power to specifically strengthen these meridians, after the spells cast reach a certain limit, the meridians must be given some time to 'recover'. It feels a bit like the skill cooldown time in the game.

Of course, as the practice of the technique deepens and the meridians' endurance increases, the time to return Qi will be shortened accordingly.

After learning the specifics of the technique, to be honest, Bell was a little disappointed.

After the promised magical power is completed, it will be able to change in a thousand ways, move mountains and seas, and fight thousands of miles away! ?

Although his wish to become a ‘Daluo Golden Immortal’ failed, the practice still gave Bell a lot of inspiration.

First of all, regarding the subject of 'magic strengthening the body', Bell has always been crossing the river by feeling the stones alone. This will inevitably make him feel confused occasionally.

Now, with these techniques for reference, it not only allows Bell to strengthen his body more efficiently, but also points out the direction for his future.

Secondly, although Bell's ultimate goal is to strengthen his body 100% and without any blind spots, he can use magic as he pleases. However, this does not prevent him from taking some tricky measures to protect himself when he is still relatively weak.

Bell decided to imitate the practice method of Qigong and temporarily focus on strengthening certain meridians. If he could succeed in the end, he speculated that the power of his wandless spellcasting could at least be increased by another 20 to 30% on the current basis.

After finishing his business, Bell decided to relax and take his sister to visit famous scenic spots in China.

With the strategies provided by their parents, the brother and sister can save a lot of worry.

Unlike Bell who was finally able to relax, William finally started to get busy after reliving his youthful years with his wife for a week.

(William: "I am only in my 30s, and I am still in adolescence!")

As mentioned before, the Bell family came to China this time officially to investigate the market situation in China.

This name is not false.

Although Bell originally proposed traveling to China, his purpose was only to gain knowledge from the monks.

However, after careful consideration, William also believed that this was indeed a good opportunity to expand the market.

Therefore, in the family's original plan, they spent the previous week investigating the market and helping Bell achieve his goal. The next week will be the time for William to communicate and discuss with the Monk Alliance.

In fact, William really hoped that Bell could join him. Although his son was young, he did not understand specific business matters. However, some of the opinions that Bell occasionally raised always gave William a sense of enlightenment.

And this hope became even stronger after learning that the prestigious International Exchange and Cooperation Department of the Monks Alliance could not find anyone who could speak English.

Although William didn't know when his son learned Chinese and what his level was. But judging from the fact that Bell hasn't had any problems communicating with various people these days, it seems that Bell's Chinese level is quite high?

No matter what, it should at least be higher than the level of Chinese he had been studying urgently every night this week.

What? Why do you only study at night, you ask?

Of course that’s because I have to spend the day with my wife! Business or something is not as important as the happiness of your wife!

However, although William is the patriarch of the Menethil family, he has always been the one who speaks the truth in his family!

However, he is not a dictator! He is very democratic! He will also listen carefully to his wife's voice!

(Actually, it’s mainly because I can’t beat him and I’m not willing to fight.)

Therefore, after the family had serious discussions, and after a fair and just democratic election, in the end, with a vote of 1 to 3, William's proposal that "Bell accompanied them and the monks' alliance" was rejected. High-level dialogue' proposal.

Thinking of the few broken Chinese sentences he had just learned, and then looking at his wife who could only say "hello" next to him, William felt that the prospect of this negotiation was only dark.

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