The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 200 Monk Alliance Headquarters

Early the next morning, the Bell family left the hotel together again for the first time in a week and got on the speed car that Zhao Youde drove before.

By the way, Zhao Youde suffered varying degrees of burns all over his body due to the impact of the Thunderous Talisman, and had already asked for leave to go home to recuperate. Paid.

As for the fact that Zhao Youde was seriously injured on the first day he received foreign guests, after it was reported back to the International Exchange and Cooperation Department of the Monk Alliance, the Bell family became the god of plague that everyone avoided.

Since there was really no one to receive the Bell family, the Minister of International Exchange and Cooperation had no choice but to give special permission for the Bell family to move around freely. However, daily travel itineraries must still be reported on time.

"Bell, the driving feel of this car is really terrible. It is completely incomparable to my Menethil No. 2."

William complained to his son.

Bell rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"So you obviously sold these speeding cars, isn't it your problem?"


William blushed a little, he had accidentally forgotten about this just now.

In fact, he is a very down-to-earth and honest person. So he can guarantee that these speed cars he sells will definitely not cut any corners!

However, even if they are the same materials, there are differences in quality. William could only control the quality of the materials within a certain range as much as possible. Therefore, occasionally a certain car is unlucky and uses a lot of low-quality materials, which is unavoidable.

This is really not a deliberate reduction of material quality in order to increase profits! real!

Although I don’t plan to participate in those boring negotiations and meetings with my parents. However, Bell was still very interested in the headquarters of the Monk Alliance.

Moreover, after the Minister of International Exchange and Cooperation learned that Bell and Shanna planned to travel around BJ, he was afraid that the two would be in danger, which would affect his political career, so he specially arranged a The tour guide was given to the Bell brothers.

Now, the tour guide is waiting for them at the headquarters of the Monk Alliance.

After Bell and Shanna finish visiting the headquarters of the Monk Alliance, they will visit the scenery around BJ under the leadership of the tour guide.

Following the guidance of the map left by Zhao Youde, the Bell family quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Monk Alliance.

The alliance headquarters is also located in the city center of BJ City, not far from the hotel where Bell's family stayed.

After getting off the bus, an alliance staff member was already standing at the gate waiting for the Bell family.

"Hello, Mr. Menethil, Mrs. Menethil, and two children. My name is Dong Shuang, and I will be in charge of receiving you today." (English)

A staff member wearing a black suit, black leather shoes, and a lot of hair wax came over and greeted the Bell family.

"You speak English? Didn't Zhao say before that no one here can speak English? Is he lying to us!?"

William looked at each other in surprise.

He felt seriously cheated. Fortunately, he was slightly worried about Zhao Youde's situation for a few seconds.

"That Mr. Zhao did not deceive you."

Dong Shuang explained with a smile.

"Strictly speaking, I am not a member of the Monk Alliance. I am not even a monk. You can understand me as a special commissioner of the Chinese government. I was specially invited by the Monk Alliance to be your translator."

Hearing the other party's explanation, William felt relieved.

It has been more than a week since their family arrived in China. This was the first time he felt valued.

"Then why didn't they ask you to be the translator before?"

William suddenly discovered a blind spot.

"That's because the monks do not allow people without spiritual roots to enter their exclusive areas. I heard that you are here to conduct market research, and since I am not a monk, I cannot enter the monks' market. .”

Dong Shuang explained.

William nodded, reluctantly accepting this statement.

"Mr. Dong Shuang, what are you doing there?"

Bell suddenly pointed to the next door to the alliance headquarters and asked.

Now several people are standing in an alley, and the courtyard in front of them is the headquarters of the Monks Alliance.

What surprised Bell was that in the courtyard next door to the Monk Alliance headquarters, Bell also sensed a vague fluctuation of magic power. According to the relevant knowledge Bell has gained from reading these days, there should be a formation there?

If Bell remembered correctly, there was no mark there on the map left by Zhao Youde.


Looking in the direction of Bell's finger, Dong Shuang looked confused.

"No, it's nothing."

Through Legilimency perception, Bell discovered that the other party really didn't know, so he skipped the topic.

And Dong Shuang didn't pay attention to a child's "random behavior". After confirming that the Bell family had no other problems, he took the lead and walked towards the headquarters of the Monk Alliance.

Walking into the courtyard, Bell found that the place was very ordinary, so ordinary that he felt very disappointed.

In addition to using the "Mustard Seed Sumeru" similar to the traceless stretching spell to expand the space, it completely looks like a village committee office in the village.

Rows of bungalows are neatly arranged, with people coming in and out from time to time. Bell even saw a few uncles sitting under the shade of the trees, playing chess fiercely.

"Um, we should be going to the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, which should be... over there?"

Dong Shuang hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his pocket and kept comparing it with the nearby buildings. However, the buildings were so similar that he had difficulty distinguishing them.

"Have you never been here?"

William asked doubtfully.

"Um, I, I came here once yesterday."

Dong Shuang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Just when he turned to speak to William, a wave of magic power suddenly appeared under his feet.


William quickly grabbed Dong Shuang and moved away from the place where the magic wave occurred.

After a moment of space distortion, a middle-aged man appeared there.

"Hey! Boy! Where are you going! Don't you know this is a teleportation circle?"

The man yelled at Dong Shuang unhappily, and then left in a hurry.

Bell looked around and found that there were indeed four pillars surrounding the place, and there were also some patterns painted on the ground.

"sorry Sorry."

Dong Shuang kept apologizing, and he didn't know whether he was apologizing to the middle-aged man just now, or to the Bell family?

"I am sorry."

Dong Shuang looked at William.

"I actually only found out about the existence of monks yesterday. Then I was brought here. So I'm not very familiar with this place."

William was unhappy again. The previous feeling of being taken seriously disappeared before I could get over it.

Seeing Dong Shuang begin to study the piece of paper in his hand again, with the sweat on his forehead flowing down his face, Bell felt a little sympathy for him.

"How about we find someone to ask about the way out?"

Bell suggested.


Dong Shuang looked into a window next to him and hesitated to speak.

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