The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 208 Arriving in Japan

‘Woo~woo~! ’

Accompanied by a deep whistle, a luxury cruise ship entered the Port of Tokyo.

"Ah~! It's finally here!"

Standing on the ground at the port, Bell stretched. Although there is magic, there is no need to worry about seasickness (except for my father, William), but the feeling of wandering on the sea is always not as comfortable as being down to earth.

As for why you should choose to take a cruise to Japan?

If I say I won’t fly, I won’t fly! He does what he says, but Bell's patience... ahem, witchcraft!

Although cruise ships are much slower than planes. It took a total of 2 days to board the ship from Tianjin Port to arrive at Tokyo Port.

However, the cruise ship is spacious!

Unlike an airplane, you basically have to sit in your seat and not move during the whole journey. As for the cruise ship, it not only has bedrooms and restaurants, but also shopping malls, theaters, children's playgrounds and other facilities, which is a great eye-opener for the Bell family, who have never been on a cruise ship.

From the moment he got on the boat, William has been sighing: 'Muggles really know how to play... No, they know how to enjoy it! ’.

‘It’s all my fault that brat Bell, he talks incomprehensible words all day long, which makes me infected! ’

William cursed in his heart.

At the same time, William is still planning to build a magic cruise ship when he returns, and he will definitely make a lot of money by then!

Moreover, when he gets tired of playing hide-and-seek on the cruise ship, Bell can take his sister to the sky and sea, and by the way, he can catch a few fish that look delicious and come back so that Lim can practice his new cooking skills.

All in all, little Shanna was very satisfied and happy with the two-day cruise. And as long as his sister is happy, Bell will be happy!

Walking in the bustling Tokyo Port, Bell felt a little emotional again. But this time, it was different from the emotion I had when I was in China.

Before leaving China, Bell repeatedly confirmed with Zhao Youde that Japan did not have a national defense formation like China's 'Kyushu Guardian Formation'.

So I don’t know if it’s an illusion? Bell's breathing feels easier now than when he was in China?

After walking out of customs, Bell looked around.

Like China, Japan's magic world, which Onmyojis call the magic world, has very little communication with the outside world. Therefore, the Bell family also applied to enter Japan in the name of market research this time.

Of course, the Onmyoji side also arranged reception personnel.

As for the reason why Japan's magic world is isolated from the rest of the world, this is more complicated.

Including geographical reasons, cultural reasons, etc., Zhao Youde gave Bell a general explanation.

It's just that even Zhao Youde only knew a little about it, and in the end he didn't know what he was talking about. Not to mention Bell as an audience.

However, unlike China, Bell is not that interested in having an in-depth understanding of the history of Japan's magic world. He is only interested in the other party's unique magical knowledge.

Soon, the Bell family found a sign that said 'Welcome Menethil (English)'. But the man holding the sign was somewhat beyond the Bell family's expectations.

"Hello, are you Mr. William Menethil? (English)"

Seeing the Bell family walking towards him, the receptionist asked nervously in English.

"Yes, that's right!"

William showed a satisfied smile.

Although the other party's English was somewhat substandard, William could still barely understand it. This made William very happy.

Because this time he can finally show his majesty as the head of the family without having to follow his son. Even if he wants to say something, he has to go through Bell!

"Little girl, who are you? Are you a member of the magic world? Where are the others?"

William showed what he thought was the most handsome smile.

When communicating with someone you're meeting for the first time, it's a given that you should put your best foot forward. Therefore, the dangerous aura coming from behind, from his wife, is completely unreasonable!

William didn’t feel at all that the little girl in front of him looked cute. He has never heard anyone say, 'Little girls nowadays like handsome uncles' or anything like that. He didn't even know there was such a saying!

So women are just unreasonable! If the scene were changed now and his wife was communicating with a handsome little boy with a smile on her face, William would never say anything.

What's the big deal? What a big deal! right?


‘Bell, do it now! ’

Ahem, as we all know, his son has not listened to his father since he was a child, so if Bell does anything outrageous, it must have nothing to do with his father.


A drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead. Looking at the handsome man in front of him, who for some reason always felt that his smile was a bit lewd, Huang Quan felt a little panicked.

The other person spoke too quickly and too long. She could only barely speak a few words in English and couldn't understand what the other person was saying.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but complain in her heart again.

God knows how heartbroken she was when she received this task of 'receiving foreign guests'!

She knew that recently, because evil spirits were appearing more and more frequently, everyone was very busy.

But no matter what, it would be too embarrassing for her, an intern who is still in the third grade of junior high school, to perform such a high-level task as receiving foreign guests! ?

If she had a choice, she would rather chop down 100 evil spirits than stand there awkwardly and at a loss like now.

"What's wrong, little girl? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Seeing the little girl in front of him standing there blankly, her face turning white little by little, and saying nothing, William tried his best to show his gentleness and considerateness.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying! (Japanese)"

In panic, Huang Quan accidentally suppressed his mother tongue.

Holding his sister and standing at the back, Bell looked at his father and then at his mother.

At this moment, Bell felt a little guilty. He felt that he lacked understanding of his father. By the way, why didn't he realize before that his father liked to commit suicide so much?

In order to alleviate some of his inner guilt, Bell decided to step forward to save his father. By the way, I would like to relieve the embarrassment of the young lady whom I met for the first time.

Bell pulled his father and asked him to move.

William, whose head was full of questions and was still thinking about what the little girl in front of him just said, meant, subconsciously moved to the side.

Only after moving away did William react.

‘Why should I be so obedient! ? ’

But now that they have moved away, William is too embarrassed to squeeze back in front of outsiders and compete with his son for the 'turf'.

And at this time, he also realized that the little girl probably couldn't speak English well.

He wanted to see what Bell could do?

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