The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 209 Isayama Huangquan

"Hello, my name is Bel Menethil. May I ask... (Japanese)"

"Bell! You speak Japanese!?"

Bell was only halfway through what he said when he was interrupted by the exclamation of his father beside him.

"It's just that you can speak Japanese, what's the big deal?"

Bell pretended not to care, as if it only took a day or two to master Japanese proficiently.

In fact, Bell did learn Japanese in his previous life, but he could not be said to be good at it. He could only barely cope with daily conversations.

As for why you should learn Japanese?

That’s of course because I’ve been poisoned by the ‘evil’ anime!

By the way, I don’t know if a certain Shinigami elementary school student has been arrested and brought to justice? Bell's teeth itched with hatred when he thought of the other party's arrogance and impunity.

Taking advantage of Zhao Youde's previous experience, Bell spent several nights using Legilimency again to sort out the relevant memories of his past life just in case.

William was desperate.

Even though I can speak Japanese, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal. But Bell can say it, but he can't. This means that in the next ten days, he will have to follow Bell again in order to communicate with others!

His majesty as a father is gone, okay!

And the most important thing is that although they can get Bell's simultaneous translation through the magic spell. But William didn't like the feeling of having the content he wanted to convey directly inserted into his mind at all.

Bell looked at his father strangely. He didn't know why the father had turned gray inexplicably.

But now is not the time to worry about that kind of thing. It was already very rude to be interrupted by his father in the middle of what he was talking about. If he continued to cool down the young lady in front of him, Bell was really afraid that she would burst into tears.

"Hello, my name is Bel Menethil. What is your name? Also, where is the person responsible for receiving us? (Japanese)"

Bell asked politely.

"H-Hello! I am the person responsible for receiving you."

Huang Quan responded in a panic.

But at the same time, she also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. It's great to have someone on the other side who speaks Japanese.

Unfortunately, although she can speak a few words in English, she can only speak a few words with the teacher in English class. With her English proficiency as an ordinary junior high school student, how could she possibly be able to converse fluently with British people?

"My name is Isayama Yomi, and I am a member of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office of the Natural Environment Bureau of the Ministry of the Environment."

Huang Quan was embarrassed to say that she was an intern who had only joined for less than a year. She was afraid that the other party would feel disrespected.

What if the other party wants to bully her because she is young? What should she do? Do you want to pull out the 'Lion King' and chop the opponent?

Hearing Isayama Yomi's answer, Bell looked at him up and down in surprise.

Isayama Yomi is over 1.6 meters tall, which is shorter than Bell. Her waist-length straight black hair is neatly combed. Wearing a Japanese sailor uniform.

Bell looked up at the sun in the middle of his head. Shouldn't it be summer vacation now? Why is the other person still wearing school uniform?

Finally, Isayama Yomi is carrying a long cloth bag on his back, which should contain a Japanese sword?

Bell was able to sense very powerful magic fluctuations from it. Oh, by the way, it should be called magic power in Japan.

"Um...Miss Isayama, I would like to ask, has your Environmental Bureau in Japan started to employ child labor?"

Although after listening to Zhao Youde's explanation before, Bell already knew that the Japanese magic world was currently facing the problem of killing stones, so manpower was very tight.

But no matter what, it would not be possible for a little girl who is not yet underage to work in that environmental bureau, right? So are all the adult Onmyoji dead?

Ahem, he definitely didn't mean to 'connotate' Dumbledore. Everyone on earth knows that Bell respects Old Deng the most...ahem, it's Professor Dumbledore! So don’t think blindly!

"It's the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office of the Natural Environment Bureau of the Ministry of the Environment."

Huang Quan corrected.



"Well, you can call it the Countermeasures Room for short."

Seeing the tendency of mosquito coils appearing in Bell's eyes, Huang Quan reluctantly took a step back.

"In addition, the countermeasures room does not employ child labor."

When saying this, I don't know why, Huang Quan always feels guilty?

illusion! It must be because she took a taxi and rushed over as soon as her tutoring class in the morning ended. It was already past 1 p.m. and she hadn't even had time to have lunch, so she had this illusion!

As for why she still had to take tutoring classes even though it was summer vacation?

Of course, it was because she was too involved in exterminating evil spirits and had no time to study, so she failed in the final exam!

'ah--! I really want to go hiking! I really want to go to the beach! I really don’t want to go to class——! ’

Speaking of which, the taxi fare should be reimbursed when we return home, right? That’s her monthly living expenses!

"I am the next heir of the Isayama family. In order to match the identity of the heir, I must hone my abilities. That's why I entered the countermeasures room and participated in the work of exterminating evil spirits."

Bell nodded in understanding. Bell had never even heard of the magic world, especially the Isayama family. So he didn't express any further opinions. For him, as long as he can confirm the identity of the other party, it is enough.

‘Gu~! ’

Huang Quan held his stomach hard, and his fair cheeks turned red from the tips of his ears to the root of his neck at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bell smiled slightly and suggested: "We haven't eaten yet, so why not eat something together? Our family is new here and we don't know what to eat. I wonder if Miss Isayama can be a guide for us?"

"Of course, that's my job."

Huang Quan took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down.

"But it's my first time to come to Tokyo Port. I'm not familiar with the area, and I don't know which restaurant is better."

"It doesn't matter, just find a clean restaurant to eat."

Bell waved his hand casually and said.

"Besides, Miss Isayama, you don't need to use honorifics to me. Just relax. I should be younger than you."

"How old are you?"

Huang Quan was surprised and looked at Bell in front of him. The other person was half a head taller than her. She always thought that the other person was a high school student.

"13 years old."


Huang Quan looked at Bell's feet carefully again. Could it be that the other party is wearing the recently popular inner height-increasing shoes?

"My brother is not lying! My brother is 13 years old! I am 11 years old, so of course my brother who is 2 years older than me is 13 years old! (English)"

When she heard that someone dared to question her brother, little Sanna, who had been educated by her brother and knew not to blow up people with her magic wand whenever she disagreed, couldn't help but vouch for her brother.

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