The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 210 Japanese Magic Circle

Bell smiled and rubbed his sister's little head.

"This is my sister Shanna. She is young and ignorant. I hope Miss Isayama doesn't mind."

By the way, because the words used by Sanna just now were relatively simple, Isayama Yomi understood what Sanna meant.

"Nowhere. Your sister is very cute. Reminds me of my sister Kagura too."

When he mentioned his sister Kagura, Huang Quan's eyes lit up, and his whole person's energy and energy changed.

"Oh~? I didn't expect that we are the same people. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Bell folded his hands into fists and bowed to Isayama Yomi.

Although Huang Quan felt a little strange that the other party, a British wizard, bowed and saluted like a Chinese monk. But she didn't know much about wizards, so she didn't care.

"I wonder if Isayama-san's sister..."


Elena interrupted Bell loudly. She has a very good understanding of her son. If she didn't interrupt, let alone lunch, she might not even have dinner!

Facing his mother's stern eyes, Bell had no choice but to temporarily give up his plan to communicate and study with her. What a shame.

Under the leadership of Isayama Huangquan, several people entered a restaurant that looked pretty good.

After a brief introduction to each other, Bell once again inquired about the situation in the Japanese magic world.

"Sister Huang Quan, you should still be in school now, right?"

Bell asked.

By the way, because there are four Menethils in Bell's family, Bell asked Huang Quan to call his family by their names. Therefore, Huang Quan accordingly asked Bell to call her by her first name.

"Yes, I am currently studying at Katagiri Middle School, third grade."

"Katagiri Middle School?"

No matter how I heard it, Bell didn't think that this name would be an onmyoji school.

"Yes, Katagiri Middle School is just an ordinary middle school. The students there are all ordinary people except me."

Obviously seeing Bell's confusion, Huang Quan explained with a smile.

However, after hearing Huang Quan's explanation, Bell became even more puzzled.

"Sister Huangquan, didn't you study in an Onmyoji school?"

"In Japan, there are no schools specifically for onmyojis to study.

However, I heard that in order to deal with the increasing number of evil spirits and the shortage of onmyojis, some families are discussing to build an onmyoji in Tokyo to improve the quality of education for underage onmyojis. . "

"How do Onmyojis treat children with magical powers who appear among ordinary people?"

Bell asked curiously.

“If a child is highly gifted, he or she will usually be adopted by a major family.

And if the talent is average, they will usually be accepted as disciples by wandering onmyojis. Wandering Onmyoji refers to those Onmyoji who have no family heritage.

Finally, children with less talent will be gathered together by government departments for unified training.

By the way, my biological parents are ordinary people. In an attack by evil spirits, both of them died unfortunately. Then my current father, Naraku Isayama, adopted me. "

Huang Quan calmly talked about his uneasy experience.

"Feel sorry."

Bell didn't expect that the other party would have such a tortuous situation. What was even more unexpected was that the inheritance of Onmyojis was so lacking in standardization.

By the way, it should be the 20th century now, right? He didn't suddenly travel 500 years ago, right?

"It doesn't matter. That happened when I was very young. To be honest, I can't even remember what happened at that time.

Moreover, my current father is very good to me and has a lovely sister, so I am living a very happy life now. "

Huang Quan showed a hearty smile. It seems she has indeed put her tragic past behind her.

"Although it is cruel to say this, many children born in ordinary families with magical powers will encounter similar things. The ones that evil spirits like to attack most are these children with magical powers."

Bell felt that this topic was a bit heavy and stopped inquiring about the information.

Anyway, there is still plenty of time, and there will be plenty of opportunities to learn about what you are interested in later.

After lunch, the Bell family unanimously decided to take a day off today and start conducting market research tomorrow.

So now, the Bell family is standing on the side of the road with a blank look on their faces.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Huang Quan explained with a blushing face while bowing repeatedly.

"Because there is only one car in the countermeasures room, and it needs to deal with evil spirits that may occur in various places in Tokyo, so it really cannot be allocated. I am really sorry!"

"Well, it doesn't matter. And it's not your fault, Sister Huang Quan. You don't need to apologize."

While Bell comforted Huang Quan, he cursed this institution called the Countermeasure Room in his heart.

Are they so poor that they can't even afford a car?

And no one is still driving a car at this age.

Menethil brand speed car, you deserve it!

Learn about?

While Huang Quan was looking around for a taxi, Bell secretly used Legilimency to communicate with his father.

"Dad, when you first applied, which organization did you contact?"

"have no idea."



Bell was speechless. How can you not know this? Do you dare to be more unreliable? ?

William, who was made uncomfortable by his son, said angrily: "What can I do? I also contacted the Japanese side through the Ministry of Magic. And there were a total of 3 contacts, and each time the person on the other side was a different person. The institutions seem to be different too?

Besides, I can’t remember their Japanese names at all! So by the end, I was confused by them. "

If you really don’t come out, you don’t know how big the world is!

Originally, Bell had a disdain for the British Ministry of Magic, feeling that there were not many serious people in it.

As a result, after traveling around China and Japan, Bell discovered that maybe the Ministry of Magic is quite high-end?

"Speaking of which, Dad, does our Ministry of Magic in the UK provide flying cars to its employees?"

Bell suddenly realized this very serious problem. It seems that he usually lacks a little understanding of the relevant information of the Ministry of Magic.

"As the director of the Department for the Misuse of Muggle Articles, that guy Arthur has to run around on two legs every day. What do you think?"

William rolled his eyes disdainfully.

He remembered the last time, when Arthur Weasley ran to the shop in Diagon Alley to look for him.

At that time, the other party didn't know where he had just apparated from. In short, he looked like he was sweating profusely and his magic power was severely consumed.

Of course, the reason why he remembered that incident was not because he felt gloating about Arthur's misfortune. He is not that kind of person!

But because that damn redhead actually suspected that there were dark magic items hidden in his store, so he wanted to search his store! ?

joke! Is he that kind of person? Does he still need to sell black magic props to make money? ?

He is not!

He stopped selling black magic items a long time ago!

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