The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 211 The underworld lord in the British wizarding world

If you ask if the Bell family has any black magic tools, there is no doubt that they do.

Just kidding, these days, if you don’t have dozens or hundreds of dark magic props in your home, you’d be embarrassed to tell people you’re pure blood, okay?

Not to mention, in the past, selling black magic items was the mainstay industry of the Menethil family. Therefore, all the black magic props at home are counted by the box.

What? What about the magic stone statue, you ask?

When you go to the store to buy clothes, do you care about which plastic model looks good?

That's right! The Magic Stone is that model!

If they only expected to sell magic stone statues, the Menethil family would have drunk the northwest wind long ago.

The wizards these days are all screwed to death!

If you buy a magic stone statue, it will be passed down from father to son, son to grandson, and descendant to grandson endlessly... Ahem! In short, it is almost becoming a family heirloom!

Among them, Hogwarts is a typical example of stinginess.

The magic stone statues and magic armor in the castle have been used for almost a thousand years, and no principal has ever said that they need to be replaced.

Therefore, the things on the stone statues are actually the highlight, such as the necklace around the neck, the crown on the head, the gadgets in the hands, etc.

As for the magic stone statue?

Just a gift.

Since Bell invented various practical or interesting magic props, William has given up selling black magic props.

Of course, it is impossible to just throw away the pile of black magic props at home.

That’s all money! William is not as prodigal as his own son. He is a good man who is diligent and thrifty.

In fact, Bell carries all those black magic props with him.

Yes, you read that right. Bell unintentionally became a gangster in the British wizarding world. If the dark magic items on his body were discovered by the Ministry of Magic, he would probably be imprisoned in Azkaban for 'ten thousand years'.

Of course, Bell had no intention of doing anything bad. The reason why he collected those black magic props was actually for research and improvement. Many of the powerful magic props in Shanna's little satchel were inspired by those black magic props.

Ahem, sorry, I got off topic.

Let's shift our perspective back to the present.

After listening to his father describe Arthur Weasley's tragic situation, Bell felt very embarrassed.

It turns out that the eldest brother is laughing at the second brother, and Ba Liang is laughing at half a catty.

Fortunately, he didn't say what he was thinking, otherwise he would have been laughed at by his unscrupulous father for a whole year?

5 minutes have passed...

10 minutes have passed...

Half an hour has passed...

"Sister Huang Quan, it's okay. There's no rush. We're really not in a hurry at all."

Seeing Huang Quan looking like he was about to cry, even though he was very impatient to wait, how could Bell possibly say it out loud.

I don’t know if there are too many people taking taxis or too few taxis? Of course, it might just be a simple backlash from the Bell family.

In short, after waiting for more than half an hour, several people still couldn't get a taxi.

Huang Quan would not be so naive as to take Bell's comfort seriously. Not to mention the Bell family, even she herself couldn't get a taxi after spending half an hour here. She already wanted to kill someone with a knife!

After thinking for a while, Huang Quan gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Follow me, I have an idea."

The Bell family followed Huang Quan in confusion, wondering what the other party planned to do?

Under the leadership of Huang Quan, several people quickly came to an uninhabited corner.

Seeing Huang Quan turn around, take off the sword bag on his back, and draw the sword out of its sheath, both William and Elena became nervous.

"Sanna, forget it, forget it, don't rush to take out the wand yet."

Bell held down his sister's right hand again and again to prevent the little girl from throwing an explosive spell.

By the way, aren’t there a lot of similar scenes recently? Bell was caught off guard at the beginning and broke into a cold sweat, but now he has become accustomed to it with skillful movements.

But this time I really can’t blame Shanna. If Bell hadn't sensed the malice from Huang Quan's body, and if the earrings hadn't given him an early warning, maybe 'Sister Huang Quan' would have become 'Yomi-chan' now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm, I'm really sorry!"

Seeing the reaction of the Bell family, Huang Quan realized how reckless his behavior just now was.

The person who is with her now is not the companion who often fights side by side in the countermeasure room to eliminate evil spirits. In front of the person you meet for the first time, if you draw a knife without saying a word, you will inevitably be misunderstood.

"This sword is called the 'Lion King', and it is a treasured sword passed down from generation to generation in the Isayama family. The sword houses a spiritual beast named 'Ran Guren'. If you don't mind, you can sit on the back of Ran Guren. move."

Huang Quan hurriedly explained.

After hearing Huang Quan's explanation, William and Elena relaxed their vigilance slightly, but they had no plans to put away their wands for the time being.

"I don't mind, not at all. That's great!"

Unlike his parents who were on guard, Bell showed great interest when he heard that there was a spiritual beast living in the long sword.

When he came to Japan this time, Bell's main purpose was to gain knowledge about the creation, maintenance and use of shikigami by Onmyoji.

I didn't expect to see Shikigami in person on my first day in Japan. And judging from the dangerous aura emanating from that sword, it was probably not an ordinary shikigami. How could Bell not be excited about this?

Of course, as excited as he was, Bell would not relax as he should be vigilant. After all, his sister is right next to him. He wouldn't allow anyone to hurt Shanna.

Don't look at Bell's calm appearance on the surface, but secretly, he has already been ready to enter the battle at any time.

But then again, this Huangquan sister actually introduced the sword in her hand in such detail to herself and others who were meeting for the first time?

Bell really doesn't know how to say that the other party is sincere? Is it better to be naive?

Isn't she afraid that her family will have bad intentions?

Don't show your wealth in vain, girl!

"Ran Hongren!"

Following Huang Quan's sharp shout, powerful magic waves spread out around Huang Quan with Huang Quan as the center.

In the expectant eyes of Bell, the curious eyes of Shanna, and the shocked eyes of William and Elena, a giant beast with a height of 4 or 5 meters and a length of nearly 10 meters appeared behind Huang Quan.

This giant beast is completely red and has a thick mane on its back. It has a ferocious face with as many as 6 pairs of 12 eyes. The bloody mouth is full of fangs, making people shudder at the first glance.

Behind the giant beast, there are several tails. If you look closely, you will see that those tails are actually giant pythons.

"Bell, do we really want to sit on the back of this giant beast? How about we take a taxi. I suddenly miss the feeling of riding in a Muggle car."

William was a little timid. He now seriously suspects that there are unscrupulous people who want to harm him!

When he gets closer, the little girl will immediately reveal her true colors and order the giant beast to swallow him in one gulp.

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