The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 212 Is this the legendary Bu0026B?

Bell was speechless when he heard his father's words.

‘Have you ever been in a car and you miss it? ’

"Dad, don't you think this one is super handsome? He feels like a substitute."

Bell stared at Luan Honglian behind Huang Quan with bright eyes. Now he can't wait to get a shikigami to raise.

"It's so handsome! Dad, I want to sit here!"

Shanna also raised her hands high and stared at Ran Honglian with bright eyes.

If Huang Quan hadn't stood between her and Luan Honglian, the little girl would have run over and touched Luan Honglian's hair to see if this big guy who suddenly appeared was real.

‘How cool is this! ? It's so ugly, okay? ? Also, what is a substitute messenger? ’

William, who was feeling MMP in his heart, could only try his best to maintain a stiff smile on his face and nodded when facing his little daughter's expectant eyes.

'It's all this brat like Bell who led my lovely and well-behaved little daughter astray! ’

At this moment, William recalled the time when Shanna was still a little baby. At that time, Shanna was little and loved to be held by her father. Every time he picked up little Zannah, Zannah would...

"Let's go, why are you dazing?"

Elena pushed her husband from behind. Both Bell and Zannah had already run to the feet of the giant beast. They had to follow up quickly and protect their son and little daughter.


William, whose thoughts were interrupted, could only say 'not finished, to be continued' for the time being.

"Please rest assured, Luan Honglian will never harm you."

Seeing William and Elena tense up and staring at Luan Honglian without blinking, Huang Quan was really afraid that they would attack Luan Honglian if they became nervous.

In that case, she had no confidence that she would be able to stop Luan Honglian's instinctive counterattack in time.

Her job is to welcome foreign guests. If the foreign guest was seriously injured and sent to the hospital on the first day, she would not be able to go out to meet people anymore.

As for Luan Honglian being harmed?

Huang Quan never considered it.

Luan Honglian is not an ordinary spiritual beast. Even in the entire Japanese magic world, Ran Honglian can be ranked in the top ten.

And strictly speaking, the 'Lion King' in her hand is the 'original body' of Luan Honglian. As long as the 'Lion King' is not destroyed, nothing will happen to Luan Honglian.

"Please hold on to Ranguren's mane, we are about to set off."

After the Bell family was seated securely, Huang Quan ordered Luan Honglian to leap into the air.

After the initial novelty wore off, Bell was finally able to objectively evaluate Ran Honglian.

To sum it up simply in one sentence: ‘Not as good as our own speed car’.

It should be emphasized here again that Bell does not advertise its own flying cars! He didn't!

First of all, Ran Hong Lian cannot fly, it moves forward in leaps and bounds. This greatly affects the ‘ride’ experience. It's so bumpy.

Secondly, the speed is a bit slow. There is still a big gap compared with speeding cars.

Third, the space on the back is narrow. Not to mention playing Quidditch, it was difficult to even stand up and walk around twice.

Fourth...well...Bell hasn't thought about it yet. I'll update it when I do.

"Sister Huang Quan, aren't we afraid of being seen by others like this?"

Bell asked doubtfully.

He did feel that when he set out before, Huang Quan opened a barrier. It is estimated that that should be a barrier that functions as invisibility.

However, that barrier only wrapped a few people, but it didn't also wrap up the red lotus under the buttocks?

Huang Quan obviously understood what Bell meant. She smiled and explained: "Luan Honglian is a spiritual beast. Ordinary people without 'spiritual vision' cannot see Luan Honglian, so there is no need to worry."

Bell then suddenly realized. It turns out that it's a similar situation to dementors. Muggles without magic in their bodies cannot see them.

Although Bell dislikes Luan Honglian's slow speed, relatively speaking, it is still quite fast.

No, it didn't take long for a few people to reach their destination.

"Sister Huang Quan, is this a hotel?"

Looking at the small western-style building in front of him, Bell thought, might the size of this hotel be a little too small?

But the yard at the back seems quite big. Could it be said that this is the legendary B\u0026B! ?

Bell had heard of B\u0026Bs. It's just that as a poor single, he had never lived there.

"No, this is my home."

Huang Quan explained calmly.

"Actually, it's like this. Recently, the activities of evil spirits have become more and more frequent. Not long ago, even the current head of the Tu Miya family was attacked by evil spirits and died of serious injuries.

Therefore, for the personal safety of all distinguished guests, the Countermeasures Room has specially chosen my home as your resting place. The house is humble and humble, and if there is any fault in the hospitality, I hope it will be corrected. "

Huang Quan bowed deeply to the Bell family, his voice full of apology.

Huang Quan really felt sorry for the Bell family. Of course, it's not because her home is really shabby or anything. As one of the best onmyoji families in Tokyo. Although the Isayama family cannot be said to be rich, they have never been troubled by money problems.

What really made Huang Quan feel apologetic was that what she just said, so-called 'for the sake of the other person's personal safety', was actually a lie to them.

It is true that the activities of evil spirits have become more and more frequent recently, and it is also true that the head of the Tsuchimiya family was attacked and died by evil spirits not long ago.

And the current head of the Tumiya family, who owns the so-called strongest spiritual beast-'Bai Rui', was seriously injured and died due to an attack by evil spirits. This made the entire magic world feel like a big earthquake had occurred, and everyone was in danger.

Therefore, the Bell family, who came to Japan to conduct some kind of 'market research' at this sensitive time, were inevitably suspicious of the Onmyoji.

Although the possibility is very small, just in case, the countermeasures room still dispatched Huang Quan to monitor Bell and others.

At the same time, Tsuchimiya Kagura, the next heir to the head of the Tsuchimiya family, who had just moved to the Isayama family a few days ago, also temporarily resided elsewhere.

Yes, Huang Quan's mission is to receive the Bell family on the surface, but secretly, it is actually to monitor the Bell family.

Even though Huang Quan is only in the third grade of junior high school, she has been called a "prodigy" since she was a child, and her actual combat power is one of the best in the entire countermeasures room.

In addition, Huang Quan also inherited the Isayama family's treasured sword - the 'Lion King'. Therefore, even among the younger generation in the entire conjuring world, there are not many people who can compare with her.

However, although the combat effectiveness is up to standard, Huang Quan is still young after all. She is kind by nature and has been living on campus. For a while, she couldn't understand the intrigues of adults.

Therefore, even though he had done nothing wrong, Huang Quan felt a little embarrassed to face the Bell family.

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