The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 213 Super~ Brothers and Sisters Who Can Trouble

Bell felt a little disappointed when he heard Huang Quan's 'reasonable' explanation.

On the one hand, I was disappointed that the small western-style building in front of me was not the legendary B\u0026B.

On the other hand, he quite hoped that an evil spirit would attack him.

It's said that Bell hasn't made a move for a long time, and his hands are itching and his heart is itching even more.

The originally planned ‘ingredient hunting’ activity with my sister next school year was completely ruined due to Lao Deng’s interference.

Therefore, if a few evil spirits could attack him, Bell would probably wake up laughing in his dreams.

Not to mention, Bell is very interested in Japan's specialty - evil spirits. He would like to find an opportunity to catch a few and bring them back to England for further study.

"Please come in, and I will arrange rooms for you."

Under Huang Quan's guidance, the Bell family entered the Isayama family.

When passing through the door, Bell used his magic to sense it a little.

‘The barrier strength is average and should only be used as a warning. ’

"Sister Huang Quan, are you the only one at home?"

Bell didn't sense anyone else's aura here.

"My father and I live here. However, due to the previous attack and death of the head of the Tumiya family, my father has been busy recently and is rarely at home. I'm really sorry. When my father comes back, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible. I came to say hello to all distinguished guests."

Huang Quan bowed and apologized again.

"It's okay, it's okay. We came uninvited in the first place, and there is absolutely no need for Sister Huang Quan to apologize."

Bell felt a little embarrassed after Huang Quan kept bowing and apologizing. It seemed as if my family was bullying a little girl.

Dinner was a home-cooked meal prepared by Huangquan himself.

Originally, Elena had vowed to help cook. However, house elves usually handle household chores. God knows when was the last time Elena cooked (maybe she has never done it before?), after almost setting the house on fire, she finally became red. Face exited the kitchen.

After dinner, several people discussed tomorrow's itinerary.

"What? Isn't there a market in the magic world?"

Bell felt very incredible. When he just proposed that he wanted to go to the Onmyoji's commercial street tomorrow to learn about the market conditions and do some shopping, he was told by Huang Quan that there was no so-called commercial street in the magic world?

‘Could it be that I used the wrong word? ’

Bell had some doubts. Was it because his half-baked Japanese failed to convey the meaning he wanted to express correctly?

However, Huang Quan's next words successfully dispelled Bell's self-doubt.

"Yes, usually if the major families need something, they will exchange it between the families. If there is no other family, they will issue tasks to the wandering Onmyoji to obtain the required materials. Waiting for items.”

Huang Quan patiently explained the common sense of the magic world to the Bell family.

"If the wandering Onmyoji needs anything, he usually looks for it from the mission rewards issued by the major families. If he cannot find it, he will try his luck at the monthly gathering."

Bell was speechless. The lives of Onmyojis are too simple, right? What age are you in, and you still go to the market?

Um... Bell suddenly realized that this is the 20th century, not the 21st century. It seems that going to the market is quite normal now?

Fortunately, the onmyoji's gathering is at the end of every month, and it is already close to the end of July, so it won't be long before Bell can go to the fair.

In short, it didn't work out... ahem, the Bell family couldn't do market research, so they had no choice but to reverse the order of things.

Tomorrow, William and Elena will go to the countermeasures room to discuss business cooperation with the Onmyoji. As for Bell and Shanna... of course they are going to play!

Bell plans to take his sister to see the cherry blossoms tomorrow. After all, we have come to Japan, how can we not see the cherry blossoms?

What? You said the cherry blossoms have faded?

joke! Are you looking down on magic? ?

I dare not say that there are too many, but Bell can still control the blooming and fading of more than a dozen cherry blossom trees. After all, cherry blossoms are not magical plants and are not resistant to magic.

‘I don’t know if there is a Westward Demon here? ’

The next evening.

Huang Quan, with black streaks all over his head, dragged Bell and Shanna and walked into the house with heavy steps.

She finally saw today what 'torturing' means!

These brothers and sisters are really amazing! My younger sister, Shanna, has all kinds of wild (commonly known as ‘unreliable’) ideas. Of course there is nothing wrong with this. As a child, it’s good to have a rich imagination.

But with the addition of his brother Bell, Huang Quan wanted to draw his sword and kill someone.

As long as it is a request made by Shanna, except for some that are too outrageous, for example, when she was on Mount Fuji before, Huang Quan mentioned that she once saw in a magazine that some experts pointed out that if Mount Fuji erupts, then the entire Japan may be affected. will all disappear.

The result is guess what. The little girl actually said that she wanted to see what the eruption of Mount Fuji would look like?

‘Are you a devil! ? ’

For the first time in her life, Huang Quan realized that the fear of naughty children was far beyond her imagination.

I hope that this will not leave a psychological shadow on Huang Quan, causing psychological problems such as 'fear of marriage' and 'fear of childbirth'.

Of course, even Bell would not be able to satisfy his sister's unreasonable request.

On the contrary, Bell severely reprimanded Shanna for this dangerous idea. In the end, Shanna reluctantly turned the page as she burst into tears.

Although from Huang Quan's perspective, Bell, who had a doting smile on his face, couldn't even touch the stern side.

And except for things that can't be done, or can't be done, Bell really does whatever Shanna says. Zanna didn't even say anything, but Bell did it first.

Including but not limited to: making a small cherry blossom forest bloom on Mount Fuji; flying to the top of Mount Fuji to take photos; finding a bear in the mountain to burn bear paws at noon; and having a snowball fight with the snow on the top of the mountain.

Especially the snowball fight. Huang Quan has lived for more than 10 years, and this is the first time he knows that snowball fights can be fought like that! ? Are they sure they are having a 'snowball fight' and not a 'snowball fight'?

If he hadn't known that the relationship between the siblings was so good, Huang Quan would have thought that they wanted to kill each other.

The worst thing is that the brother and sister's snowball fight unexpectedly triggered a huge avalanche, almost burying her in the snow.

Fortunately, they were far away from the scenic spot at the time, so they did not affect ordinary tourists.

But just in case, the staff of the scenic spot blocked the road up the mountain.

By the way, how can someone pamper his sister to such an extent! ?

Huang Quan felt that if it were her and Kagura, she wouldn't dote on Kagura so much!


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