The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 214 Unpredictable leisure time (1)

In addition to being mentally exhausted, Huang Quan was even more exhausted physically.

The last time she was as tired as she is now was probably more than 10 years ago, when she first started learning kendo under the guidance of her father.

Huang Quan was surprised when he first learned that the Bell brothers and sisters could fly. You know, in the world of magic, only a small number of Onmyoji can fly with the help of Shikigami's abilities.

And when he learned that the Bell brothers and sisters flew through the magic props called "flying shoes" worn on their feet, Huang Quan became a little envious.

If she could also have a pair of flying shoes, she should be able to rush to the scene of the evil spirit incident faster and save more people.

‘The wizards are so powerful! ’

For the first time, Huang Quan had the idea of ​​​​traveling around the world.

However, as the next head of the Isayama family, her father's physical condition is not very optimistic. So her idea should be difficult to realize.

However, 2 hours later, Huang Quan's thoughts changed 180 degrees.

‘Who on earth invented flying shoes, such a wicked magic item! ? I really want to chop him to death! ’

Looking at the two small black dots on the horizon, Huang Quan had no choice but to summon the red lotus with both hands again, and chased in the direction of Bell and Shanna.

As the top spiritual beast, Luan Honglian is not an easy thing to summon. For the first time in a long time, Huang Quan once again felt the feeling of the magic power bottoming out.

"You two, sit down, I have something to say to you."

Slumping down on the sofa tiredly, Huang Quan looked at the brother and sister who were still in high spirits after a hard day's work and were discussing where to go to play tomorrow. She felt she couldn't go on like this any longer.

"Sister Huang Quan, what's the matter?"

Bell pulled Shanna and sat across from Huang Quan, looking at him curiously.

"You have the nerve to ask me what's wrong!?"

Huang Quan looked at the innocent-looking brother and sister in disbelief. She felt some stomach pain.

Don’t these two people have any self-awareness? ?


"...Okay, you win."

Huang Quan gave up the strategy of "using eyes to make the opponent feel guilty". She decided to have a 'showdown' with the opponent head-on.

"I just summarized today's experience. Then I think that in the next period of time, we need to make three chapters!"

Huang Quan tried to look more dignified. As the oldest sister among the three people present, Huang Quan believes that it is necessary and responsible for her to take good care of these two little guys.


Bell nodded, curious about what the other person planned to say.

"First, starting from tomorrow, you are not allowed to use magic power when playing!"

Huang Quan stretched out a finger and solemnly stated the condition she had just thought of.

"Second, you..."


Bell stretched out his hand to interrupt Huang Quan's speech.

"I have objections!"


Huang Quan looked at Bell inexplicably burning up in wonder, wondering what kind of trouble the other party was planning to do?

"Ahem, I mean, why aren't we allowed to use magic? You know, we are wizards. If we don't let wizards use magic, what's the difference between not letting people with superpowers use superpowers!"


I have to admit that there seems to be no difference between the two.


"Does this have anything to do with what we are talking about now!? And where do the superpowers come from!"

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

Huang Quan has never regretted something like this.

If God could give her a chance to do it again, she would never accept this mission even if she was forced to die!

"Brother, do you want to implement plan C?"

Little Shanna, who couldn't bear to see her brother suffer even the slightest injustice, asked eagerly.

How dare someone yell at his brother? And he still yelled in front of her? This is so much fun!

By the way, the content of Plan C is to ‘get rid of the other party’. Generally used as a last resort when Plan A and Plan B fail.

By the way, so far, neither Bell nor Shanna has ever formulated any plan A or B.

Looking at his sister's red little face, even someone as slow as Bell began to realize that something was wrong.

At first, he thought that Zannah took out her wand at every turn because she couldn't bear to see him being wronged.

Seeing how much his sister loved his brother, Bell was moved for a long time.

But as the number of times increased, why did Bell feel more and more that Shanna's red face didn't look like she was angry, but instead seemed to be caused by excitement?

By the way, doesn't Zanna just want to... exercise her spell-casting ability?

‘As expected of my sister, she never forgets to study magic anytime and anywhere! ’

Bell was a little disappointed when he learned that his sister might not love him as much as he thought. But Bell was relieved to learn that his sister loved magic even more than she thought.

These two emotions were intertwined, and Bell didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

"elder brother?"

"Ahem, it's nothing. Don't execute plan C for now, wait for my signal."

Bell came to her senses and quickly stopped her sister. They are here to travel, and it would be too bad to cause a "river of blood" or something like that.

"What's Plan C?"

Huang Quan looked suspiciously at little Shanna, whose mood was inexplicably high and then inexplicably low. Her intuition told her that the brother and sister had not said anything nice just now.

"Ahem, it's nothing. Let's discuss the three chapters of the agreement."

"Yes! I was almost led astray by you."

Huang Quan finally remembered his original purpose.

"Next is the second rule, don't cause trouble to others."

"Wait! I have an objection!"

Bell fired the 'word bullet' again.

'ah--! It seems like killing someone! Let me chop him! Let me chop him to death! ! ! ’

Huang Quan tried his best to contain the devil in his heart. She even wanted to die with Bell!

So Huang Quan is still too young!

Looking at Zhao Youde before, he didn't have such worries as Huang Quan.

Zhao Youde completely looked away after he was almost paralyzed and the Bell family didn't even lose a hair.

These two brats can do whatever they like. He couldn't control it anyway, and he didn't dare to.

As the saying goes, "If the sky falls, the taller ones will carry it." He, Zhao Youde, is the shortest one, so what does he have to worry about?

"Sister Huang Quan, have we ever caused trouble to others? Even if you are underage, you cannot arbitrarily make false accusations against good people. You will be held legally responsible, I tell you."

Bell righteously reprimanded Huang Quan for his wrong behavior. As the oldest...uncle among the three people here?

'No! I am still young! I'm only 13 years old! ’

Ahem... In short, Bell believes that he has the responsibility and necessity to educate these two little girls, especially not to let his sister learn bad things.

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