The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 215 Unobtrusive leisure time (End)

"You haven't caused trouble to others!?"

Huang Quan's eyes widened in disbelief. She has never seen such a shameless person!

"Even if you exclude me, the big avalanche you two caused on Mount Fuji forced other tourists to go down the mountain and leave. Doesn't this count as causing trouble for others!?"

“We did cause the avalanche, but didn’t we deliberately stay away from the scenic spot to ensure that the avalanche would not affect ordinary tourists.

Those people were driven down the mountain by the staff of the scenic spot. So if you want to blame it, you should also blame the staff for being too cowardly. We won’t take the blame for this. "

Bell retorted unreasonably.

You know, in the actual combat training version 2.0, he was often on the snowy mountains, facing the siege of a large number of magic stone statues. So he was not too familiar with avalanches.

When he was on Mount Fuji before, he had already calculated that it would never affect the scenic spots on the other side of Mount Fuji.

"Where do you come from with so many fallacies!?"

If you can't bear it anymore, you don't need to bear it anymore! Huang Quan stood up and hit Bell on the head with a knife.

For this disobedient naughty child, Huang Quan decided to take the final resort - violent suppression!

She didn't believe it anymore. Could she still cure these two little brats?


"it hurts--!"

Huang Quan clasped his hands and cried out in pain. She felt that the blow she just made with her hand didn't hit Bell's head, but hit an iron lump.

Fortunately, the force she just used was not too strong, otherwise Huang Quan suspected that the bones in his hand might be broken.

"What the hell is your head made of!?"

"Hey hey hey~!"


Bell laughed sheepishly.

"Actually, it's not that powerful~!"

"I'm not complimenting you!!!"

Huang Quan took a few deep breaths and felt a little dizzy.

‘Where is my quick-acting Jiuxin Pill? ’

"Brother, are you talking about cross talk? It's so interesting!"

Shanna clapped happily. The interaction between the two reminded her of the cross talk show her brother took her to when she was in China.

"Ahem, what's that? In fact, brother is discussing a very serious issue with eldest sister, Shanna, don't laugh."

Seeing Huang Quan looking for a knife, Bell, who didn't want blood to flow out, signaled his sister to be more serious.

This Huangquan sister couldn't help but be amused. He still had many good ideas that he had not mentioned yet.


Zannah stopped laughing obediently.

The little girl sat up straight and looked at Huang Quan seriously.

"So, Sister Huang Quan, what is the third item?"

Huang Quan took a deep breath. Unlike facing Bell, when communicating with the cute little Sanna, she would still subconsciously act gentler.

"There is no third clause. You two just need to promise me to abide by these two clauses."

The third hell has not been figured out yet. After all, the time left for her to think was too short, and that bastard Bell was always making jokes. It was already very difficult for her to think of two.

"Brother! Brother!"

Shanna tugged on her brother's sleeve and leaned close to Bell's ear.

"Sister Huang Quan is so stupid! She clearly only mentioned two rules, but she also said it was a three-part agreement."

Shanna looked at Huang Quan with eyes full of pity. The little girl said that when she was 3 years old, she could already count to 10.

(Because there are 10 fingers.)


Bell glanced at his sister speechlessly. So why did Shanna have to speak in his ear when she was so loud?


Huang Quan looked at the brother and sister in front of him speechlessly. Although she only understood half of what Shanna said just now. But the look in Shanna's eyes was enough for her to understand the other half of what she meant.

Huang Quan can guarantee with her life that these brothers and sisters are definitely close, and they are so close that they can no longer be close.


‘My knife! ! ! ’

"Sister Huang Quan, forget it, forget it, Shanna is still young, don't argue with her."

Bell hurriedly stood up and stood between Huang Quan and the Lion King. He didn't dare let the other party get the knife.

Judging from his years of life experience, Huang Quan has completely lost his mind now. If the other party gets the sword in his hand, then maybe the other party will release a substitute... No, he will release the spiritual beast 'Ran Honglian'.

With Luan Honglian's huge size, if he suddenly appeared in the room, he might be bleeding like a river!

"Get out of my way! It's you I want to chop!"

Huang Quan grabbed Bell's shoulders and tried hard to push Bell away.


Now Bell can't give in even more! Speaking of which, it was clearly his sister who made the taunt just now, so why is Huang Quan's hatred directed at him?

Could it be that my sister secretly practiced the hunter's magical skill of deceiving teammates - 'misleading'?

However, after a while, Bell couldn't bear it anymore.

Even though Bell's physical strength is now very high, he is after all a high-end 'Master', different from these 'iron fools' who have given up their 'brains'.

Therefore, in a purely physical confrontation, he is really no match for Huang Quan, who has been practicing swordsmanship professionally for more than 10 years.

As the saying goes: ‘If you can’t fight, run away’.

Bell suddenly exerted his strength and unexpectedly pushed Huang Quan back a step. Then, he turned around, grabbed the 'Lion King' on the ground, and ran away.

While running, Bell also used magic power to suppress the 'Lion King' in his hand.

As a sword with a long heritage, the 'Lion King' has a certain sense of autonomy. People who are not approved by it cannot touch it at will.

"Don't run away if you have the guts!"

Huang Quan roared and chased after him.

"If you have the guts, don't pursue it!"

Bell would only stop running if his brain was filled with water.

"I didn't have one in the first place!"


Bell was angry. It's tolerable, but it's intolerable! ? Even if the uncle could bear it, 13-year-old Bell couldn't bear it!

Throwing the 'Lion King' far away, Bell suddenly turned around and rushed towards Huang Quan with his teeth and claws bared.

Huang Quan, who didn't expect that Bell actually stopped running, was thrown to the ground by Bell due to his carelessness.

Huang Quan struggled hard, trying to stand up, but Bell held him tightly like an octopus, unable to move.

Suddenly, under Huang Quan's horrified gaze, Bell's hands and feet became longer and longer, and were tied around her body one after another!

Moreover, Huang Quan also felt that his strength was being withdrawn bit by bit by Bell. Gradually, she couldn't even squeeze out the strength to struggle.

Hunger surged like a tsunami, and Huang Quan, unwilling to sit back and die, opened his mouth and bit Bell's shoulder hard... Huh? It seems to taste pretty good?

"Ah——! Sister Huangquan, why did you bite me!?"

A deafening cry of pain came, and Huang Quan raised his heavy eyelids with difficulty.

She discovered that she was not lying in the corridor, and Bell had not turned into a 'rubber man' and hugged her.

"Sister Huang Quan, say it quickly! Your finger is going to be bitten off!"


After being stunned for a moment, Huang Quan quickly let go, allowing Bell to take back his hand.

She glanced around blankly.

"What just happened?"


Bell gave Huang Quan a confused look.

"Nothing happened just now. You suddenly fell asleep in the middle of talking to us."

Bell felt a little guilty. It seemed that he and Shanna had indeed gone too far today, and Huang Quan was exhausted.

"By the way, Sister Huang Quan, you said before that you summarized today's experience, what next?"

Bell asked curiously.

"Then? Oh, right!"

Huang Quan tilted his head and thought for a while before remembering what she planned to say before.

"I think,! It's nothing!"

After a cold war, Huang Quan gave up his previous plan.

Her sixth sense told her that if she continued talking, things would definitely turn out the same as in her dream.

Compared to suffering the bad things in his previous dreams, Huang Quan would rather let Bell and Shanna suffer as much as they like.

After all, the two brothers and sisters were tormenting others!

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