The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 216 Why are there no ghost twin sister maids?

Ignoring the hostile gaze cast by Xiao Shanna, Huang Quan struggled to leave the sofa, holding on to his still aching body.

"You must be hungry too, right? I'll prepare dinner."

"No need, Sister Huang Quan. I had already prepared dinner while you were going to bed."

Bell was too embarrassed to do anything, so he just waited for Huang Quan to wake up and then cook for them.

Therefore, he had already prepared it before...ordering Lim to prepare dinner. But Huang Quan cannot know this. Because this time, Lim still entered the country illegally.

There was no way. Although Lim's mission had been completed, Bell couldn't let her run back to England alone across half the world, right?

In fact, Shanna volunteered to prepare dinner for her brother. The little girl also said she wanted to try Japanese food.

However, Bell, who knew that his sister's condition was extremely unstable and that one meal might be edible but the next meal could kill her, for the sake of Huang Quan's life, Bell still tried his best to comfort his sister.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Bell returned to his room and prepared to rest.

My parents came back around 9 o'clock. According to the two people, this negotiation didn't seem to go well?

Not only did the negotiation not go smoothly, William almost wanted to curse!

He had just negotiated a term with the other party in the morning, but in the afternoon the person opposite him changed.

William actually didn't care much about substitutions or anything like that. But the problem is, the other party actually said that the content discussed in the morning does not count! ?

William certainly didn't want his whole morning's efforts to be wasted for no reason. He asked the other party angrily, what on earth are you doing?

The result is guess what. The other party actually said that he and the person in the morning were not from the same organization. And his organization is the representative of the Japanese magic world.

‘Then why didn’t you come in the morning! ? ’

Although he felt very unhappy inside, William could only endure it reluctantly since he was in a foreign country.

However, what he didn't expect was that this was just the beginning of everything.

Not long after he talked with the new guy, someone else opened the door and walked into the conference room.

At first, William thought these people were in the wrong place. As a result, he found out through the interpreter's explanation that these new people were also here to discuss cooperation with him.

While William's mind was still confused, many people walked in one after another from outside, and judging from their appearance, they didn't seem to belong to the same organization?

In the end, William couldn't say a few words and just watched the group of people quarreling there.

Because the scene was so chaotic, even though the translator was sweating profusely, William could not fully understand what was going on.

He could only roughly understand that these people seemed to come from many different places, such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Okinawa.

William missed his son again. If Bell were here, he would be able to understand what these people are talking about at the same time.

In fact, this time, William really overestimated Bell. Bell's Japanese level is not very high, so even if Bell was present, he would probably be confused as to what these people were arguing about.

In short, if William were to sum up today’s experience, there would be only one word: ‘chaos’.

The various Onmyoji families and organizations are not subordinate to each other, and no one obeys anyone. Even the Muggle government came to interfere. This was really beyond William's imagination.

To be honest, William didn't have much expectations for the upcoming negotiations. But it's too early to say that now. I hope there will be a turn for the better.

‘Dong dong~’

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Bell's memories.

"Bell-kun, are you asleep?"

Huang Quan's voice reached Bell's ears.

"Not yet. Please wait a moment."

Walking to the door, Bell opened the door.

Huang Quan outside the door was wearing a sailor uniform, and his waist-length jet black hair was neatly tied together.

Bell looked at Huang Quan strangely. He didn't know why he came to him so late.

And how much does she like sailor suits? She wears them at home late at night?

"I'm really sorry for disturbing you late at night. My father is back. If possible, he would like to say hello to you."

Huang Quan first bowed and apologized, and then explained his purpose.

"No problem, I'll call my parents right away."

Bell readily agreed.

As for my sister?

By this time, Shanna should have gone to bed, and it doesn't make any difference whether the little girl goes or not.

Under the leadership of Huang Quan, Bell and his parents followed to the study room on the second floor.

Huang Quan gently knocked on the door twice. After a "please come in" came from inside, Huang Quan opened the door, stood respectfully by the door, and stretched out his hand to signal Bell and others to come first.

Bell walked in the door behind his parents. In the study, a middle-aged man in his 40s was standing in the center of the room.

There was a scar the size of half a hand at the left corner of the man's eye, which looked like a burn. The man's left sleeve was empty, and his only right hand was holding a walking stick. It seemed that his legs and feet were not very flexible.

"I am very sorry to greet all of you distinguished guests so late. I hope you can forgive me for being rude. I, Naraku Isayama, am the current head of the Isayama family."

The man bowed to Bell and others and introduced himself.

After Bell also briefly introduced his family, both parties took their seats.

Looking at Huang Quan who was standing respectfully behind Isayama Naraku, Bell suddenly felt that the soft sofa under his butt was a little bit painful. By the way, should he stand up too?

Before Bell could figure out a result, Naraku Isayama was the first to speak up: "This humble house is simple, I wonder if you are still used to living in it? If you need anything, please don't be polite and just ask my daughter."

"Where. Miss Huang Quan treated you very well. Rather, I am sorry that our family has caused trouble to you."

After the pleasantries that night, Bell never saw Isayama Naraku again. I heard from Huang Quan that the other party has now taken over the magic world in Tokyo and is busy quelling the chaos caused by the death of the head of the Tsuchimiya family.

Only then did Bell realize that the Isayama family's status in the world of magic seemed to be quite high?

In fact, it's not to blame Bell for his slow response. Since arriving in Japan, Bell has only met two people from the Isayama family.

Moreover, although the place where the dignified head of the family lives is not ordinary, it is definitely not grand. There is still a big gap between it and the Japanese-style mansion that Bell imagined.

Besides, in a large family, shouldn’t there be both a steward and a servant? He also didn't see the maid who is a specialty of Japan.

Ahem, he definitely didn't feel any regrets or anything...well, there was still a little bit of regret. Just a little bit!

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