The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 217 Five Elements Escape Technique

After learning about the strength of the Isayama family, Bell began to have "wrong" thoughts.

He casually asked about the Isayama family's inheritance and collection of onmyoji books, and made a request to purchase some books.

However, after Huang Quan politely stated that he needed to ask his father for instructions, there was nothing more to say.

It seems that this road is dead.

Although Bell felt a little disappointed, he didn't take it too seriously.

Judging from the fact that there is still no onmyoji school in the Japanese magic world, and it is still based on family inheritance, it is not difficult to know that the xenophobia of the major onmyoji families is quite serious.

In addition, while caring about his own goals, as a good son who loves his father, Bell also did not forget to inquire about information on his father's behalf.

Regarding the overall situation in the magic world, Huang Quan said that she did not know much.

Because of the raging evil spirits, Onmyojis generally rely on their regions to stay together.

However, the hugging mentioned here does not refer to all Onmyoji. Everyone puts aside their barriers and loves each other without any disputes.

Onmyojis are also human beings, and as long as they are human beings, they cannot escape the existence of discrimination and prejudice at any time.

Therefore, while the major families work together to deal with the evil spirits, they also do not forget to squeeze the value of the wandering Onmyoji.

As for the wandering Onmyoji, while they work together to deal with the oppression of the major families, they often take on tasks issued by the major families to earn some extra money.

As for the overt and secret struggles between the major families and the struggle for power among the wandering Onmyoji, it can be made into a series with more than 200 episodes.

Fortunately, Huang Quan has not been exposed to these things too much because of his age.

Just listening to Huang Quan's introduction to the tip of the iceberg that she knew about, Bell felt dizzy and wanted to explode something to cheer her up.

In short, the onmyojis are exhausted just from dealing with the evil spirits in their own three-thirds of the land.

Therefore, there is no concept of turf war among Onmyoji.

If someone wants to replace himself and others and take on the burden of exterminating spirits in this area, then those onmyojis whose nerves are about to weaken due to being tortured by evil spirits will not be said to be opposed, but I am afraid they will all be beaten. Beat gongs and drums and send banners to welcome the arrival of the other party.

After all, these days, good people with such an internationalist spirit are really... extinct.

To sum up, this is why a large group of people will appear when William is conducting business negotiations.

After telling his father the news he had heard, Bell got back to business - 'playing with his sister'.

Today, because his parents notified Bell in advance, he would not be back for dinner in the evening. Therefore, Bell decided to take Shanna to a restaurant.

Of course, going out to a restaurant or something is just incidental. Bell's main purpose is to take his sister to visit Tokyo Tower.

Bell also forgot where he heard it. It was said that the scenery would be very beautiful when standing on Tokyo Tower at night and looking down. I don’t know if it’s true or not?

"Sanna, what do you think?"

Standing on the top of the tower, Bell examined the night scene in front of him.

"So-so. Brother, what do you think?"


Bell remained silent and did not respond. At this point he realized that he had done something very stupid.

Different from the ordinary person he once was, he is now a wizard!

Although his ability to escape from the ground is not very good at present, flying to the sky is already a basic operation. So when you stand at a high place to see the night view, you can use whatever posture you want to look at.

"Hmm... the night breeze is quite comfortable?"

Bell finally managed to think of something he could praise. It is almost the end of July and the weather is still quite hot. Especially in Tokyo, Japan, which has a humid climate, it is even more uncomfortable.

Although there were constant temperature badges, Bell and Shanna would not feel uncomfortable due to the temperature, but the cool night breeze was still very comfortable on their bodies.

Huang Quan tried hard to collect his hair that was blown away by the strong wind, and glanced at Bell who was telling lies with his eyes open.

Damn it, Bell, couldn't he expand his wind filtering barrier that didn't know what it was about and wrap her in it?

If I had known better, I would have spent more time learning spells!

Huang Quan is no longer the same person she once was. If it had been in the past, she would have definitely tried to stop Bell and Shanna from running to the top of the tower to look at the scenery.

And now, she has almost become accustomed to the inconsistency of the Bell brothers and sisters, and will no longer complain about them one by one.

It could be said that as long as the two siblings did not plan to blow up Mount Fuji, she would be able to face it calmly.

"Let's go back?"

Bell suggested dully.


Shanna nodded.

Bell grabbed his sister's hand, and the two landed on the top of Tokyo Tower. Then, a surprising scene happened.

Waves of water-like ripples suddenly appeared on the thick outer wall of Tokyo Tower. The Bell brothers and sisters slowly sank as if they were standing on the water.

This is Bell's newly learned 'Earth Escape Technique'.

Regarding the various spells of the Chinese monks, the one that Bell admired the most was the 'Five Elements Escape Technique'.

In his opinion, these five escape techniques can be said to be a combination of attack, defense and movement. Although they are difficult to practice, once they are mastered to a high level, they can be completely invulnerable to weapons, water and fire.

Now, although Bell's Earth Escape Technique is not yet able to travel freely through the earth, small things like passing through a wall are still no problem.

By the way, a problem that beginners who practice earth escape often encounter is that they are easily stuck in the wall.

Regarding this problem, Bell, who has the true inheritance of the 'invincible wall penetration technique', has never worried about it.

"Hey! Take me for a ride too!"

Looking at Bell and Shanna, whose lower bodies had already sunk into the tower, Huang Quan anxiously greeted them.

Although she was able to summon Ran Honglian and jump off on the back of Ran Honglian. In fact, she jumped up like that before.

However, as mentioned before, summoning a top spiritual beast like Chaos Honglian consumes a lot of mana power. And Huang Quan, who has been following the Bell brothers and sisters for a whole day, now does not have much magic power left in his body, so save it if you can!

"However, men and women are not intimate. Now, I still have no way to lead people to escape without physical contact."

Bell said that if possible, he would also like to take the other party for a ride. However, our ability is limited, so we hope for your understanding.

"Why don't men and women have sex? You little brat, why do you have so many things to do?

And don’t think that I don’t know that it is a Chinese tradition for men and women not to be intimate with each other, not the British! "

After so many days of getting along, the relationship between the three of them has become much closer than at the beginning. Therefore, when communicating, there is a lot less politeness and becomes more casual.

Bell likes the casual feel.

To be honest, in the first few days after arriving, Bell felt uncomfortable and awkward every time he communicated with Huang Quan.

"Age doesn't mean anything. No matter how much younger I am than you, I already have a daughter..."

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