The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 218 Finally met the evil spirit!


A loud roar interrupted Bell's words.

The three people heard the sound and looked into the distance. At the end of their field of vision, they could see a huge fire, which reflected the dark night like day.

After Bell used magic power to strengthen his eyes, he noticed that at the scene of the fire, there was a... not very ferocious giant beast.

Comparing it with surrounding buildings, the height of the giant beast should be about 10 meters. It is completely black in color, with complex red patterns on its back.

The giant beast has two pillar-like forelimbs, but no hind limbs. Instead, it has a thick and long tail, which looks very powerful.

From the shoulders of the giant beast, blazing flames were sprayed outward. It can be seen that the air around the giant beast is slightly distorted due to the high temperature.

It seems that this is a monster with fire attributes.

But then again, this guy has a loud voice.

Bell's visual inspection showed that the distance between the three of him and the giant beast was at least 3 kilometers.

From such a distance, you can actually hear the other party's roar clearly.

"Oops! It's a B-class evil spirit - 'Train'! Sorry, Bell. Please go back first. I have to rush there immediately."

After saying that, Huang Quan summoned Luan Honglian and rushed towards the fire scene in the distance without waiting for Bell to respond.

"Brother, do we want to go back?"

Shanna asked.

"How can it be?"

Bell and Shanna stopped sinking and quickly surfaced.

That's right, the reason why they sank so slowly before was actually because Bell deliberately slowed down in order to tease Huang Quan.

"It's rare to encounter such an interesting thing, why not join in the fun?"

The corners of Bell's mouth couldn't help but rise.

Although it may be bad to say this, Bell was very happy about the appearance of the giant beast in the distance.

Before coming to Japan, Bell heard Zhao Youde say that Japan is full of evil spirits. After coming to Japan, he often heard similar topics from Huang Quan's mouth.

However, I don’t know whether to call it lucky or unfortunate. It's been more than a week, and Bell hasn't seen even a shadow of an evil spirit.

If he hadn't known it was impossible, Bell would have wondered whether Zhao Youde and Huang Quan had teamed up to dazzle him.

Hearing her brother's expected answer, little Shanna nodded happily, looking impatient.

Like her brother, little Shanna has always been looking forward to meeting evil spirits.

Although she can go to various attractions with her brother, little Shanna is really happy.

However, things like scenic spots are actually pretty much the same. Xiao Shanna, who has been watching them for almost a month, is really getting tired of them.

"Are you ready? There might be a battle soon."

Bell looked at his sister.

Although he was following her, Bell wasn't worried that Zannah would be harmed. But the little girl was still too young after all, and Bell was worried that Shanna wouldn't be able to bear the tragic scenes on the battlefield.


Shanna nodded firmly and grabbed her brother's outstretched hand.


After an inaudible sound, Bell and Shanna disappeared from the top of Tokyo Tower.

Huang Quan controlled Luan Honglian with some difficulty and jumped quickly on the top of the building.

During the day, the magic power was consumed too much, causing Huang Quan to feel weak all over.

Looking at the B-class evil train raging in the distance, Huang Quan was very puzzled.

The countermeasures room can monitor the response to the curse within Tokyo. Under normal circumstances, if there is an evil spirit reaction, the countermeasures room will send people there in advance to reduce losses as much as possible.

But now, not only had no one come here to make preparations beforehand, but the train had been wreaking havoc for so long, and the surrounding buildings and pedestrians seemed to have suffered heavy losses. But why haven’t the teammates in the strategy room come yet?

No matter what, since she saw it, Huang Quan must not turn a blind eye. Even though her current condition is not very good, she should still be able to deal with a train if she fights quickly.

Controlling Luan Honglian to land on the outside of the fire field, Huang Quan planned to let Luan Honglian use the 'Roaring Wave' to open a passage for her.

Although in her current state, after Luan Honglian uses Roar Wave, she should not be able to continue to maintain Luan Honglian's existence.

However, she should still have the strength to strike with a knife. With the sharpness of the 'Lion King', one knife is enough to take out the train!

"Hey! Sister Huang Quan, you are so slow!"



"Why are you here!? Didn't I tell you to go home? It's too dangerous here, and it's not a place for you to mess around! Leave quickly!"

Huang Quan yelled angrily.

It turned out that when she was controlling the fall of the red lotus, Huang Quan was shocked to find that Bell and Shanna were standing in the open space outside the fire scene.

That guy Bell was actually waving to her with a smile on his face?

Does he know what the situation is now? ?

"Don't be so heartless, Sister Huang Quan. Aren't we just seeing that your condition is too bad and we are worried about you, so we came here."

As we all know, Bell never lies. Therefore, what he said about worrying about Huang Quan's safety is certainly true.

Hmm... maybe about 5% of the reasons?

‘Why do you think I am in such a bad state! ’

Although he thought so in his heart, Huang Quan was still very moved.

Because he has been busy training and exterminating spirits, Huang Quan has no friends in school.

As for the teammates in the strategy room, due to the age gap, they rarely communicate other than mission content.

Therefore, strictly speaking, Bell and Shanna can be regarded as Huang Quan's first friends of the same age.

"I appreciate your kindness. But don't worry, I can still handle a B-level evil spirit. You should stay away from here as soon as possible. I will come to you after I deal with the evil spirit."

Having said that, Huang Quan temporarily suppressed his worries about the Bell brothers and sisters.

Time is urgent. During the time we were talking, another house was completely destroyed by the train and became a complete ruin.

"Ran Honglian, Roaring Wave!"

Under Huang Quan's order, Luan Honglian opened his bloody mouth. After a short period of energy accumulation, a golden beam of light spurted out from its mouth, opening a path directly to the evil spirit in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Looking at Luan Honglian disappearing in place, Bell raised his hand and touched his chin, thinking deeply.

The 'Roaring Wave' move just now should be Luan Honglian's innate ability. The reason why Bell was pondering was, why did Huangquan use roaring waves to clear the way?

As we all know, magical creatures are often born with unique abilities. However, compared to the magic spells of wizards, those abilities are often more unique than sophisticated.

If it is assumed that the mana consumed by the roaring wave is 100, then Bell can do the same thing with less than 50 mana.

Therefore, in Bell's view, it is completely absurd for Huang Quan, who has very little mana power left in his body, to waste a lot of mana power and let Luan Honglian use Roaring Wave.

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