The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 219 Is the road narrow?

During this period of time together, Bell made certain assumptions.

Now, Bell has basically confirmed his speculation: 'Huang Quan can't use magic'.

Of course, it doesn't work here, and it doesn't mean that Huang Quan really doesn't know how to use a single spell. At least on the first day they met, Huang Quan had used a spell similar to the 'Muggle Expelling Curse'.

But except for that one time, Bell really never saw the other party use spells once.

When encountering problems, Huang Quan always solves them by summoning Ran Honglian.

This is why, when the three of them go out together every day, nothing happens to Bell and Shanna, but Huang Quan is exhausted to death.

"Brother, what should we do? Do you want to go now?"

the little girl asked eagerly.

"No rush, let's take a look first and then talk."

If Bell was alone, he would have gone up to the meeting without saying a word, just like he did when he faced the Acromantula before.

But this time, with Shanna still here, Bell naturally had to be more cautious.

Moreover, Bell didn't have a general understanding of what kind of opponent the so-called B-level evil spirit was. So for the sake of safety, he decided to observe the situation first and then decide what to do next.


Shanna responded with some disappointment. However, the little girl still did not violate her brother's arrangement.

Bell reached out and rubbed Shanna's little head, then looked up at Huang Quan's back.

To be honest, Bell felt that the other party's path was narrow.

It’s not just the Underworld, Bell speculates that the paths of the Onmyojis are all narrow.

Although Bell has not come into contact with other Onmyoji so far. But as the next heir to the Isayama family, Huang Quan is considered to be at the top of the magic world. Even she is like this, so one can imagine what kind of state the other Onmyojis are in.

In Bell's view, magic is an omnipotent force. It can be used not only to destroy, but also to create.

Therefore, the onmyoji's approach of only focusing on destruction and improving combat effectiveness will undoubtedly limit future development.

Of course, this limitation may never be felt by most people. After all, not everyone can reach that level.

Moreover, due to their concentration, the combat effectiveness of ordinary Onmyojis may be higher than that of ordinary wizards.

At least judging from the speed Huang Quan is showing now, Bell estimates that 50% of wizards will move their heads before they can respond. Moreover, Bell speculated that the current speed should not be Huang Quan's limit.

If you think about it carefully, it's actually quite scary. After all, at Huang Quan's current age, he is still a student at Hogwarts. At this time, the opponent's frontal combat power was able to crush more than half of the adult wizards.

Considering the harsh living environment in Japan since ancient times, maybe the choice of the onmyojis is the 'winner' path?

With the help of the road opened by Luan Honglian, Huang Quan quickly approached the 'train'.

Some D-level evil spirits along the way were avoided by Huang Quan. And if it is really unavoidable, Huang Quan will use the most labor-saving method to solve it. She doesn't have any extra energy to waste on these trash fishes now.

Soon, Huang Quan arrived near the 'train'. And 'Train' obviously also felt threatened. It raised its forelimbs and struck Huang Quan hard.

However, the movement of the 'train' was too slow, and Huang Quan dodged the opponent's attack in a flash. Just when she was about to jump up and cut off the head of the 'train'. The forelimbs of the 'train' hit the ground, causing the ground to shake violently.

Normally, Huang Quan would be able to ignore this level of concussion just by slightly controlling the contraction of his leg muscles.

But today, Huang Quan, who was tired, felt his legs were sore and weak, and his jump was immediately interrupted.

In desperation, Huang Quan couldn't care less about his grace. She rolled on the spot, dodged the flames from the 'train', and hid behind a pile of rubble.

The stones and pieces of wood scattered on the broken ground scratched Huang Quan's coat, revealing the fair skin underneath. Traces of blood appeared on Huang Quan's body, adding a sense of sadness to her.

With the help of the cover of the ruins, Huang Quan continued to dodge the attacks of the 'train' and played hide and seek with the opponent.

Generally speaking, evil spirits don't have very good minds. The desire for destruction filled the evil spirits' entire bodies, causing them to give up thinking and only think about destroying everything in front of them.

Therefore, after being unable to catch the 'little bug' in front of him, the 'train' became more and more violent. It rolled its body into the shape of a wheel, and the flames on its back burned fiercely, covering the outer ring of the wheel.

The rapid rolling of the body brings powerful destructive power to the 'train'. Everything in front of it, whether it was ruins or tall buildings, was crushed to pieces by it.

But the more powerful a move is, the more difficult it is to control. So after rolling around for a while, the 'train' completely lost track of Huang Quan.

It stopped its unique skill - 'Invincible Hot Wheels' and looked around blankly.

Bell somewhat understood why Huang Quan kept wearing her black sailor uniform. On a night like this, wearing black clothes, paired with Huang Quan's long black hair, is almost like wearing a night clothes. If you don't have good eyesight, you really can't see her.

At the same time, although the flames ignited by the 'train' illuminated many places, it also made the darkness in the shadows deeper.

In Bell's field of vision, Huang Quan was quickly approaching the 'train' from behind, using the cover of darkness.

"Brother, are we really just watching like this?"

Shanna was a little unhappy. Compared to 'watching a show', the little girl still prefers 'acting'. Of course, the drama she acted was only for her brother.

By the way, with Shanna's current ability, it is impossible to lock Huang Quan's figure in such chaotic darkness. So the little girl now wears magic glasses.

Spell glasses are a magic prop developed by Bell based on Mad-Eye Moody's magic eye to see through invisibility. At the same time, the magic glasses can also be used to observe subtle traces of magic.

Therefore, after Shanna put on the magic glasses, Huang Quan's figure was as conspicuous as the bright moon in the night sky.

"Don't be impatient, just wait. Don't worry, Shanna, my brother will definitely let you have a good time tonight."

Bell glanced vaguely in the direction of his side and comforted him with a smile.

Compared with magic eyes, spell glasses have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it is easy to use and can be worn and taken off anytime.

The disadvantage is that the observation range of the magic glasses is limited by the field of view, and can only see about 120 degrees in front of you.

Therefore, even if you wear magic glasses, you must not be careless, otherwise you may miss some potential threats.

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