"It's okay, I didn't wait long, I didn't wait long. Hehe~!"

William smiled so hard that he couldn't look straight.

Fortunately, Elena was standing behind William and could not see her husband's expression.

Bell felt so tired. But as a good son who respected his father, he decided to save his father's life again.

"Mom and Dad, why did you come back so early today?"

Bell asked curiously.

"Haha! That's what you said!"

William laughed triumphantly.

(Bell: 'No, hold on, you must hold on!')

"Actually, the negotiation has been successfully completed! We have successfully reached commercial cooperation with the major families in the Japanese magic world!"


Bell was a little surprised. Although it is true that he has not paid attention to the progress of the negotiation for many days, didn't he say that it was not going well before?

"Hahaha! Of course, don't you look at who I am? With me taking action, how can there be anything unsolvable?"

‘I believed you, you idiot. ’

Looking past his father who was a little carried away with excitement, Bell turned his attention to his mother.

"Come in first, this is not a good place to chat."

After a few people entered the living room and sat down, Elena explained to Bell in detail what had happened over the past week.

It turned out that after the chaos in the first few days, before William and Elena could say anything, (mainly two people who didn’t know much about the Japanese magic world, it was hard to say anything.) The heads of the major Onmyoji families , they themselves realized that this would not work.

The reason why they put down what they were busy with and came all the way to Tokyo this time was not to cause trouble for others.

Their main purpose is to see if they can gain benefits for their family.

By the way, the secondary purpose is to see what British wizards look like...

Ahem, people are all curious.

It’s human nature and understandable.

Therefore, the major families made a private agreement to put aside their disputes for the time being, and then discuss the distribution issue after receiving the benefits from the British wizards.

In line with the etiquette of guest and host, the major families handed over the leadership of the negotiations to the leaders of the local families in Tokyo, the Isayama family. That is, in the hands of Naraku Isayama, whom Bell and others had met once.

The subsequent negotiations progressed relatively smoothly.

The major families who are always facing the threat of evil spirits are still very eager for the magic props produced by the Bell family.

Even Huang Quan, the heir to the Isayama family, was extremely envious when he saw the Bell brothers' flying shoes for the first time, and decided to buy a pair if he had the chance.

So one can only imagine what other Onmyojis would expect from the Bell family's products.

However, despite William's exaggerated smile at the entrance just now, he was actually not very satisfied with the outcome of this negotiation.

Because, strictly speaking, the Menethil family has not been able to truly enter the Japanese magic market.

The major Onmyoji families worked together to form a 'protective wall', firmly blocking the Menethil family from the wall.

According to the agreement, the Menethil family's products can only be sold to various Onmyoji families.

As for other members of small families, as well as wandering Onmyoji, they can only find ways to obtain various magic props from major families.

It is foreseeable that this move by the major families will definitely greatly strengthen their dominance over the magic world.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with William. He doesn't care who has the final say in Japan's magic world. He only cares about his own interests.

Although there is no unified leadership organization, there is no one to collect his customs duties. However, the existence of this 'middleman' is worse than the customs tax!

The most important thing is, how many Onmyoji are there in the entire Japan? He can just hire a few people to do it, there is no need for an agent at all!

William knew very well that it was completely meaningless to think about these things now.

But the frustration in my heart will not be reduced by this. He needs to find some other ways to vent his anger.

There were only a few days left until the end of the month market. After playing like crazy for more than a week, Bell and Shanna decided to take a good rest and be good kids for a few days.

In order to experience daily life in Japan, the brother and sister followed Huang Quan to the supermarket to buy food, the mall to buy clothes, and even went to Huang Quan's middle school to observe the campus life of Japanese junior high school students.

Although it is summer vacation, there are still many students in Japanese middle schools who come to participate in club activities, so the campus does not seem deserted.

By the way, after so many days of tough talk, Huang Quan finally relented and agreed to let Bell borrow a few books collected by the Isayama family.

Although it was only a few basic books specially selected by Huang Quan, it still gave Bell a certain understanding of the current situation of the Japanese magic world.

Unlike wizards and monks, onmyojis do not use magic wands, flying swords, etc., but they use a small amount of talismans.

Onmyoji's battles are basically accomplished through shikigami.

However, Huang Quan revealed that due to the rapid increase in the population of ordinary people in modern times, the number of wandering Onmyoji has increased rapidly. Most of the wandering onmyoji have no way to obtain shikigami, so they mostly use "cursed tools" to fight. Among them, magic tools modified from firearms are the most popular.

Closer to home, when the Onmyoji successfully seals one or more shikigami, he can not only summon the shikigami to help him fight, but also cast spells through the shikigami.

Since the connection between the Onmyoji and the Shikigami is very close, when the Onmyoji seals a Shikigami into his own body, he can inject the magic power into the body of the Shikigami, and then use his thoughts to Convey the power of the spell to complete the change in nature.

As for shikigami like Huangquan's Ran Honglian, since Ran Honglian is sealed in the Taito 'Lion King', Huang Quan cannot cast spells through it.

If you look at it purely from a combat perspective, there is no doubt that the shikigami is superior to the wand. At least Onmyoji won't be taught how to behave by a 'disarming spell'.

And this is why shikigami are so popular in the world of magic.

However, as the saying goes, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Shikigami also have many drawbacks.

First, if the shikigami is released outside the body for fighting, then spells can no longer be cast through it.

Second, most shikigami have their own attributes. If a fire attribute shikigami is used to cast an ice attribute spell, the power of the spell will be greatly reduced.

But correspondingly, if a fire attribute spell is cast through a fire attribute shikigami, the power of the spell will be greatly enhanced.

Third, shikigami of different strengths can withstand different total amounts of mantra power per unit time.

The more powerful a shikigami is, the stronger its endurance will be, but the difficulty of sealing will also increase. If you are not careful, you may even be in danger of being backlashed by the shikigami.

The fourth point is also the one that Bell cannot accept the most, that is, the shikigami sealed in the Onmyoji's body will always draw the Onmyoji's curse power to maintain its own existence.

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