The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 228 Going to the market

The only difference between wizards and Muggles is that wizards have magical powers.

Therefore, it can also be said that magic is the foundation of the existence of wizards.

Similarly, for Onmyoji, the power of magic is the foundation of their existence.

After all, it's just a different way of calling them. In essence, there is no difference between wizards and onmyoji, magic and curses.

Therefore, the shikigami who are constantly extracting the power of Onmyoji's curse is equivalent to constantly extracting the essence of Onmyoji's existence.

For details, please refer to ‘Mosquito Spirit’ Voldemort and ‘Senior Sister’ Quirrell.

This situation will not only greatly weaken Onmyoji's spellcasting ability. Being in a state of consuming spell power all the time will even reduce the vitality of the Onmyoji.

The more powerful a shikigami is, the faster its vitality will be reduced.

Dumbledore is over 100 years old and still active every day. Among Onmyoji, those who live to be 60 years old are considered a rare old age. The reason lies in this.

So, since shikigami have such big drawbacks, why do Onmyoji keep using shikigami?

That's certainly not because they are stupid.

It's because the Shikigami's only advantage is enough to erase all its shortcomings.

Shikigami can quickly increase combat effectiveness!

Even a child who has no power to bind a chicken, as long as he has enough magic power in his body, and as long as he successfully seals a shikigami, then he can be a "human battery" with peace of mind. The shikigami will destroy all enemies for him!

Or be destroyed by the enemy?

In short, in the Japanese magic world, where the living environment is harsh, instead of thinking about whether you can live a long life, it is more reliable to give priority to whether you can survive.

‘It seems that the wand business cannot be carried out in Japan. ’

Bell thought sadly.

After all, compared to spells that take years to learn and practice, triggers that can be pulled with just a flick of the finger are more suitable for combat.

At least that's the case for ordinary Onmyoji.

"Brother! Brother! Get up quickly!"

Little Shanna is very excited today. Not only because today is the day when the market opens, but also because after today’s shopping is completed, their family will go home!

Although Shanna does not hate traveling, it can even be said that the little girl likes to travel and play with her brother. But she is still young after all. Shanna, who had been away from home for so long for the first time, missed the fun little animals at home.

Opening his sleepy eyes, although in this life, Bell was used to getting up early. But the feeling of getting up was still something he couldn't praise.

He sat up and glanced at the dark night outside the window.

"Sanna, what time is it now?"

Bell asked



"Let me sleep for another five minutes."

Falling back on the bed with a plop, Bell pulled the blanket over his head.

"Brother! Get up quickly! The sun is shining on your butt!"

Little Shanna pulled her brother reluctantly and shook him vigorously.


Bell was speechless. Where is the sun shining on my butt? Father Sun obviously hasn’t gotten up yet, okay?

Is it possible that my sister still has the gift of prophecy? In the little girl's eyes, the sun has already risen?

In the end, Bell couldn't twist Shanna's thigh, so he could only hold back his sleepiness and got up, playing with his sister for several hours.

"This is really lively!"

Looking at the crowded crowd in front of him, Bell couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, the Bell family, led by Huang Quanyou, arrived outside an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Seeing people constantly walking in through the dilapidated gate of the factory, Bell had a little more expectation for today's 'market' activity.

Hearing Bell's emotion, Huang Quan also nodded. It was also her first time to ‘go to the market’.

As the heir to the Isayama family, if Huang Quan has any needs, her father will help her.

After entering the factory, what appeared in the eyes of several people was a... dilapidated factory.

Looking at this market place that looked the same on the outside, Bell's eyes twitched.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems quite normal?

After all, even someone from a big family like Huang Quan can't cast a few decent spells. It's probably not easy to find a few wandering Onmyoji who can use spells like the Traceless Stretch Curse.

Because several people came very early, the 'shopkeepers' in the venue were still busy setting up stalls, and no one could care about soliciting customers.

"How much does this pendant cost?"

Bell asked, pointing to a magatama-shaped ornament on the stall.

This pendant is just an ordinary ornament. Apart from being more beautiful, it does not have any magic attached to it. Bell planned to buy it as a souvenir. After all, apart from Japan, no country seems to have such magatama-shaped jewelry?

The stall owner stared at Bell and the others for a while, then said, "One million yen."

Yes, you heard it right, the common currency in the Japanese magic world is the yen.

Bell was quite surprised when he first learned the news. It wasn't until I learned the details about the magic world from Zhao Youde and Huang Quan that I felt relieved.

There is no way, under the raging evil spirits, the Onmyoji and the Japanese government have to cooperate with each other.

As a result, onmyojis have very frequent contacts and exchanges with ordinary people.

According to Huang Quan, if an ordinary person witnesses the scene of Onmyoji exterminating spirits, his memory will not even be erased. He only needs to go to the relevant government department to sign a confidentiality agreement.

"For 100,000 yen, forget it if you don't sell it."

Bell has no interest in being taken advantage of.

"Brother, your joke is too much. You know, this is..."

Bell, who was too lazy to talk nonsense, turned around and left.

"Wait! Sold!"

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other, Bell put this green jade magatama around Shanna's neck. This made the little girl very happy.

By the way, the yen in Bell's hands was obtained by selling gems. Although gold galleons can be exchanged for yen as ordinary gold, it is really a waste of money. Even if Bell spends money every day, he would not choose to do that.


Huang Quan looked like he was about to speak but hesitated.

"What's the matter, Sister Huang Quan? If you have something to say, just say it. There's no need to worry about this or that."

Bell looked curiously at Huang Quan who was hesitating.

"You paid too much for it. That pendant is of no use to Onmyoji, so few people will care about it. If you negotiate the price, you should be able to buy it for 40,000 to 50,000 yen."

Although Huang Quan can be said to be a real eldest lady, she usually does not have much money at her disposal.

To be honest, the salary in the countermeasures room is not very high. Not to mention she's still an intern.

"It doesn't matter. As long as Shanna is happy, that's enough."

Bell reached out and rubbed his sister's little head. The little girl is happily playing with the magatama pendant.

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