The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 230 Arakawa Lin

Bell didn't know whether a real man should drive a Gundam.

However, there was one thing that Bell knew.

‘Damn it, you didn’t go up at all! ? ’

And why broadcast gymnastics?

Perhaps because he received the radio waves emitted by Bell, Lin scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, I originally planned to design the cockpit. But after driving it once, I was almost knocked apart, so I canceled it later."

Perhaps because he recalled the scene at that time, Lin's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that the real experience is not as simple as what he described.

Bell walked around the Gundam twice, looked up and down, and tapped it with his hand.

Nodding, Bell turned his attention to Lin again.

"Did you bring it here with the intention of selling it?"

Bell asked in confusion.

With the enthusiasm shown by the other party before, it was hard for Bell to believe that the other party would be willing to sell this Gundam.


Lin's expression instantly dropped.

If he was before, he was like the rising sun, full of vitality. So now, he is as if he has been swallowed by a black hole. In addition to darkness, it is still darkness.

In fact, if there was even a chance, Lin would not want to sell this work that he had devoted all his efforts to.

However, he really has no choice!

Lin originally came from an ordinary family. Although he has been able to see evil spirits since he was a child, this did not bring him any benefit. On the contrary, it made people around him think that he was mentally abnormal. As a result, he is already in his 20s this year and does not even have a girlfriend. Delivered.

Later, Lin was lucky enough to meet his teacher, and under his guidance, he entered the legendary world of magic.

However, before he could seize the opportunity and flex his muscles, reality slapped him hard.

One night during practical teaching, his teacher, who in his opinion was incredibly powerful, was killed by a Class B evil spirit that came out of nowhere!

Although under the protection of his teacher, Lin successfully escaped. But from then on, he didn't dare to face the evil spirit.

The image of his teacher's tragic death would appear in his dreams every night, and he was unable to sleep peacefully for a whole month.

Lin, who was facing a mental breakdown, had to find a way to divert his attention.

He dug out all the onmyoji books left behind by his teacher.

After accidentally seeing the relevant knowledge about artificial shikigami, he remembered the Z Gundam model at home that he had not played with for several months.

As if a thunderbolt passed through his mind, Lin found his own direction.

Without any hesitation, Lin immediately devoted all his energy and energy to the research and development of the artificial shikigami-'Z Gundam'.

In order to gather the materials needed to build the Gundam, Lin not only worked several odd jobs, but in the end he even risked being beaten to death and stole his parents' bank cards.

Facts have proved that his efforts are worth it.

Lin succeeded!

He successfully created the artificial shikigami - 'Z Gundam'!

The proud Lin seems to have seen a bright future for him.

In that future, he was driving a Gundam, kicking B-class evil spirits, punching evil onmyojis, holding the school beauty he had a crush on back then in his left hand, and holding a popular singer in his right hand, welcoming the admiration of thousands of people.

Then he was kicked from the bed to the ground by his father...

God knows how devastated Lin's parents were after discovering that all their bank deposits were missing.

After confirming with the bank that no criminals had stolen their deposits, the two went directly to Lin.

Although facing his parents' cannibalistic eyes, Lin's calves were trembling. But, for him who owns the Gundam, money? It’s just a number!

That's how it should be...

Lin desperately found that there was no way he could take his Gundam out!

If he dares to walk down the street with a giant robot more than 5 meters high, then the special forces of the Ministry of Defense will have to treat him to a bowl of pork chop rice before he can find the evil spirit.

Various methods were tried, including but not limited to: using trucks to transport the Gundam, sneaking out late at night, adding a stealth system to the Gundam, etc. But in the end, Lindu failed.

If this continues, let alone reaching the pinnacle of life, he will not even be able to afford food!

In order to prevent his parents from selling their house to make ends meet, Lin had no choice but to sell his beloved Gundam.

However, the ideal is very fulfilling, but the reality is that the bones feel numb.

When Lin brought his Gundam, he arrived at the monthly Onmyoji gathering. Although he was very, very reluctant to give up, he still gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and calculated in his mind, would it be more appropriate to sell it for several hundred million? Where will you go to enjoy yourself after you have money?

After Lin finally decided which nightclub he was going to play in the evening, he suddenly realized that the day's gathering had come to an end? And his Gundam, no one cared about it from beginning to end! ?

Lin was completely panicked now. He couldn't imagine what their expressions would be like if he told his old parents the news.

Next, Lin participated in four more rallies in a row. His psychological value has also been reduced again and again.

However, although there were a few people who came to ask about the price, they all shook their heads and walked away after learning the details of the Gundam.

Lin's luck was finally ruthlessly broken.

For him now, as long as he doesn't lose money... No! It doesn't matter even if he loses a little, he really can't bear the disappointed eyes of his parents!

Seeing the expression on Lin's face changing every second, Bell knew that this was another person with a story.

If it were normal, Bell would still be willing to sit down, eat melon, and listen to stories.

You know, in order to be a qualified listener anytime and anywhere, Bell always has watermelons in his pocket.

However, Bell was no longer interested in listening to stories today.

Because my sister is sleepy!

The little girl didn't know why she was so excited this morning. She got up at 4:30.

As a result, it was almost 12 noon, and the little girl couldn't bear it anymore. From now on, he has been nodding his head.

And Bell, who was also pulled up by his sister at 4:30, was actually a little sleepy now.

"So, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

Bell asked.

Bell was very interested in this Gundam.

Although for now, the strength of this Gundam is completely unimpressive. At least for Bell, he only needed one hit to dismantle it.

However, Bell very much recognized Lin's thinking. In his opinion, Lin is an undoubted genius. If he continues his research, maybe Lin can create Transformers.

Lin held out a finger tremblingly, and added hurriedly: "If it's too expensive, we can still negotiate."

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