The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 231 Simple People

"100 million? It's not bad. It's not expensive."

Bell nodded.

"But here I am..."

"No, no, no! It's not 100 million, it's, it's..."

Lin was so excited by the number '100 million' that his whole body trembled.

Although at the beginning, his psychological price for Gundam was even more than 100 million.

However, the experience of setting up a stall for more than a month has made him deeply realize that his Gundam is not as good as he imagined.

"Hey!? One billion? This really needs to be discussed."

Although 1 billion is still within Bell's acceptable range, Lin Du said before that if it is too expensive, it can be discussed, so of course he will discuss it.

"No! No! Yes, yes, it's 10 million."

Lin's dark, greasy face suddenly turned red. It can be seen how excited he is.



"Are you sure!? 10 million yen is just the cost of materials, right?"

Bell looked at Lin in surprise.

This is really the first time he has encountered a merchant taking the initiative to lower prices.

Are all people these days so simple?


Lin nodded firmly.

All he wants now is to be able to sell the Gundam. If he really smashed it in his hand in the end, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it and jumped on the subway.

"In addition, the total material cost is actually 12 million yen. If you are willing to give me an extra 2 million yen, I would be very grateful."

Lin looked at Bell expectantly.


Bell waved his hand handsomely (thinking).

"I said I'd give you 100 million, so I'll give you 100 million. If you continue to bargain with me, you're looking down on me!"

Yes, Bell is such a simple person!

Lin was stunned for a while before he realized what Bell said.

And he is indeed a simple young man.

Lin didn't think at all that the Bell people were stupid and rich. He held Bell's hand tightly, with tears in his eyes and a slightly trembling voice.

"B-Bell, you, you are such a good person. From now on, you will be my best brother in Arakawa Lin! I-I...wu, wuwu~!"

As he talked, Lin Yi couldn't hold it back and cried out of emotion.

Only he himself knows how much pressure he has been under for more than a month.

Whenever he saw the rapidly growing gray hair on his parents' temples, he felt so guilty.

Seeing Lin crying like a child in front of him, Bell stopped pulling his hands out.

He patted Lin's shoulder hard twice and said nothing, just looked at the other person quietly.

After a while, Lin's mood finally calmed down. He wiped his tears with his greasy sleeves, feeling very embarrassed.

Mainly because of little Sanna, who was tilting her little head and looking at him curiously, which brought a lot of psychological pressure to Lin.

It's really embarrassing to cry in front of a teenage girl.

"Thank you, Bell. But it really doesn't cost that much. Just give me the material fee."

"If you really treat me as a brother, stop bargaining. And to be honest, buying your Gundam for 100 million is really not expensive at all."

The 21st century... No, what was the most expensive thing in the 20th century? Talent!

Not to mention that the Gundam is indeed worth 100 million. Even if it's not worth a penny, Arakawa Lin alone is worth Bell's 100 million.

"Okay! Good brother! Since you said that, I won't be polite to you anymore. From now on, whenever you need to get my brother, just ask! If you can help, I will definitely help. If you can't help, I will find a way. Will help!"

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you!"


The two people who were chatting happily couldn't help laughing out loud, and successfully made this corner where there were only a few people there, only the two of them plus Shanna, a total of three people were left.

"What are those two people doing?"

Passerby A asked.

"Don't look over there, neurosis is contagious."

Passerby B pulled Passerby A away quickly as if fleeing.

"Brother Lin, wait a moment, I don't have enough money right now. I'll ask my father to send it over."

After Bell sent a message to his father, the three people who were not far from here came back soon.

"Bell, what do you want to buy? You don't even have enough money?"

As soon as he saw Bell, William asked in a face-to-face manner.

He knew that Bell had a lot of money. Although he doesn't remember how many there are, but no matter what, it won't be enough, right?

Through this trip, William summed up a valuable experience, that is, he must never take Bell out for travel again!

In just one month, Bell spent more money than he had spent in the previous 10 years of his life combined!

If Bell were allowed to wander outside for another two months, wouldn't everything in the family be ruined by Bell?

"This is it."

Bell pointed to the Gundam behind him.

"What the hell!? You actually plan to spend 100 million on just such a piece of scrap metal!?"

William wanted to take out his wand. He found that sometimes, his wife's judgment was very accurate, and Bell just needed to be dealt with!

William swore that the reason he wanted to deal with Bell was just to stop his son's prodigal behavior. It's definitely not because after this trip, the youngest daughter has been clinging to Bell and not playing with him.

How could he, the majestic patriarch of the Menethil family, be the kind of person who avenges private vengeance?


After coughing twice, Bell vaguely motioned to Lin, who was standing beside him, with his eyes.

The seller was still here, and Bell felt a little embarrassed when his father disparaged their products so loudly.

Fortunately, Lin had never been a good student since he was a child, and he had never passed English, so he didn't understand what William said at all.

Otherwise, this simple man might have found a crack in the ground and crawled in.

But even though he couldn't understand English, Lin could still see the dissatisfaction evident on William's face.

"Bell, why don't you forget it. Don't let me affect your relationship with your family."

Lin persuaded again.

"No need. Brother Lin, don't worry about it, I can handle it."

Just kidding, is the relationship between Bell and his father something that others can influence?

Bell really wanted to see who and how could influence the relationship between him and his father and make their relationship better?

The conflict between him and his father is simply irreconcilable, okay!

Seeing Bell and his father, the two negotiated fiercely in English. Although Lin couldn't understand what the two were talking about, he could feel the deep friendship from Bell's behavior.

Lin was moved again.

Lin felt that for the first half of his life, he had been treated as a weirdo in school and was rejected by his classmates. The loneliness and grievance he felt because of this must have been a test given to him by God.

In order to meet his good brother - Bell today!

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