The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 236 Simple times, simple people

Kitamura, who was preparing to sell the books, soon faced another very serious question: 'To whom? ’

Sold to ordinary wandering Onmyoji?

Bei Cun was worried.

You know, Onmyojis are not ordinary people, some powerful 'monsters' can even directly search a person's entire memory.

If those weak wandering onmyojis were caught by the owners of these books, they would definitely be in trouble.

Then sell it to a noble Onmyoji from a big family?

He only did that if his brain was crazy!

Putting aside the intricate relationships among the major families, the buyer he was looking for might be a relative of the owner who couldn't be beaten with eight poles.

Just say that he comes from a big family and can't read all kinds of classics at home. Who would be full and spend so much money to buy his dirty goods?

Just when Beicun was in a dilemma, he accidentally discovered a family of foreigners at the monthly wandering onmyoji market! ?

As far as he knew, wasn't it just the countermeasures room of the black-hearted Ministry of Environment, which had a very high disability-fatality rate and poor welfare benefits, that had a few foreign onmyoji who were even worse than him? ?

In line with the simple idea of ​​​​playing three poles if there are no dates, Beicun secretly followed the opponent, intending to observe.

At first, Kitamura was very disappointed when he found out that the other party just bought some worthless 'junk'.

It seemed that although the other party looked well-dressed, he was probably trying to make himself look fat. In essence, he was just as poor as the foreigners in the countermeasures room.

But since there was nothing he wanted to buy, and the Bell family had been walking along the route of the market, Beicun followed them all the way.

Then, Kitamura was shocked!

What did he see! ? There are people who are willing to spend 100 million to buy that piece of junk! ?

Beicun, who has been looking for buyers recently, naturally participated in these fairs.

Therefore, he naturally got to know the young man who sold scrap metal.

At first, when he heard the young man quoted 300 million yen, Kitamura almost lost his temper.

This is really a strange thing that happens every year, but this year is particularly common.

Even for his pile of precious books, Beicun didn't dare to quote such an outrageous price. A piece of useless iron that can't even get out of the door. I want to sell it for 300 million! ?

I’m afraid you’re not crazy about money!

Even if it’s for free, Beicun still thinks it’s taking up space!

The result was not what Kitamura expected. In the next few markets, he also saw the 'madman'. And the other party also went from being complacent at the beginning to looking like he was about to cry without tears later.

Therefore, when he first saw Bell communicating with the 'madman', Kitamura didn't pay attention.

He is nothing more than a little kid who is curious about new things.

And when Bell proposed to use 100 million to buy the piece of 'scrap metal', Kitamura actually felt funny.

That little brat, does he really know what 100 million is?

After watching a bizarre bargaining session in which "the seller thought it was too expensive and the buyer thought it was too cheap", with William's return, Kitamura felt that this farce should come to an end.

However, reality once again told Beicun that compared to it, those movies, novels, etc. were all weak!

The gringos in this area are really that rich! ?

Moreover, there are really idiots who would spend 100 million to buy a piece of 'scrap metal'! ?

But then, Kitamura reacted.

The buyer he's been looking for is here!

In the subsequent exchanges, Kitamura was delighted to find that the other party also planned to buy onmyoji books.

‘Oh~! Thank God Amaterasu for sending these fools...oh no, they are fat sheep...ahem, no, they are the father of the financial sponsor, before him! ’

After waiting for a while, Kitamura wanted to wait for the other party to divide into two teams and act as before, and then go to fool the two little guys. When he found that the other party seemed to be planning to use teleportation spells to leave, he hurriedly ran towards the few people.

Kitamura was not too familiar with teleportation spells. It was by relying on secret techniques passed down from his family and a few small tricks that he could frequently enter and exit the library of major families without any harm.

"Can I see what's inside?"

Bell's questioning interrupted Kitamura's memories.

"Of course, no problem, please take a look."

Kitamura said with a smile on his face.

Picking up a book and opening it.

"Hmm~, not bad."

After pretending to watch for a while, Bell, who didn't understand a word, nodded, looking satisfied.

Bell couldn't guarantee that he could fully understand even books written in modern Japanese, let alone books written in ancient Japanese hundreds of years ago.

But even though he couldn't understand it, it didn't stop Bell from pretending.

After all, 'heads can be cut off, blood can be shed, and momentum cannot be lost'.

Of course, even though he couldn't understand the contents of the books, Bell could still discern their value based on the magic attached to them.

Unlike modern times, in ancient times, books, scrolls, bamboo slips, etc. were easily damaged due to limitations in papermaking technology and storage environment.

Therefore, for some rare books, wizards often choose to use magic to preserve them.

Now it seems that the Onmyojis have also chosen a similar preservation method.

After pretending to look through a few ancient books, Bell raised his head and looked at Kitamura.

"So, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

"300 million!"

Kitamura said decisively.

Just kidding, a piece of iron can be sold for 100 million yuan. Are these precious books of his worth 300 million yuan? It’s just a bloodbath sale, isn’t it?

“Zimbabwe currency?”

Just kidding, although Bell doesn't care much about galleons, he usually doesn't care too much about anything more expensive or cheaper if necessary. But this doesn't mean Bell is stupid!

Strictly speaking, if we want to say whether these ancient books are worth 300 million yen, Bell thinks... they are worth it!

However, these are all dirty goods!

You still want to sell stolen items at their original price?

I'm afraid I'm not thinking about eating peaches.

“What is the Zimbabwe dollar?”

Kitamura looked at Bell curiously. He only knows that there are three currencies: Japanese yen, US dollar and RMB. Could it be said that the Zimbabwe dollar is the currency used by the other country?

Only then did Kitamura suddenly realize that he still didn't know which country Bell was from.

"Ahem, it's nothing, just a slip of the tongue."

Bell said sheepishly. He just blurted it out subconsciously.

No matter what, 300 million Zimbabwe dollars is too much, and even Bell himself can't stand it.

"But 300 million yen is impossible. It's too expensive, and I don't have that much money left."

Bell also didn't expect that Kitamura would have such a good thing in his hands. Now that his parents have gone back to eat, he is too lazy to ask them for money again.

"The fixed price is about 50 million."

Bell used the 'cut to the bottom' bargaining method.


If it had been before, someone had offered 50 million to buy his book, Kitamura might have reluctantly agreed.

However, after watching the whole process of Bell's purchase of Gundam, Kitamura could never accept that the precious book he had spent so much effort to acquire would be worse than a piece of 'scrap metal'!

“If it’s less than 100 million, no need to discuss it!”

Kitamura decisively gave his bottom line.

Therefore, people in this era are simple! Before I even said a few words, I took the initiative to tell the truth.

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