The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 237 Five Good Young Men Bell

Of course, Bell didn't know that 100 million was Kitamura's bottom line.

But as simple as he is, he really feels that buying these precious ancient books for 100 million is already very cheap. So he himself was too embarrassed to continue bargaining.

"Okay, 100 million, just 100 million. However, I need your memory as a gift."

Bell said.

"my memory!?"

Kitamura was shocked when he heard Bell's request.

He quickly took two steps back, tensed up all over, and looked at Bell warily.

Could it be that he met those legendary fallen onmyojis who were in league with evil spirits today?

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean any harm."

Seeing Kitamura who was frightened by him, Bell quickly explained.

"Actually, it's like this. I don't know ancient Japanese, so I hope you can sell me the relevant memories as a gift. Don't worry, it won't cause any harm to you."

For the sake of these precious ancient books, Bell had to give up some of his momentum.

After hearing Bell's explanation, Kitamura relaxed a little.

However, he did not intend to let the other party extract his memory. Who knows if the other party will do anything to his memory? It is not impossible to even take the opportunity to kill people and buy goods!

"I'm sorry, I don't plan to sell my memory. 100 million yen, if you agree, I will take the money to trade. If you don't agree, forget it. No gifts."

Kitamura said decisively.

"Okay. I'm not the kind of person who would impose things on others. Since you have no intention of giving away memories, then..."

‘Fainted to the ground! ’

A stun spell shot out from Bell's toes, along the ground, and hit Kitamura vaguely.

Kitamura couldn't even make any reaction before he passed out and fell to the ground.

"I'll just get it myself."

The wand slipped from his sleeve, and Bell strolled over to Kitamura's side.

He raised his wand.

‘Fainted to the ground! ’

Another stun spell hit Kitamura.

In order to ensure the concealment of the spell, the power of the coma spell was not strong. In addition, Bell still casts spells without a wand. So to be on the safe side, Bell gave Kitamura another stun spell first.

After ensuring that Kitamura would never wake up in a short time, Bell squatted down and pressed the wand against Kitamura's temple.

Using Legilimency, Bell found Kitamura's memories related to Onmyoji and made a copy of them all.

The search of memory is not simple. To make sure nothing was missed, Bell traced Kitamura's memories back to his infancy. This took him nearly an hour.

Because it took so long, Bell had to answer a message from his mother midway so that they didn't have to wait for him to eat.

As one of the top five young men of the 20th century (although Bell himself didn't know which one), Bell was very disciplined and did not take away other irrelevant memories.

Then, Bell used the forgetting spell to modify some less harmonious memories for the other party.

After standing up and stretching his legs that were numb from squatting for too long, Bell gently raised the wand and controlled Kitamura's body to stand up.

‘Recover quickly! ’

After casting the resurrection spell, Bell quickly put away his wand before Kitamura opened his eyes.

"Mr. Kitamura, are you okay?"

Belle asked, feigning concern.

Kitamura stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

After controlling his body to stand still, Kitamura rubbed his forehead in a strange way.

What happened to him just now? Why does he feel like he's forgotten something important?

"Um, no, it's okay. Maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

Kitamura shook his head, unable to think of what he had forgotten, so he put such unimportant things behind him.

There is still a big deal waiting for him.

"How about it? 100 million. If you agree, you can pay and deliver the goods."

"Okay, 100 million yen, deal."

With that said, Bell took out a box from his pocket and threw it to Kitamura.

"There are 80 million yen in it, you can count it."

Kitamura couldn't wait to open the box.

Looking at the neat stacks of Japanese coins stacked in the box, Kitamura was trembling with excitement.

"Still, still short of 20 million?"

After a rough scan and confirming that there should be no problem with the amount, Kitamura tried hard to suppress his excitement and asked Bell for the remaining 20 million.

Taking off the bracelet on his right wrist, the light of magic power disappeared in a flash, and Bell erased the settings on the bracelet, returning it to an ownerless state.

Throwing the bracelet to Kitamura, Bell said: "I don't have any cash on me anymore, so I'll use this to replace the remaining 20 million."

Taking the bracelet, Kitamura looked at it curiously.

What bracelet is worth 20 million?

Kitamura suspected that Bell was teasing him.

"What is this for?"

From the bracelet in his hand, Kitamura could indeed feel the powerful fluctuation of the spell. But since he had never seen a few magic tools, he couldn't tell the function of the bracelet based on this.

Facing Kitamura's question, Bell did not speak. He raised his right foot and lightly stomped it toward the ground.

Four ground thorns stabbed out from four directions in Beicun.

'Oops! Got attacked first! ’

Kitamura thought in horror.

Then, just as Beicun was desperately waiting to die, the bracelet in his hand suddenly erupted with powerful spell fluctuations.

A translucent shield surrounded Kitamura. After the ground thorn hit the shield, it was smashed into pieces.

"How about it? Can I use this to offset the price difference?"

Bell asked.

Kitamura nodded in shock. The previous intention to belittle this bracelet, or the more unspeakable thought, all disappeared in an instant.

"Since there is no problem, let's just say goodbye."

Bell waved his hand and put away several boxes filled with books on the floor.

"By the way, I'll give this to you. If you have any good stuff in the future, you can use it to contact me. The price will satisfy you."

Taking out a personal terminal, Bell threw it to Kitamura. By the way, I also wrote simple instructions on a piece of paper and handed it to the other party.

In fact, the armor charm bracelet that Bell gave to Kitamura must be worth more than 20 million. Although Bell doesn't know exactly how many yen it can be sold for.

After all, it is a high-quality magic prop worn by Bell. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be bought with money.

It was given to Kitamura like this, but Bell still felt a little distressed.

But Bell is not a person who can do whatever he wants with his strength. So even though he felt a little distressed, he never thought about 'escaping the bill'.

What? Are you asking about his previous behavior?

That was just a small punishment for Kitamura's evil intentions. Bell saw it all in Kitamura's mind.

Although it is a bit suspicious of getting on the bus first and paying for the ticket later...

Seeing Bell disappear in an instant, Kitamura sat down on the ground. The cold sweat that he realized later quickly soaked his clothes all over.

Kitamura vowed that he would never do business with these dangerous foreigners again!

...unless you add money!

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