The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 238 Returning to China

Even in the bustling center of London, where people come and go, there are always some dark corners that few people know about.

And in such a remote and dark corner, suddenly, there was a ripple in the space, and a man wearing a dark gray long windbreaker with a hood covering the upper half of his face appeared here.

Walking out of the dark and narrow alley, Bell glanced around.

Then...he wanted to go back...

Bell couldn't remember the last time he came to a place with such a dense flow of people.

Limited by the total number of wizards, Diagon Alley is just like that even at its busiest time.

However, even as a dead house, his instinct was screaming, telling Bell to leave this noisy place quickly. But he is here to do business today. So Bell could only barely suppress his instinct.

After casting a simple Muggle-repelling spell on himself, Bell walked towards a building not far away.

Bell didn't want to attract attention. After all, in the hot August, Bell was really the only one wearing a long windbreaker and a hood.

It's August 1, the day after Bell returned home.

Yesterday afternoon, after Shanna woke up, the Bell family said goodbye to Huang Quan.

After giving Huang Quan a personal terminal as a routine gift, the family used the portkey to return to England.

Different from when you go abroad, when you return to your country, you only need to say hello to the Ministry of Magic in advance and get a door key that can be returned to the Ministry of Magic from any place, and you can return to the country instantly.

Of course, if you are in a powerful formation or a barrier like the one in China, then the transmission of the door key will be interrupted. If you are not careful, your life may be in danger.

In fact, Bell was opposed to using the portkey to return to the country.

As we all know, the longer the distance traveled in space, the stronger the space squeeze that the mover needs to endure.

So far, the farthest distance Bell has moved through Apparition is just back home from Hogwarts.

God knows how much of a squeeze it would be to travel half way around the world, portkeying directly from Japan back to England?

Bell himself didn't care, but what if Shanna couldn't stand it?

However, Bell's proposal to 'return to the UK on a cruise ship' was unanimously opposed by his parents and was ultimately rejected.

It's been a month since I came out, and I'm afraid not all the things at home have piled up. William and Elena really don’t have time to take a leisurely cruise anymore.

Fortunately, thanks to the special use of magic power to strengthen the body since childhood, it has not been interrupted for a day so far, so Shanna has not shown any obvious discomfort.

On the contrary, William and Elena, who had previously firmly advocated the use of portkeys, turned pale and weak, and it took a long time to regain their composure.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Bell raised his head and looked at the building in front of him.

The building was built at Bell's suggestion and has 10 floors.

Bell didn't know what the 10 floors were for. He didn't ask his father, and he didn't care.

Because the above-ground part of this building is just a cover. It was Bell who persuaded his father to build such a large-scale building in order to hide the trees in the forest. Otherwise, according to William's intention, he planned to only build a small store similar to the Leaky Cauldron.

After walking into the door and looking at the Muggles coming and going, Bell was really curious. What on earth did his father, who knew nothing about Muggles, use this building for?

Suppress your curiosity, there is no time for Bell to explore today.

In the lobby on the first floor, there are two straight staircases facing the main door.

Passing through the crowd waiting for the elevator, Bell walked straight to the wall between the two elevators and passed through the wall without any pause.

Behind the wall, there is also an elevator car. But unlike an ordinary elevator car, there are no buttons inside.

"Hello, please verify."

After waiting for about 3 seconds, an electronic sound sounded in the elevator car.

Amidst a "click" sound of deformation, the top of the elevator car opened, and an instrument similar to a personal terminal fell down.

Looking at the instrument floating in front of him, Bell raised his right hand, pressed his palm on it, and injected some magic power slightly.

Soon, a green light lit up on the instrument's screen.

"Verification passed, welcome, Mr. Bel Menethil."

The electronic sound sounded again, and the instrument floated back to the top of the elevator car.

Without any warning, the wall beneath Bell's feet disappeared. He fell rapidly.

Injecting magic into the flying shoes, Bell controlled the speed of his fall.

After falling about 100 meters, he finally left the passage and fell into a hall.

The hall is circular in shape, with some tables and chairs inside.

On one side of the hall, there is a huge and heavy steel door. There were two wizards standing in front of the door, pointing their wands at Bell.

Not paying attention to the attitude of the two men, who seemed to be about to attack in the next second, Bell walked towards them briskly.

Walking in front of the two men, Bell took out a badge from his arms and threw it to one of the wizards.

The wizard used magic power to catch the badge, carefully inspected it for a while, and then took the badge in his hand after confirming that there was no danger.

The badge is a circle about 5 centimeters in diameter, with a light blue long sword engraved on it.

The hilt of the long sword is decorated with the skull of a two-horned devil. There are some ferocious barbs on the second half of the blade. There are also some complex runes engraved on the sword.

At first glance, this long sword gives people an evil and mysterious feeling.

To be honest, Jack didn't know why his young master designed the badge's pattern to look so evil. According to the small amount of information he learned, Master Bell should be a very easy-going person, right?

Jack, who couldn't figure it out, could only attribute it to the bad taste of young people. After all, this sword does look quite handsome.

After using the wand to tap the eyes of the two-horned demon skull, with the injection of magic power, the skull's eyes lit up with light blue light.

Immediately afterwards, the runes on the sword were lit up one after another. A cold aura that seemed to freeze the soul emanated from the badge.

Seeing the change that appeared on the badge, Jack and his companions quickly lowered their wands.

After handing the badge back to Bell, the two of them saluted respectfully.

"Welcome, Master Bell. Please forgive me for any rudeness."

"Where, you did a good job, your salary will be doubled this month."

Waving his hand casually, Bell indicated that he didn't mind.

Originally, this process was stipulated by Bell himself. He was very satisfied with the two people who strictly abided by the rules, so how could he blame them.

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