The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 239 Menethil Family Laboratory

"Thank you, Master!"

When Bell said that their salary would be doubled this month, the expressions of the two wizards immediately lit up.

They tried their best to suppress it, so as not to cheer loudly.

You know, although this job is a bit boring, the salary is really high!

Fortunately, the two of them were not dazzled by the sudden good news. Having undergone rigorous training, they could eliminate inappropriate thoughts from their minds with just a few breaths.

"Master, it will take a long time to open the door. Please wait."

After receiving Bell's "understanding" signal, the two turned around and raised their wands.

They chanted incantations in a low voice while using magic power to draw complex magic texts on various locations on the gate.

Knowing that he would have to wait a long time, Bell walked to a chair nearby and sat down.

Behind this steel door is the only passage to the Menethil Family Laboratory. Some of the important experiments of the Bell family were all conducted in that laboratory.

Normally, this door will only open once every day at 8 o'clock in the morning.

At that time, the staff in the laboratory will enter together.

At other times, this door will not be opened.

Originally, Bell planned to come before 8 o'clock this morning. However, because Bell refused Shanna's request to accompany him, the little girl was very unhappy. It took Bell a long time to calm down his sister's mood, and because of this, he was late.

After all, Shanna is still too young, and some things are not suitable for little girls to be exposed to now.

To this end, Bell had to notify the laboratory's security force and inform him of the specific arrival time.

Otherwise, the moment Bell entered this hall just now, what awaited him would be a fatal curse.

After all, it is the most important confidential laboratory of the family, and one cannot be too careful.

By the way, if you want to enter the laboratory, you must pass two levels of testing.

The first level is the one that Bell experienced before.

The magic power fluctuations of every staff member in the laboratory are recorded in a separate server. If no matching magic wave is found in the server during identity verification, the elevator car will be locked instantly and a warning will be issued to the security personnel.

The second level is the hall where Bell is now.

Every laboratory worker must wear a special disposable defense ring.

Once a staff member is attacked and the armor spell in the ring is activated, the ring will be damaged immediately.

Moreover, Bell also attached a contract-type magic spell to the ring. Once the ring is put on, it cannot be taken off. If you take it off forcibly, it will also cause damage to the ring.

Laboratory staff must arrive at this hall before 8 a.m. every morning. After strict inspection to confirm that there is nothing wrong with the ring on your hand, you will be allowed to pass through the gate.

In addition, if the ring is damaged due to some unexpected circumstances, it must be reported to the security force immediately, and a new ring will be issued only after strict review and verification.

Because they did not often enter the laboratory, neither Bell nor his parents wore the special rings. To this end, Bell specially made two badges, the same ones that Bell had shown to the security personnel before.

One of these two badges was carried by Bell. The other one was placed in the treasure house at home for William and Elena to use when needed.

Finally, after about 20 minutes, the door finally opened.

At the signal of the two sweating security guards, Bell followed them into the gate.

When the three people entered, the door immediately closed with a rumble.

A secret door suddenly appeared on the tight wall of the hall outside the door.

The secret door was opened from the inside, and two security personnel walked out, replacing the previous two people, and performed the task of guarding the door.

After entering the gate, what appeared in front of Bell was a long tunnel. Various magic barriers and traps are also arranged on the walls of the tunnel.

After walking along the tunnel for a while, a flying car appeared not far away.

This flying car can only be driven by specific personnel. And only by riding this speeding car will you not be attacked by the magic arranged in the tunnel.

After getting on the flying car, several people quickly flew forward and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The laboratory is not actually underground in the building, or even underground in London. This is just an entrance.

After all, when it comes to magic experiments, it is inevitable that the first thing people think of is explosion, explosion, explosion.

In the Bell family's laboratory, it is inevitable that similar accidents will occasionally occur.

In order to ensure the safety of experimenters, sometimes it is inevitable that they fail to take into account the surrounding environment.

Therefore, in order not to affect ordinary people on the ground, and to ensure that the location of the laboratory is not discovered by outsiders, this laboratory is actually built in an uninhabited mountain.

The flying speed of the flying car is not very fast. Because if it is too fast, the detection magic in the tunnel may not be able to recognize the speeding car's number and launch an attack on the speeding car.

After flying for about an hour, Bell finally arrived at the location of his laboratory.

After greeting the guards at the door, Bell entered the laboratory alone.

The laboratory is divided into many areas. The more important the experiment, the more internal it is.

I casually glanced at the wizards working in the peripheral area. They were either building personal terminal servers or trying to improve various magic props.

Without any pause, Bell walked straight to the innermost part of the laboratory - the location of the 'Inferior Philosopher's Stone Development Experiment'.

After knocking on the door, Bell walked into the experimental area under the guidance of a research assistant.

"Master Bell, you are finally here!"

As soon as they saw Bell's figure, several wizards with severe dark circles under their eyes immediately came closer.

They can't wait to see how valuable the experimental results of themselves and others will be in practical applications.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to come over until now."

Bell said apologetically.

In fact, as early as a week ago, Bell received notification that the development of inferior magic stones had been successful.

But because Bell was traveling in Japan with his family at the time, he couldn't come over immediately to take a look at the inferior magic stone that he had been thinking about for a long time.

Therefore, as soon as he returned to the UK, Bell ran to the laboratory without bothering to sort out what he had learned from the trip.

"Is that one a low-quality magic stone?"

Bell set his sights on the center of the experimental area. There, a light red gem was floating above an instrument, constantly emitting powerful magic waves.

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