The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 240 Hermione is unhappy

Hermione has been unhappy lately! Very very unhappy!

Tomorrow is the first day of school at Hogwarts. In other words, today is the last day of summer vacation.

However, throughout the entire summer vacation, not to mention meeting Bell, she didn't even send a few messages!

It didn't matter when I was traveling before. After all, there was a jet lag, and Bell would be very tired when he came back from playing every day. Hermione, who was considerate, could still understand.

However, Bell has been back in the UK for almost a month, and he still has no time to pay attention to her! ?

Hermione was a little doubtful, did Bell really know the meaning of the word 'holiday'! ?

Hermione still remembered that the last time she had a video call with Bell was the evening after Bell returned to China.

"Bell, you are finally back!"

Hermione was ecstatic when she saw her boyfriend appearing on the screen. God knows how much she was looking forward to this day.

Therefore, as soon as she received the notification from Bell, she couldn't wait to video chat with him.

"Yes, I came back last night."

"!? You came back last night? Then why didn't you tell me until now!"

Hermione stared at Bell very dissatisfied. If Bell couldn't give her a satisfactory answer, she wouldn't give up.

"Sorry, Hermione. I haven't been back for a long time, so there are some urgent matters at home that need to be dealt with. I accidentally forgot to send you a message."

Bell said apologetically.

He had just returned from his home laboratory. And he brought back 3 of the only 5 low-quality magic stones in the laboratory.

After a long time of experiments and explanations, Bell finally mastered the production method and specific parameters of inferior magic stones.

In fact, this is not a difficult thing for Bell, who has already mastered the method of making the genuine magic stone.

"All right."

Although not very satisfied, Hermione still chose to forgive Bell.

Hermione knew that children from a family like Bell's would inevitably be busy at times.

As for how she knew?

That was of course thanks to that guy Malfoy, who worked tirelessly to find trouble with Harry and others every day. One time when Malfoy was bragging about himself, Hermione, who was passing by, overheard it.

"Bell, what's that behind you?"

Glancing at Zannah in the corner of the screen, Hermione decided to tell Bell how much she missed her later.

"This is Gundam, I brought it back from Japan."

As he spoke, Bell kicked out a steel plate that was as high as his leg.

I don’t know if Lin saw that his good brother treated his precious Gundam like this, would he regret selling the Gundam to Bell and pull out a watermelon knife to hack his good brother to death?


Hermione didn't know what to say. Could it be that Bell brought this iron lump all the way back from Japan just to take it apart for fun?

In fact, Hermione was only half right.

Bell bought this Gundam just to dismantle it. But he didn't do it for fun, but to analyze the technology involved.

If it were before, facing this artificial shikigami, Bell would really be in a hurry and have nowhere to start.

However, thanks to a kind-hearted Comrade Kitamura, who gave Bell many precious memories for free, Bell was able to quickly get started in the related fields of Onmyoji.

"Bell, can you"

Looking at Bell on the screen who was busy dismantling the Gundam with his bare hands, Hermione had some private words that she wanted to tell Bell alone.

However, before Hermione could make a request, her words were interrupted by Bell.

"Sorry, Hermione, I will be very busy next time and may not have time to accompany you!"

Bell looked at Hermione on the screen apologetically.

Originally, in Bell's original plan, he had enough time to complete the long-planned 'big plan'.

However, during this trip, the various knowledge gained from China and Japan gave Bell a great inspiration.

Coupled with the unexpected success of the inferior magic stone, Bell also wants to apply it to the "big plan".

All of this forced Bell to disrupt his original plan and devote all his energy to the plan, striving to complete it before the final deadline.


Hermione looked at Bell on the screen in disbelief.

By the way, has Bell ever spent time with her?

"I'm really sorry! I promise, this is the last time. You can make up for it any way you want me to do after that."

".Then, when will you finish your work? When you finish your work, how about we go to Diagon Alley to buy things for the school year?"

Hermione didn't want Bell's compensation at all, she just wanted Bell to be by her side.

".I'm sorry, I don't know either. I will try my best to finish it before school starts. But I may, may not be able to help you go shopping with you."

Bell gritted his teeth and finished speaking with difficulty.

Looking at Hermione on the screen, holding back tears, Bell felt very guilty.

For a moment, both of them were silent.

I don't know how long it took, but just when Bell couldn't help but want to say something again.

"You said this was the last time. If there is another time, I will never forgive you!"

After saying that, Hermione hung up the video. She didn't want to hear Bell talk now.

"Brother, did you and sister Hermione have a fight?"

Xiao Shanna, who had been watching, asked worriedly.

Although in the little girl's opinion, there was something wrong with the atmosphere between her brother and Hermione's sister just now? But at a young age, she could not quite understand this sense of disobedience.

In contrast, Zannah was more worried that her brother, who had few friends to begin with, would lose a rare friend like Sister Hermione.

"There was no quarrel. But my brother did something wrong and I'm very sorry Hermione."

Bell rubbed his sister's little head. He is in a bad mood now and doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Brother is not at fault! It must be sister Hermione's fault!"

Little Shanna supports her brother unconditionally.

Bell smiled. Shanna's words made him happy. But if it's wrong, it's wrong. Bell doesn't even have this responsibility.

"Shanna, everyone in this world makes mistakes. Mom and dad make mistakes, Shanna makes mistakes, and my brother naturally makes mistakes too.

Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good.

The terrible thing is that although you have clearly made a mistake, you don't have the courage to admit it. Instead, you blindly shirk responsibility. "

Faced with her sister's confused look, Bell smiled and did not explain further.

There are some things that without personal experience, no matter how much others say, it is useless.

Seeing her brother turn around and continue to dismantle the big toy called Gundam, little Sanna suppressed the doubts in her heart.

Although she didn't quite understand it, Shanna still kept her brother's words firmly in mind.

After all, the little girl’s motto in life is: ‘Everything my brother said is right! ’.

"Brother, I want to play too!"

Shanna jumped up to her brother's side and helped(?) dismantle the toys.

"Zannah! Don't use the Explosive Curse!"



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