The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 247 Bell’s Patron Saint

Soon, the dementors came outside the carriage where the three Bells were.

As the dementors opened the door of the carriage, a cold breath squeezed in, making people stand on their heads with all the hair on their bodies.

Bell felt that happiness was trying to leave him, and scenes of sad and painful scenes flashed in his mind.

With a 'cut' sound in displeasure, Bell used Occlumency to control the thoughts in his mind.

However, just as Bell was waiting for the Dementor to get out of here, Zannah suddenly leaned on him from behind.

"elder brother……"

The little girl's weak voice came, causing Bell to turn around in a hurry.

Bell saw that his sister's face was pale and her body was shaking slightly, as if she was going to faint in the next second.

At the same time, after discovering something strange about Shanna, the dementor actually planned to enter the carriage! ?

Regardless of wondering why his sister was so affected, Bell hugged Zannah with one hand and took out the wand with the other hand.

"Get out of here!!!"

‘Call the gods to protect you! ’


A thunderous roar resounded through the sky, and the windows of the train were shattered. A silhouette of a giant white beast passed through the carriage, knocking the Dementor away and throwing it to the ground.

The giant beast pressed a claw on the Dementor's body, lowered its head and bit the Dementor.

‘Hiss~! ’

With a strong tug, the giant beast tore off the upper body of the Dementor and swallowed it in one gulp.

Swallow it! ?

Looking at his patron saint, he actually ate a dementor in three mouthfuls? Bell was really shocked.

The Patronus Charm, as the name suggests, its main function is to expel dementors and protect wizards from harm.

Although it does not mean that the Patronus Curse cannot kill Dementors, it is very difficult and requires extremely high magical attainments.

But now, Bell's patron saint actually killed a dementor so neatly! ?

Bell could clearly sense that the dementor's aura had indeed disappeared.

Moreover, after devouring the dementor, his patronus actually became slightly more solid?

Bell had never heard of such a situation.


After devouring all the Dementors, Bell's Patronus once again looked up to the sky and roared.

Along with the explosion of magic power, a ripple visible to the naked eye spread in all directions from the giant beast's mouth.

The other dementors who wanted to come over to investigate the situation because they sensed the disappearance of their companions' auras immediately fled in panic, like mice seeing a cat.

Sensing that his patron saint still wanted to chase the dementors, Bell quickly stopped it.

After the roar just now, the figure of the patron saint had become much darker. Bell, who still hasn't figured out what happened, will not allow any accidents to happen to his patron saint.

Putting the Patronus matter aside for the time being, Bell took out two bottles of drinks mixed with joy potion, handed one to Hermione, and held the other in his hand, feeding Zannah to drink it in small sips.

"Sanna, how are you feeling?"

Belle asked worriedly.

Shanna nodded and said nothing. However, it can be seen from her face that the little girl's mood has calmed down.

After confirming that both Zannah and Hermione were fine, Bell finally had time to observe his Patronus.

Over the years, if Bell were asked to choose the curse that troubled him the most, there was no doubt that Bell would choose the Patronus Charm.

Bell has been able to successfully cast spells that are obviously much more difficult than the Patronus Charm, such as the Fire Curse. But there was only one Patronus Charm, but Bell had never successfully cast it once.

Not to mention the complete patron saint, even the most basic white mist, Bell can only successfully cast when he is by Shanna's side.

On the other hand, Zannah successfully mastered the Patronus Charm as if she were searching for something.

Although he always pretended not to know why, Bell actually knew why he was unable to master the Patronus Charm.

For Bell, even though he has lived in this world for more than 10 years, time travel is such an outrageous thing after all, so even now, he still often wonders whether everything he has now is actually just a dream. ?

Bell has always been afraid, afraid that one day he will suddenly wake up from his dream and return to the boring and despairing daily life.

And this fear can only be somewhat alleviated when he stays with Shanna.

For Bell, Shanna's innocent smile was the first ray of light that broke through the darkness in his heart. Only Shanna can bring him peace of soul.

So before, when I discovered that Zannah, for some reason, was unable to resist the dementors' ability to absorb happiness. The weak and helpless look of her sister left only one thought in Bell's mind.

‘Kill it! ! ! ’

With no time to think, Bell subconsciously used the Patronus Charm specifically for Dementors.

Then, unexpectedly, Bell succeeded!

The patron saint in front of me is a tiger-shaped animal, about 3 meters tall and 6 meters long. The length of its tail is roughly the same as its body.

From its forehead to its tail, it has a thick mane. The fangs are exposed, and the thick limbs have long and sharp claws.

What best reflects the uniqueness of this giant beast is the pair of wings on its back.

A normal tiger, no matter how big it grows, cannot have wings.

Therefore, Bell's patron saint turned out to be a magical animal! And it’s also a ferocious beast that almost only exists in Chinese myths and legends—‘Qiongqi’!

Qiongqi is one of the "four evils" in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It looks like a tiger with a pair of wings. It likes to eat people and likes to punish good and encourage evil.

Although to the monks, Qiongqi is not some imaginary mythical creature. However, because Qiongqi likes to eat people and is extremely powerful, as early as hundreds of years ago, Qiongqi was driven out of the human activity area by the monks.

In modern times, few people can see Qiongqi in person.

And some of the very few 'lucky ones' who met Qiongqi, most of them fell into the opponent's belly.

"This is so interesting!"

Bell looked at his patron saint in wonder.

"What's so interesting?"

Hermione asked confused. She and Shanna also came over curiously.

Especially Shanna, she knew that her brother had never been able to successfully cast the Patronus Charm for some reason. So the little girl was extremely curious about her brother's patron saint. He didn't even care that his body was still a little weak, so he hurriedly followed him out.

“Patron saints are supposed to be generated by happy emotions and represent the desire to protect.

Qiongqi is a famous ferocious beast in China that enjoys eating people.

My patron saint turned out to be such an evil beast. Do you think it’s interesting or not? "

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Bell's mouth.

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