The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 248 Hermione’s stomach feels uncomfortable

Reaching out and touching his patron saint, Bell couldn't help but feel even more interesting.

As we all know, the Patronus is a spell developed specifically to target Dementors. It has no entity and no physical destructive power.

But now, Bell has personally touched his patron saint.

It feels warm and soft, as if you are touching a ball of pearl cotton.

He lowered his head and glanced at the deep claw marks at Qiongqi's feet.

His patron saint not only has an entity and can carry out physical damage, but also seems to be quite destructive.

Additionally, the Patronus is primarily composed of happy emotions. And happiness is often short-lived. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the patron saint does not exist for a long time.

But several minutes have passed from just now to now, and Bell's patron saint still shows no sign of dissipating.

You know, apart from the initial casting of the spell, Bell did not inject any magic power into Qiongqi's body.

In other words, for some unknown reason, the magic power used by Bell to generate the patron saint did not dissipate into the surrounding environment, but was contained in Qiongqi's body, thereby maintaining Qiongqi's long-term existence.

"What an excellent Patronus Charm."

A sigh came from behind, interrupting Bell's thinking, and also reminded Bell that this was not a place suitable for research.

Looking back, Bell saw a middle-aged man in a shabby robe walking toward a few people from the back of the train.

Following Bell's movements, Qiongqi also turned around. It lowered its body slightly, gathered strength in its limbs, and assumed a posture ready to go.

"Oh! Please don't be nervous. I don't mean any harm. I am the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. You can call me Professor Lupine."

Lupine stopped quickly. He didn't want to start a fight with his students on his first day of official employment.

If he accidentally hurt this seemingly extraordinary little guy, he might not have to get off the train later and just take this train back to London.

For Lupine, it is really difficult to find a job!

So he cherished this rare opportunity.

Not to mention, he could also meet the son of his old friend in Hogwarts.

After comforting Qiongqi, Bell greeted Lupine: "Hello, Professor Luping. My name is Bell Menethil. What can I do for you?"

"I heard the roar before, so I was a little worried, so I came over to check the situation. When I saw that nothing bad happened, I was relieved."

Lupine explained.

"Also, Mr. Menethil, could you put your Patronus away? It's a little... too big."

Looking at Qiongqi who had to lower his head to ensure that he would not hit his head on the roof of the train, Lupine said to Bell with admiration.

Speaking of which, this was the first time for Lupine to see such a unique patron saint. Judging from the body shape, this should be a magical animal?

Lupine only knew that Dumbledore's patronus was a phoenix, and this was the second time he had seen someone whose patronus was a magical animal. And Lupine still couldn't recognize this kind of animal!

If the current situation and timing were not wrong, Lu Ping would really like to sit down and have a good chat with the little wizard in front of him.

"Of course, Professor."

Even if Lupine didn't say anything, Bell didn't intend to continue to be watched by the group of young wizards not far away with looks mixed with fear and curiosity.

Turning back to look at Qiongqi, Bell pondered for a moment before taking out a bottle from his pocket.

He carefully controlled Qiongqi's figure to shrink little by little, and finally shrank it to the size of a finger before putting it into the bottle.

Bell was not sure that he would be able to cast this mutated Patronus Charm again. Therefore, he put the bottle close to his body and planned to wait until he got to Hogwarts to find time to study his peculiar patronus.

After putting away Qiongqi, Bell repaired the broken window glass, and then looked at Professor Luping again.

"Professor, if there is nothing else, can we return to the carriage?"


After signaling to Bell that he was free, Lupine hurried towards the front of the train. Apparently, he was going to find the train conductor.

After returning to the carriage and sitting down, Bell looked at his sister beside him worriedly.

"Sanna, how are you feeling? Do you want to take a nap?"

Zannah shook her head and said, "No need, brother. I feel much better already. Besides, we are going to Hogwarts soon. If we sleep now, we might have to wake up again before we fall asleep." "

Seeing that Shanna's complexion had indeed improved a lot, Bell nodded and didn't insist anymore.

Listening to the exchange between Bell and Zannah opposite, Hermione felt a little unhappy.

She was also frightened just now. In the end, this guy Bell only cared about Shanna and didn't care about her?

"Bell, I, I'm still a little uncomfortable."

Hermione tried to get her boyfriend's attention.

"Uncomfortable? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Bell immediately asked nervously.

Didn't he see the dementors hurt Hermione? Could it be that Hermione was as stimulated as Zannah?

Yes, Zannah was so greatly stimulated when she learned that Bell and Hermione were dating, that she had no ability to resist the dementors before.

After the Dementor opened the carriage door, some of the thoughts that Zanna had just suppressed immediately appeared in her mind with extremely clear images.

‘Brother doesn’t like her anymore! ’

‘Brother doesn’t want her anymore! ’

‘Brother dislikes her! ’

'Brother and Hermione ran away! ’


Shouldn't it be said that they are brothers and sisters who have grown up together? Even mentally, Zannah is very similar to Bell.

The spirits of siblings Bell and Shanna are both strong and fragile.

The two can overcome all difficulties and tribulations for each other, but they can be easily defeated because of some of the other's actions.

Otherwise, Zannah, who has successfully mastered Occlumency and the Patronus Charm and has no psychological shadow, should be much more calm than Bell when facing Dementors.


Hermione rubbed her belly.

She didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but now that Bell asked her this question, Hermione really felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.

Hermione's voice brought back Bell's daily wandering thoughts.

He quickly stood up and half-crouched in front of Hermione.

"let me see."

Taking away Hermione's hand covering her stomach, Bell placed the palm of his right hand on Hermione's belly.

10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute...


Bell silently retracted his hand, lowered his head, and said nothing.

"B-Bell? What's wrong with me?"

Seeing Bell's silence, Hermione panicked a little.

She originally just wanted to attract Bell's attention, so she said it casually. Could it be that something big happened to her?

"Ahem, it's nothing."

Bell opened his mouth with difficulty and spoke in a low voice.

"It's just that I ate too much before and was suddenly frightened, which caused some indigestion. Just rest for a while and it will be fine."


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