The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 254 Shanna’s Academy

"what do you mean?"

Professor McGonagall glared at Bell. She simply couldn't imagine how someone could slander Albus like this! ?

"Means nothing."

Bell shrugged casually. After talking so much, he was tired of it.

If it wasn't for Hermione to realize the seriousness of the matter, he wouldn't be interested in spending so many words with Professor McGonagall.

In addition, Bell was not sure whether Dumbledore was aware of the problem with the time-turner. But Bell felt that even if Dumbledore really noticed it, the other party would probably choose to sit on the sidelines.

Ever since Voldemort was born among the students at Hogwarts, Dumbledore has been suppressing the growth of young wizards. Including but not limited to: indulgence of individual professors, deletion of teaching content, and removal of some books from the restricted book area.

Therefore, maybe Dumbledore would be very happy to see some outstanding young wizards go to another world and live a 'good' life where their dreams come true?

"Professor, we should go to the auditorium. Mr. Potter has been waiting outside for a long time."

Before Professor McGonagall could ask any further questions, Bell spoke.

After saying that, without waiting for Professor McGonagall's reply, he dragged Hermione, who was staring at the two of them uneasily, and turned around and walked towards the door.

"That's right, Professor."

Just when Bell was about to twist the door handle, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Professor McGonagall.

"Believe me, you won't find those people's names."

Looking at the backs of Bell and Hermione walking out of the office, Professor McGonagall fell into silence.

Now, she needs to go to the auditorium to attend the customary opening dinner. And after the dinner is over, she will carefully sort out all the information about Hogwarts over the years!

She will find it, for sure!

When Bell entered the auditorium, as expected, the sorting ceremony was already over. The freshmen are enjoying the food happily under the care of the old students.

Although he was not able to witness his sister being sorted, Bell felt a little regretful. But the ending has already been decided anyway, so it doesn’t really matter whether you watch it or not.

Bell couldn't wait to walk towards the Ravenclaw table. However, as he walked, he couldn't walk anymore...

'what happened! Why isn't Shanna here? ? ’

Bell was shocked and carefully scanned the Ravenclaw table from beginning to end. However, he still couldn't find Zannah.

Raising his right hand anxiously, Bell looked at the magic mark on the back of his hand.

In an instant, he sensed Zannah's location. The little girl was at the dining table of Slytherin House not far from him.

'what's the situation! ? Why is Zannah in Slytherin! ? ’

Bell was puzzled.

The script obviously shouldn't be like this!

Bell didn't believe that the Sorting Hat, which had not been washed for hundreds of years, would be able to break through his sister's Occlumency.

You know, with the lessons learned from studying the Fire Curse and the Eternal Flame, Bell's emphasis on Occlumency has increased dramatically.

Therefore, in order for Shanna to lay a solid foundation in advance, Bell had specifically told Shanna to strengthen her practice of Occlumency.

Therefore, Zannah's level of Occlumency can be said to be quite good.

Not to mention, the Sorting Hat is only used to sort houses, it is not a master of Legilimency.

Full of doubts, Bell didn't even bother to respond to Hermione's greeting behind him. He took three steps at a time and rushed to the Slytherin House table.

Hermione, who was left where she was, stared blankly at Bell's retreating figure, wondering whether she should continue walking towards Gryffindor House or follow her boyfriend to find out why he Went to Slytherin House?

Shanna had been waiting anxiously and restlessly for a long time.

Her brother had clearly said before that he would be waiting for her in the auditorium, but why hasn't he come yet?

And the most important thing is that Zannah has carefully confirmed several times that Hermione, who left with her brother before, is not in the auditorium!

Shanna didn't know what she was thinking. In short, when she was being sorted before, her parents' instructions from a month ago suddenly came to her mind.

(William and Elena felt helpless at the fact that their son did not abide by the traditions of Hogwarts and actually told their youngest daughter about the sorting method, but they did not find it strange at all.)

Somehow, Zannah chose to stop the Occlumency running in her mind and put on the worn-out Sorting Hat.


shouted the Sorting Hat.

Zannah didn't even know how she got to the Slytherin table and how she sat down.

The applause and greetings from the seniors around her seemed to come from a place very far away from her.

This was the first time in Shanna's life that she had disobeyed her brother's request. This made the little girl feel very uneasy and uneasy.

Shanna regretted it a little. She wanted to put on that old hat again and conduct another sorting.

Unfortunately, before Shanna could make up her mind, the hat was taken away by a professor...

As a result, Zannah became even more unhappy. How can someone be so annoying! ?

The irritable little girl wanted to explode something to vent her anger. However, recalling the scene she had caused with her own hands in the mountains not far from home, the little girl still suppressed this dangerous thought.


The door to the auditorium was pushed open.

Shanna saw her brother walking into the auditorium first. And behind his brother, as expected, was the annoying Hermione.

'snort! Brother, this big liar! He actually left Zannah behind and went to play with that Hermione! ’

Xiao Shanna strongly condemned her brother's behavior in her heart.

However, when she saw her brother walking quickly towards her, Shanna panicked again.

The little girl looked around in panic, trying to find a place to hide.

At this time, she had forgotten that no matter where she hid, her brother could sense it.

Before Shanna could choose a hiding place, a shadow formed under the light shrouded her head.

"Zannah! W-why are you in Slytherin House!?"

Her brother's voice came from above her head, extinguishing the last trace of luck in Shanna's heart.

"Brother, brother, hello, wait a minute. W-where have you been?"

Zannah asked stumblingly.

"Sorry, Zannah. Professor McGonagall had something to do with us before, and it took a long time."

Bell apologized subconsciously.

Then he realized that he could put those unimportant things aside for now, but now there were more important issues that needed to be clarified.

"Put that aside for now. Zannah, didn't you agree to come to Ravenclaw where your brother is? Why are you sitting here in Slytherin now?"

Bell wanted to know very much, what happened in the few minutes he was away?

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