The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Bell suddenly wakes up

Bell stared at his sister curiously, and at the same time reached out his hand to pick up the collar of a small snake sitting next to Shanna, threw it aside, and sat down himself.

As for whether this little snake will be dissatisfied?

At this time, Bell was not in the mood to care so much.

At the same time, in order to reduce trouble, while picking up the collar, Bell also secretly cast a weakened version of the fear spell on the little snake, which made the little snake who was originally about to show its fangs immediately calm down.

Just kidding, what does it mean for a boy to sit next to his sister? What's the intention? ah! ?

If he hadn't been free now, Bell wouldn't have simply let the little snake go. So it was just a fear spell, and it was a weakened version, which was already cheap enough for that kid!

Faced with her brother's questioning, Shanna hesitated and said:

"Because when we were at home, my parents said that Occlumency should not be used when sorting hospitals.

They also said that only by entering the college that suits them best can they grow better.

And... Moreover, I am also curious about which college I will be assigned to. "

After hearing Shanna's explanation, Bell fell silent.

He knew that it must be his father who was causing trouble!

How abominable!

What? You ask Bell why he neglected his mother Elena?

Needless to say, of course it’s because... I can’t afford to offend him!

Just kidding, my mother's family status is so high.

Seeing her brother lowering his head and saying nothing, little Shanna thought that her brother was angry with her and wanted to ignore her.

The little girl's eyes were immediately filled with moisture, and tears rolled back and forth in her big eyes.

"Brother, yes, I'm sorry!"

I found that my sister was about to cry! Bell immediately stopped complaining about his father in his heart.

Although he didn't know why Shanna... well, Bell actually knew very well why his sister became so emotional and fragile.

Bell knew it from the moment he was on the Hogwarts Express, from the moment Zannah discovered that there was a third person in the carriage, and from the moment Zannah learned that Hermione was his girlfriend.

However, this time, Bell rarely responded to his sister's expectations. Instead, he chose to turn a blind eye.

Because Bell knew that this moment would eventually come. This is true both for Shanna and for him.

As the saying goes, hurry up early rather than late. And Bell believes that both brothers and sisters will definitely be able to overcome this hurdle. Because no matter what happens, they are each other's most important family members.

Putting his hand on Zannah's little head, Bell stroked it gently.

"You little fool, you didn't do anything wrong, why do you have to apologize?"

"But, but I didn't abide by the agreement I made with my brother. I didn't use Occlumency when I was sorted. As a result, I was sorted into Slytherin House."

Shanna said while sobbing slightly.

"Zanna, remember, the agreement must be kept. But!"

Bell made a twist and stopped Shanna's tears that were about to burst out.

"The matter of sorting into different schools is not an agreement between brother and Shanna. We did not agree on anything, it was just that brother was simply asking Shanna to do that.

do you know? Shanna. When he saw that you did not appear at the Ravenclaw table but were sitting here, my brother was first shocked, then very disappointed, but more importantly, he was relieved. "

The corners of Bell's mouth raised slightly, forming a warm smile.


Little Sanna tilted her little head curiously. She didn't quite understand what her brother meant.

When it comes to disappointment, little Shanna knows it very well.

She had been very disappointed when her brother left home alone and came to Hogwarts to attend school.

Last summer, she was extremely disappointed when she learned that her brother would not be home for the summer vacation.

In the past month, she felt a little disappointed when her brother didn't have time to play with her.

And on the train, when she heard her brother introduce that Hermione was his girlfriend, she was... even more disappointed than she was.

To sum up, Xiao Shanna felt that she simply didn’t understand loss very well. He can even be called a ‘Lost Master’.

However, little Shanna didn't quite understand her brother's last words of 'gladness'.

Of course, the smart and studious little Shanna still knew the meaning of this word clearly.

But because she had never experienced this kind of emotion, Shanna couldn't quite understand why her brother felt relieved after losing him?

"Yes, it's just gratifying."

Bell explained patiently.

"Because my Shanna has finally grown up, knows what she wants, and can make independent choices.

When I think of the little follower who had been following me, and how she grew into an outstanding young lady in the blink of an eye, my brother feels a little disappointed, but also feels happy. "

"I'm not a little follower!"

Shanna pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction.

However, from the little girl's slightly twisted body, her red face, and the shyness and joy that could not be concealed in her eyes, it was still possible to tell that Shanna was in a very good mood.

"But, I still want to stay in the same academy as my brother."

Xiao Shanna said coquettishly.

Bell didn't have any intention of blaming her sister for her willfulness.

Just kidding, satisfying your sister’s willfulness is your brother’s duty, okay?

"No problem, it's up to my brother!"

Showing a thumbs up to Shanna, Bell's white teeth clicked at the corner of his split mouth, and a dazzling white light flashed.

Bell stood up, took a deep breath, and yelled at the professor's seat.

"Professor Snape! I want to transfer to another school!"

The deafening roar echoed throughout the entire auditorium. Everyone stopped holding knives and forks in their hands and looked at Bell curiously.

Except Hermione...

Regarding her boyfriend's embarrassing behavior, Hermione could no longer remember how many times she wanted to die with Bell.


Snape looked at Bell with a confused expression, wondering what was wrong with this weird boy?

"Actually, it's like this, Professor. After thinking about it for the past two years, I finally realized what a stupid decision I made when I was young and ignorant.

Therefore, I have suddenly woken up!

I, Bel Menethil, was born to be in Slytherin House! My body, my heart, and even my dandruff should belong to the great Slytherin! "

Bell flattered him so passionately that no one would believe it.


Of course, Snape simply refused Bell's request.

He doesn't want Belle's dandruff!

"Ahem...Professor, the material on that snake is easy to discuss."

Bell gave Snape a 'you know' look.

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