The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 264 Young people don’t respect martial ethics and scatter ‘dog food’ randomly!

"Bell, what should I do?"

Seeing Bell, Hagrid felt as if he had seen a savior.

In fact, Hagrid was able to break the Iron Armor Curse on Malfoy. For him, it only took a few punches.

But the problem is that Hagrid is afraid that his violent shield-breaking behavior will affect Malfoy, further aggravating the opponent's injuries.

Therefore, he could only turn his attention to Bell, who seemed to be in trouble.


Bell glanced at Hagrid speechlessly.

Obviously the other person is the professor, but now he comes to ask him what to do with this 'weak and helpless' student?

This isn't appropriate.

But even though he thought so, Bell still took out his wand, intending to do a small favor.

Bell pressed his wand against Malfoy's Iron Armor Charm. Only blue lines were seen, with the tip of Bell's staff as the base point, quickly covered with the Iron Armor Curse.

For such an uncontrollable iron armor curse, Bell quickly succeeded in seizing control.

As Bell withdrew his wand, the shield surrounding Malfoy shattered like a fragile soap bubble.

"Okay, Professor. You can take Malfoy to Madam Pomfrey now."

Bell said casually.

Hearing this, Hagrid quickly leaned over and picked up Malfoy. After feeling that Malfoy still had a faint breath, Hagrid finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bell, the rest is up to you."

After saying that, Hagrid quickly ran towards the castle without looking back.

"What? Just leave it to me?"

Bell looked confused. However, Hagrid didn't seem to hear Bell's question, and he disappeared from his sight.


"Bell, what should we do next?"

Hermione asked worriedly.

This happened in the first class, and the kind-hearted Hermione was very worried for Professor Hagrid.

"What else can be done?"

Bell glanced around and saw that everyone else was staring at him.

"What are you looking at! Is there anything good to see!? It's gone, it's gone, it's all gone!"


"But what?"

Bell interrupted Harry.

"If you want to stay here, I have no problem with it."

After saying that, Bell stopped caring about the others and turned his head to look at the hippogriffs.

"You! Go back where you came from! It's none of your business!"

Watching the Hippogriff disappear into the Forbidden Forest, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

These big guys still obeyed and left as soon as they were told.

Look at this group of naughty kids again. It’s been so long and not one of them has left. It's such a good thing to finish class early, but no one is willing to do it?

What a world!

Ignoring the others, Bell took Hermione's hand and walked towards the castle.

"Bell, is it really okay for us to just leave like this?"

Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Otherwise, what else do you want to do? Fly around on the Hippogriff a few more times?"

"No, no. But...but..."

After looking at Hermione for a long time, unable to figure out why, Bell comforted:

"Don't worry. If something like this happens, it's impossible to continue the course. If you leave early, you'll leave later. If you leave late, it's better to leave early."

"Bell, do you think something will happen to Professor Hagrid?"

It was obvious that Hermione quite liked Hagrid's lesson.

If nothing unexpected happens along the way...

"I don't know. It depends on Professor Dumbledore's attitude."

Bell spread his hands indifferently.

Malfoy was not seriously hurt. Of course, Bell doesn't know if it will leave a psychological shadow or something.

Therefore, if Dumbledore intends to keep Hagrid, there is actually no need to bother.

But this is beyond Bell's concern.

Belle and Hermione were seen leaving. Someone took the lead, and the others followed Bell in small groups.

Without even having to listen to the chattering discussions of those little wizards, Bell could know that perhaps by dinner time, everyone would know what happened this afternoon.

"Bell, why did Malfoy's curse bounce back?"

Walking back to the castle, temporarily putting aside her worries about Professor Hagrid, Hermione finally had time to ask the questions that had arisen before.

"Hey!? Didn't I tell you?"

Bell looked at Hermione in surprise.

"What did you say?"

Hermione asked confused.

"Ahem! No, it's nothing. What did you ask just now? Oh! Why did Malfoy's spell bounce back, right?"

Bell stiffly changed the subject.

He suddenly remembered that when he handed the defensive jewelry to Hermione last year, it seemed that he did not give a detailed explanation.

In other words, because Hermione ran away suddenly, he didn't even have a chance to explain. Later he also forgot about it.

After all, so many things happened at that time, it is actually understandable that I forgot about it.

Facing his girlfriend's suspicious gaze, Bell felt his scalp numb. If possible, he really didn't want to explain the problem. But obviously, that's not possible.

"That's because the magic in the defensive jewelry Malfoy wears was injected by someone else."

Bell speculated that it should be Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy, who specially injected the magic power to ensure the safety of his son.

But in the end it was self-defeating.

"If the magic power is injected by someone with stronger magic power, then the defensive ability of the jewelry can indeed be improved.

However, due to the different sources of magic power, the wearer's magic spell will not be able to pass through the iron armor spell.

That...that, those two ornaments I gave you before, the magic power inside..."

At this moment, Bell just felt extremely lucky.

Fortunately, Hermione had not been attacked by an attack that would have caused the defensive jewelry to be activated. Fortunately, Hermione had not attacked outwards while the jewelry was activated.

Otherwise, like Malfoy, being beaten half to death by his own attack or something, that would be too stupid.

I wonder if Malfoy will ever have the nerve to come out to meet people again?


Hermione glanced down at the ring and bracelet on her hand.

It turns out that these two things are so stupid! ?

With lightning speed, Hermione kicked Belle in the calf.

"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing earlier!?"

"But you ran too fast at that time, and I didn't have time..."

"How dare you quibble!"

At Bell's reminder, Hermione accidentally recalled the scene at that time, and angrily used the 'Phantom Kick', staring at Bell's calf and kicking her one after another, while kicking, and muttering in her mouth. :'Let you quibble! Let you quibble! ’.

After pleading guilty and begging for mercy to no avail, Bell simply picked Hermione up by the waist so that she could no longer kick anyone.

"Put me down quickly!"

Hermione exclaimed as she didn't expect Bell to suddenly use this move.

There was a group of people watching from behind. The thin-skinned Hermione couldn't stand the crowd of so many people.

Bell, who originally just wanted to stop Hermione's 'atrocities', found out after picking Hermione up that it was quite comfortable to hold her.

And Hermione's shy look also made Bell very interesting.

So Bell decided.

"What are you letting go of? Just leave like this!"

With that said, Bell hugged Hermione and ran towards the castle.

Only a bunch of young wizards with their mouths full of 'dog food' were left behind, lamenting that the world was declining, people's hearts were not as old as before, and young people did not respect martial ethics and scattered 'dog food' randomly!

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