The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 265 Classification of Wizards

Due to an accident in the Care of Magical Creatures class, there is still nearly an hour of free time before the next class starts.

In line with the principle that time is life, Bell, who did not want to waste time, took Hermione back to the suitcase.

Standing on the grass, Bell solemnly took out a small bottle from his arms.

This bottle is the same glass bottle that Bell used to hold his patronus yesterday afternoon.

Opening the bottle cap, Bell released Qiongqi.

After controlling Qiongqi to return to his original size, Bell's eyes lit up with azure magic light, and he observed Qiongqi carefully.

From time to time, Bell would put his wand against Qiongqi's body, trying to analyze the composition of Qiongqi's magic power.

"Bell, you can actually cast the Patronus Charm? Can Zannah do the same?"

In fact, Hermione was not that surprised that Bell was able to cast the Patronus Charm. So the second half of the sentence is her main purpose.

"Well, Zannah will too. In fact, Zannah learned the Patronus Charm earlier than I did."

Bell is not sure now whether he has learned the Patronus Charm. After all, no matter how you look at it, his patron saint is not normal.

And because he was worried that it would have a bad impact on Qiongqi, Bell didn't dare to try to cast the Patronus Charm now.

"Yes, really? Zannah is really powerful. I heard that the Patronus Charm is a very difficult and advanced spell."

Hermione said with a hint of jealousy.

She felt that Bell must be talking to Shanna again. She didn't believe that Zannah would learn the Patronus Charm earlier than Bell.

However, Bell, who was focusing most of his attention on Qiongqi, could not hear the jealousy in Hermione's tone.

"No, the Patronus Charm is not an advanced magic spell."

Bell said without looking back.

"How is that possible!? I have read in many books that very few people can cast the Patronus Charm."

"That's just because the application range of the Patronus Charm is too narrow. In fact, in my personal opinion, all spells with clear spells and casting gestures are all basic spells."

Perhaps this view is a bit extreme, but in Bell's view, only when a wizard is freed from the shackles of spells can he be qualified to embark on the path of pursuing the mysteries of magic.

As for Bell's words, Hermione undoubtedly didn't believe it.

This is not what professors say in class.

Compared to Bell, Hermione at this time obviously still believed in the professors' words more.

Withdrawing the wand against Qiongqi's forehead, Bell looked back at Hermione. He felt his girlfriend's disbelief.

"Then let me give you an example. See that big rock over there?"

As he spoke, Bell pointed his wand at a landscape stone not far away. The stone immediately split into two halves in the middle, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror.

"Question, what kind of spell did I just use?"

Bell looked at Hermione with a half-smile.

Hermione hurried over to the cut boulder.

She first followed the method Bell gave her before, closing her eyes and sensing for a while.

Then, she carefully observed the smooth surface of the boulder, touched it, knocked it, licked it... ahem.

Anyway, after scratching her head for a while, Hermione came back dejectedly.

"I can't see it."

Hermione felt a deep sense of frustration.

Logically speaking, a spell like this that can cut objects is nothing more than a cutting spell, a wind blade spell, or a separation spell, etc. There are countless spells.

However, after carefully sensing the magic left on the stone and observing the shape of the incision, Hermione always felt that the spell Bell used was similar to the above-mentioned spells, but they were all different. Slightly different?

Seeing his girlfriend's cute look, Bell couldn't help but reach out and pinch Hermione's face. It wasn't until Hermione was about to become angry that she opened her mouth and gave her answer.

"The answer is, I didn't use any spells."

"How is it possible!? How could you cut such a big stone without using magic!?"

Hermione felt like Bell was fooling her again.

"Don't be anxious, just listen to my explanation."

Seeing that his girlfriend started grinding her teeth again, in order to prevent being bitten, but actually mainly because she was afraid of chipping Hermione's teeth, Bell hurriedly explained.

"You can think of a spell as a formula. Just like when doing math problems, with the help of the formula, we can get the answer more easily.

However, this does not mean that we cannot get the correct answer without the formula. Formulas provide us with convenience, but sometimes, they can also become our constraints.

I just conveyed the idea of ​​"wanting to cut that stone" to the magic power in my body, and then emitted the part of the magic power that received the idea.

Finally, the stone was cut open. "

Hermione looked at Bell in confusion, looking confused.

In fact, it wasn't that Hermione couldn't understand the meaning of Bell's words. But the problem was that although she understood what Bell said, she lacked personal experience, so Hermione always felt as if she was seeing the scenery through a veil, hazy and unable to see clearly.

Even Hermione didn't know whether what she understood was the same as what Bell wanted to express?

Facing his girlfriend's confused gaze, Bell just smiled and had no intention of explaining further.

If you haven't experienced some things personally, no matter how much others say, it will be useless. But after experiencing it personally, you will find that things are actually so simple.

"Hermione, when I was bored, I once made a rough classification of the level of wizards. Do you want to hear it?"

Bell suddenly asked.


Without any hesitation, Hermione nodded.

For Hermione who was passionately in love, as long as her boyfriend said it, no matter what it was, she wanted to hear it.

"Junior wizards are wizards who use magic spells step by step. In today's magic world, most wizards are junior wizards.

An intermediate wizard, a wizard who has escaped the shackles of the curse. They began to go back to their roots and were able to communicate directly with magic. Wizards who have reached this level are very rare in the magical world.

By the way, I am currently at the level of an intermediate wizard. In addition, according to my speculation, Professor Dumbledore should be at the peak of the intermediate wizard and is about to enter the level of a senior wizard.

For senior wizards, wizards and magic are truly integrated into one, and whatever they think of can come true.

The ultimate wizard, omnipotent.

The last two levels are just my imagination. Whether wizards can reach this level, I don’t know. So just listen and don’t take it personally. "

"Bell, what level is Shanna at?"

As soon as Bell finished speaking, Hermione asked impatiently.

Bell knew that his girlfriend would definitely ask this question. He noticed that Hermione seemed to have a tendency to compete with Zannah?

"Sanna is in the advanced junior phase."

"what about me?"

Hermione looked at Bell expectantly.

"...No, not popular..."

Even though he knew that the answer might cause critical damage to Hermione, Bell still chose to tell the truth.

Only by recognizing yourself first can you find the next path.

Hermione froze in shock.

Bell's answer obviously exceeded her expectations. Hermione originally thought that the worst answer was just a low-level junior.

How can there be such a thing as being unworthy! ?

There was no mention of this level before!

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