The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 267 Why is Hermione always angry?

After the confused and confident Bell handed Hermione over to the confused Zannah with a fascinated smile on his lips, Bell stopped paying attention to this matter for the time being.

For him, the primary issue at the moment is to find out the reasons for the mutation of his patron saint. Otherwise, if Qiongqi suddenly disappears one day, he will really cry and faint in the toilet.

The time soon came to Thursday.

Early this morning, something happened that shocked Bell for a whole year: Malfoy was discharged from the hospital!

Of course, something as trivial as Malfoy being discharged from hospital was not enough to attract Bell's attention, and it was not even qualified to distract him at all.

What really shocked Bell was how could Malfoy look so smug?

Could it be that in the wizarding world, being almost accidentally killed by one's own curse is not only not a shameful thing, but is actually worth showing off?

Is it because the times are changing so fast that Bell can no longer keep up with the trend? Or are wizards just not serious?

Moreover, what made Bell want to complain the most was Malfoy's bandaged arm.

This is why Madam Pomfrey has a good temper. If it were Bell who had a bad temper, he would guarantee that Malfoy's arm would never get better in his life.

Who are you trying to kill? This is it! ?

It was not until after lunch, on the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, that Bell learned the details from Hermione.

"That Malfoy guy is so disgusting!"

Hermione was so angry that her hair stood on end.

"His arm was obviously injured by himself, but he said that Professor Hagrid ordered the hippogriff to attack him! He also described himself as a hero. What about not being afraid of power and resisting bravely? What's more, it's really... it's really..."

"Okay, okay, calm down, it's not worth it."

Bell gently patted his girlfriend on the back. Hermione was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

"Whatever he wants to say, let him say it. He has a mouth, how can you stop it? Just ignore it."

To be honest, Malfoy's shamelessness indeed exceeded Bell's expectations.

It turned out that it wasn't that there was something wrong with the wizards' minds, but that Malfoy was too thick-skinned.

Just like that, what did you keep saying to him about the glory of pure blood?

"But how could he slander Professor Hagrid!?"

Disrespecting the professor was the last thing Hermione would tolerate.

"And Malfoy also said that his father was very angry after learning that he was injured. He said he wanted Dumbledore to fire Professor Hagrid, and he also said he wanted to kill the poor eagle named Buckbeak. There's a horse with a winged beast!

I heard other people say that it was Malfoy who pissed off Buckbeak because he didn't do what Professor Hagrid asked him to do. "

In fact, what Hermione didn't know was that most of the reason why Malfoy would provoke Buckbeak to death was Bell's fault.

After being severely taught by Bell, Malfoy did not dare to trouble Bell again. But in Malfoy's heart, Bell has been regarded as his lifelong enemy.

If someone had asked Malfoy what his dream was before. Perhaps Malfoy would hesitate for a long time before giving an uncertain answer.

But now, Malfoy will definitely give the answer without hesitation: 'Beyond Menethil and pay back all the shame he has suffered! ’.

Therefore, after seeing Bell make a hippogriff surrender so handsomely and neatly, it was a no brainer for him to want Malfoy to obey Hagrid's instructions and bow obediently.

"Bell, do you think Professor Hagrid will be okay?"

Hermione asked the question again worriedly.

"Don't worry. You have to know that Hagrid's professorship was appointed by Professor Dumbledore. That cannot be taken away by others casually."

Hermione nodded. Hermione had never doubted the abilities of the great Professor Dumbledore.

Seeing Hermione so relieved, Bell felt inexplicably unhappy.

But for now, the gap between Bell and Dumbledore is still very big, so he really can't say anything and can only hold it in.

In order to prevent himself from being choked up, Bell decided to change the topic to divert his attention.

"By the way, Hermione. You must have tried out the electives, right? How do you feel?"

"Arithmetic divination is really great! In addition, ancient magic texts are also very interesting, but a bit difficult."

Hermione said excitedly.

"Of course, of course I know that. I'm asking, what do you think of Divination and Muggle Studies?"

Bell took Arithmancy and Ancient Runes with Hermione. Of course he knew that Hermione liked these two courses.


Hermione's eyes wandered, looking left and right.

In a flash, Bell walked up to his girlfriend. He reached out his hands, cupped Hermione's cheeks, and forced her to look at him.

"what do you think?"

"Well, I think I may need to listen to a few more classes before I can make a judgment?"

"what do you think!"

"Alright alright."

Seeing that there was no way to escape today, Hermione could only give up the useless struggle.

"I don't think it's very good, especially the divination class. But maybe the next classes will get better?"

Not only is it not good, Hermione feels that Professor Trelawney is simply a big liar!

I really don’t understand why Professor Dumbledore asked Professor Trelawney to teach this course.

Having said that, Hermione always felt uneasy at the thought of giving up these two courses.

What if, what if there is some useful knowledge later? Then didn’t she miss it?

"Hermione, if you give up, you will get something. There are only 24 hours in a day. If you can't give up things that don't have much effect, then you will miss a lot of useful things!"

Lowering his head, Bell brought his cheek closer to Hermione and stared at Hermione carefully for a while.

"You haven't slept well in the past few days, have you? You have dark circles under your eyes."

The blush on Hermione's face faded quickly. She kicked Bell in shame and broke away from his hands.

"I want you to take care of it!"

With that, Hermione stormed off. Bell was left confused, wondering what was going on?

So he was obviously feeling sorry for his girlfriend, and hoped that Hermione wouldn't be too tired every day and would get enough sleep. But why was Hermione angry again?

Fortunately, Bell knew that although Hermione occasionally lost her temper for no apparent reason, it never lasted even one minute. If you don't understand, just stop thinking about it and let it go.

After scratching his head, Bell chased after his lovely girlfriend who had stopped to wait for him.

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