The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 268 The partial Lupine

Today is the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the third graders. Everyone is in the classroom with great anticipation, waiting for the arrival of the new professor.

According to some young wizards from other grades who have already taken Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the content taught by the new Professor Lupine is very interesting.

At least compared to Quirrell and Lockhart, it's very interesting.

Oh, by the way, Lockhart was said to have been admitted to the hospital at the end of the last school year due to a bad stomach.

All the young wizards speculated that Snape poisoned Lockhart.

After all, anyone who is not blind can see Snape's disgust for Lockhart.

Bell only knew a little bit about Lockhart and stopped paying attention to it.

As long as the other party can write novels that his mother likes, Bell doesn't care whether Lockhart is dead or alive.

(Ghosts can also write novels, so it doesn’t matter if Lockhart dies.)

As for Professor Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Bell didn't care much.

After all, the textbooks are there. Bell had already taught himself all the content in it.

Therefore, as long as Lupine didn't bring his own biological weapons like Quirrell, or mess with his girlfriend like Lockhart, it didn't matter to Bell.

Under the leadership of Lu Ping, everyone left the classroom and came to the spacious staff lounge. Lupine prepared a Boggart here to assist in teaching.

Boggarts are creatures of dark magic. It can sense the most fearful things in people's hearts and transform them.

When he learned that the content of this lesson was to learn how to deal with Boggarts, Bell was honestly a little surprised.

Although Boggarts are not rare, they are rare dark magical creatures that Bell has never been exposed to.

After all, Bell's identity is somewhat special. He didn't want others to know what he feared the most.

What if it gets sliced?

Later, after mastering Occlumency, dark magic creatures like Boggart, which had special abilities but were very weak, were no longer able to pose a threat to Bell.

Therefore, he would not go out of his way to get a Boggart to play with.

The course went very well. I have to say that Lupine really knows how to arouse the emotions of the little wizards.

However, as he looked at it, Bell noticed something was wrong.

How come the names Lupine called out were all from Gryffindor House?

Well, it seems that it is confirmed that Lupine was born in Gryffindor House.

Glancing at the little eagles who were following them happily, Bell couldn't help but worry about the education of the wizards again.

Didn't anyone realize that something was wrong? Isn’t this too lacking in competitiveness?

"Neville, come up and kill it!"

After several Gryffindor cubs experienced the pleasure of teasing the Boggart, Lupine actually named Neville again.


Now Bell couldn't pretend that he didn't notice anything.

Forget about these classmates from Ravenclaw Academy. Although Bell knew them, they were just acquaintances. If they themselves had no objections, Bell certainly wouldn't jump out and meddle.

But you know, his Hermione hasn’t played with it yet!

We are all Gryffindors, why did Lupine let Neville play twice but not Hermione once?

Bell, who felt that his family was being targeted, couldn't bear the grievance!


Bell shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

Just in case, while shouting, Bell also gave Neville a full-body binding spell to prevent the little fat man from slipping and running in front of the Boggart.

Everyone looked at Bell standing in the corner curiously, wondering what he wanted to do?

At this time, Hermione suddenly discovered that when she was attracted by Professor Lupin's wonderful lectures, Bell had sneaked into the corner to fish for fish without knowing it! ?

"What's the matter, Mr. Menethil?"

Lupine still had a very deep impression on Bell.

By the way, Lupine suddenly noticed now that Bell was in this class? Why didn't he find out before?

He had always thought that Bell must be a sixth or seventh grade student.

"Professor, there are so many people who haven't played... ahem, and have never faced a Boggart. Isn't it inappropriate for you to just let Neville kill that Boggart?"

As he spoke, Bell glanced at Neville, which frightened the little fat man and almost caused his heart to stop.

If Neville hadn't been locked in place by the binding spell and unable to move, he would have collapsed on the ground.

It is said that Bell has always been strange, why is Neville so afraid of him? Make it look like he is evil.

"This is indeed an oversight on my part."

Lupine glanced apologetically at the students around him, especially the Ravenclaw students.

"I didn't expect everyone to be so good. Now this Boggart is very weak and can't withstand any more funny curses."

‘I believed you, you idiot! ’

Since this Boggart is about to die, why doesn't Lupine let the little wizard who has not yet experienced it end it? For example, Hermione.

Instead, let Neville, who has already played once, go?

Should we say that we are all Lao Deng’s students? This uncompromising style is simply the same.

Taking out his wand, Bell put it against his forehead.

After about 2 or 3 seconds, a wisp of milky white flocculent gas was extracted from his brain by Bell.

This was a memory he had fabricated, filled with fear.

With a flick of the wand, Bell threw the gas into the Boggart's body.

The Boggart in cockroach form let out a roar, and its body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, eventually turning into a giant monster nearly 5 meters tall.


The troll roared in the direction of Bell.

The little wizards screamed and moved away from the giant monster that the boggart had transformed into. At this moment, the funny spells taught by Lupine were instantly forgotten by the little wizards. Instinct fear dominated all their thoughts.

"Shut up!"

Rubbing his ears, Bell scolded him unhappily.

He regretted setting the target of fear on trolls. Mainly because he didn't expect that the Boggart's transformation could even perfectly reproduce the stench of the troll!

What a disaster!

Under Bell's scolding, the roar of the 'Troll' suddenly stopped, like a rooster with its neck strangled, which made people feel inexplicably pitiful?

"How did you do it? I mean, how did you restore the Boggart?"

More than just recovering, Lupine looked at the 'troll' in the field that made him feel oppressed. He had never seen such a spirited Boggart!

Lupine realized that he might have underestimated this kid named 'Menethil'?

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