The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 270 Tai Chi Yin and Yang

It's been a long time since that impressive Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.

After that day, Hermione had been in a bad mood.

This also caused a great obstacle to her learning the Patronus Charm.

And Hermione refused to tell Bell what the fake 'Bell' had said that day.

After several inquiries to no avail, Bell had no choice but to give up his plan to continue to pester.

He tried many things to cheer Hermione up. Unfortunately, the results are not significant.

Later, thanks to Zannah, who came up with a wonderful way to fight fire with fire (Bell's perspective), Hermione was able to get rid of her depression and became full of fighting spirit again.

It is worth mentioning that Hermione can now successfully cast white mist. As long as she practices diligently, I believe it won't be long before she can completely master the Patronus Charm.

"Master, I have prepared the two Boggarts you asked me to prepare for you."

After confirming that Boggart could strengthen itself by absorbing the emotion of fear, Bell became interested in this magical black magic creature.

In Bell's opinion, perhaps studying the Boggart's characteristics can help him improve his patron saint.

After all, many of the magic spells used by wizards were developed based on the characteristics of magical creatures.

"I understand. Put them in the suitcase first, and I'll take a look at them in the evening."

After giving a casual instruction, Bell continued to read the book in his hand.

At this time, he was rarely alone, sitting on the grass outside Hogwarts Castle.

Hermione went to find Zannah to practice the Patronus Charm. After so many days of communication, the two became familiar with each other a lot, which made Bell very happy.

The weather is very nice today. The sunshine is warm, the breeze is blowing, and combined with the faint sound of play in the distance, it makes people feel very comfortable.

What Bell is reading now is "Tai Chi Yin and Yang Illustrations" by Chinese Taoists. It is one of the many books he bought from China before.

Books of this type are almost impossible to find in the British wizarding world, which strongly rejects black magic.

Therefore, when he first saw this book, Bell was deeply attracted by the theories in it.

Facts have proved that Bell's previous decision to travel to China and Japan was very wise.

For example, these books are of great help to Bell now.

After such a long period of observation and research, Bell has basically figured out why his patron saint mutated.

As we all know, the core of the Patronus Charm is the idea of ​​'protection' and the emotion of 'happiness'.

But when Bell cast the Patronus Charm before, his heart was filled with strong 'murderous intent' and 'anger'.

Thanks to the Occlumency technique that he has been working hard to study, even at the time when Bell wanted to crush the dementor to ashes, he was still able to successfully generate 'protection' and 'happiness' in his mind 'Both emotions necessary for the Patronus Charm.

In the end, these four emotions unexpectedly reached a delicate balance, and supplemented by anger, Bell's full output of a large amount of magic power successfully caused the mutation of the patron saint.

And this is exactly in line with the monks’ Tai Chi Yin and Yang theory.

Among them, 'protection' is the yang eye, 'killing intention' is the yin eye, 'happiness' is the yang eye, and 'anger' is the yin eye.

It can be said that the birth of Qiongqi is full of surprises.

Bell has always been unable to summon the patron saint because his happy mood is not strong enough.

And the emotion of anger just fills this void.

If Bell had successfully mastered the Patronus Charm from the beginning, then perhaps Qiongqi would never have been born.

After figuring out the principle, it was only a matter of time before we could reproduce this mutated Patronus Charm.

However, Bell was not satisfied with this.

It is too difficult to produce four opposing emotions in oneself at the same time and to control their proportions accurately! It took too long!

Also prone to schizophrenia.

To a modern wizard, a spell that takes 10 seconds to cast has no value.

Of course, if you spend a lot of time and carry out special training, you should be able to do it instantly.

But Bell wouldn't do that.

If you have the time to practice a simple spell, the benefits you will get will definitely far exceed that of training the mutated Patronus Charm.

Just when Bell regretfully considered whether he should give up his Qiongqi, the memory he had previously obtained from a kind-hearted Onmyoji provided him with a new way of thinking.

Because of the self-balance in the body, Qiongqi's structure is very stable. Without fighting, the magic power in its body dissipates very slowly.

That being the case, why not treat Qiongqi as an independent individual and sign a shikigami contract with him?

Bell is no longer unfamiliar with shikigami, especially the knowledge about artificial shikigami.

When he made the Crazy Bear and Ten Thousand Snakes, he applied the related concepts of artificial shikigami to improve their controllability.

After his ideas were opened, the more Bell thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Unlike ordinary shikigami or artificial shikigami, Qiongqi is completely composed of Bell's emotions and magic power, so its compatibility with Bell can be said to be 100%.

Moreover, after signing the shikigami contract and fostering Qiongqi in his body. Because the magic powers of Bell and Qiongqi are completely from the same source, a magic circle can be formed between Qiongqi and Bell. Bell didn't need to spend any extra magic power to maintain Qiongqi's existence.

Even under certain special circumstances, Bell can get feedback from Qiongqi to enhance his magic power.

For example, after Qiongqi devoured the Soul Eater, Bell found that Qiongqi's body became more solid.

Although the degree is minimal, it is better than nothing.

Of course, compared to other normal shikigami, Qiongqi is not without its shortcomings.

For example, Bell cannot cast spells through Qiongqi like other Onmyoji.

Because strictly speaking, Qiongqi is not an independent individual that grows naturally. Therefore, if Bell injects irrelevant thoughts into Qiongqi's body, it is likely to disrupt the balance in Qiongqi's body, causing it to dissipate directly.

All of the above are reasonable inferences made by Bell based on his own knowledge.

Although it has not been proven in practice. But judging from Bell's experience in studying magic for so many years, it is basically the same.

Therefore, what Bell needs to do now is to polish the details, further improve the theory and refine the operation.

Thinking of this, Bell took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and once again concentrated on reading the "Tai Chi Yin and Yang Illustration" in his hand.

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