The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 271 What does a kind mouse look like?

Closing the book, Bell stretched hard.

It's getting late, the sun is setting, it's time to take a break and have dinner.

Having found the direction of his research, Bell was in a very good mood. He stood up and staggered back toward the castle.

He is now going to the Gryffindor common room to collect his little Fina.

‘Alas~! ’

Speaking of this, Bell was very helpless.

I don't know what's wrong with my own Fina lately. She always likes to run to the Gryffindor lounge, and she has to be called by Bell even to eat.

I asked once before, but what did Fina say? She was afraid that her new little brother (Crookshanks) would be bullied when he was new to the place?

Bell believed it!

While walking around, from afar, Bell saw that the Fat Lady was practicing the lady dance again.

According to the Fat Lady's self-report, when she was young, she was the most beautiful woman in the British wizarding world. The wizards often dueled in order to dance with her.

In order to show respect for the Fat Lady's diligent professionalism, Bell temporarily believed her.

After all, it's a bit more credible than Fina's excuse, isn't it?

With a polite smile on his lips, Bell raised his hand, ready to say hello to the Fat Madam as usual.

However, before he could say anything, the Fat Madam let out an exclamation and gave way to the entrance.

It looked like someone was coming out of it.


This pure cat meow sounded like it was coming from Fina's new little brother - Crookshanks.

I saw a gray-furred mouse scurrying out of the doorway first, followed closely by Crookshanks.

As we all know, Bertolt is a very enthusiastic person!

And he knew that his girlfriend was extremely precious to Crookshanks.

Bell would not miss such a good performance opportunity foolishly.

The wand slipped from the cuff, the tip of the wand was lifted lightly, and the gray-haired mouse floated up.

Controlling the gray-furred mouse to float in front of him, Bell ignored its struggles and screams and looked up and down.

Shaoqing nodded, and Bell pointed the wand at the head of the gray-haired mouse.

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

The light of the curse disappeared in a flash, and all the bones and internal organs of the gray-haired mouse were shattered in an instant. Of course, its life also passed away.

Bell placed the mouse corpse in front of Crookshanks, who was lying obediently at his feet and looking at him.

"Can you eat it?"

Crookshanks turned his head away disdainfully, not even looking at the dirty rat.

It's not what it used to be now. It is already a boss cat. If it eats this dirty mouse, its boss will definitely dislike it.

Moreover, it was not chasing the mouse just to eat.

Seeing that Crookshanks didn't want to eat it, Bell simply threw the dead mouse out of the window.

‘The flames are blazing! ’

By the way, I also helped him spread his ashes.

Bell is a man who has read many books. As far as he knew, rats had many kinds of germs on their bodies. Once the body rots and smells after death, it can easily become a source of infection for many diseases.

As a new century person... Siyou? Five good? Bell also forgot which one he used last time. In short, he would not let this dead rat be exposed in the wilderness.

So what better way to deal with it than cremation?

In fact, Bell did not kill the mouse just to feed Crookshanks.

At least not the first purpose.

Bell had known about this mouse many days ago.

It may be hard to imagine, but Bell did first hear about this mouse from his own Fina.

I still remember that night, after Fina ran off to nowhere for a day of fun, she came back and told him that she found something strange about a gray-furred mouse in the Gryffindor common room.

(Bi Fan can distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil.)

Bell was curious at that time. He asked Fina, what was wrong?

As a result, Fina said that the mouse had an evil mind!


For the first time in his life, Bell knew that the minds of mice can be divided into good and evil! ?

What should a kind mouse look like?

Shuk Beta?

No matter how evil a mouse may be, it is still just a mouse. Bell just took it as a joke and didn't care about it anymore.

Today, by chance, Bell happened to encounter the gray-furred mouse that Fina mentioned before.

Since he was idle anyway, Bell took action and caught this little guy who was said to be very evil.

After some observation, Bell somewhat understood what Fina had expressed before.

Under normal circumstances, animals have great differences in the clarity of their thinking depending on the degree of development of their brains.

Rats, for example, are relatively intelligent animals.

However, no matter how smart mice are, there is still a big gap between them and humans.

Having said so much, what Bell actually wanted to express was that after a rough perception, he found that the clarity of thinking of this gray-haired mouse was far superior to that of its peers, and was not even better than that of humans. Worse.

So is this guy a sperm?

Bell had considered the possibility of a wizard pretending to be a wizard. After all, there is a form of transformation called animagus.

But when he thought that the mouse was already following Ron when he first met him, Bell gave up this speculation.

Bell really couldn't imagine that a wizard could maintain the form of a mouse for several years just to lurk next to a little wizard?

I’m afraid even if it wasn’t for ‘Ling Lingqi’, I would be willing to be defeated!

As for why Bell didn't test it out, was this rat an Animagus?


Picture what?

Just ask what the picture is?

Even if it is confirmed that this mouse was transformed by a wizard, what will happen?

Give it to Dumbledore? And then add a few points to Ravenclaw? By the way, are you getting some kind of contribution award?

Does Bale care about those?

He doesn't care!

He doesn't care what kind of conspiracy the other party has.

In comparison, Bell still finds it more troublesome.

During that time, he stayed in the lounge with his sister and girlfriend, drinking watermelon juice and skewering it, didn't it smell good?


A miserable wail pierced the sky, interrupting Bell's thinking.

In order to protect his 'cute pet' from being eaten by that damn big-faced cat, Ron followed his mouse 'Scabbers' closely with all his strength.

Even when he was being chased and beaten by his mother, Ron had never run so fast!

However, when Ron rushed out of the lounge, the scene that happened in front of him instantly tore his heart apart.

What did he see! ?

He saw that annoying, hateful, bumbling person all day long...(omitting ten thousand words here)...damn Bel Menethil, actually burned Scabbers to ashes with a fire! ?

How, how could someone do such a cruel thing! ?

"You murderer!!!"

Extreme anger filled Ron's chest, making him forget that he was a wizard.

At this moment, Ron just wanted to punch Bell hard.

No! That’s a lot of punches!

He wants to beat Bell until his face is full of peach blossoms! Otherwise, it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

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