The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 272 On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Toads and Rats

For some reason, Bell always felt that Ron's lines seemed a bit familiar, as if he had heard them somewhere before?

Before Bell could take action to subdue Ron, Harry and Neville, who followed Ron out of the lounge, hugged Ron tightly from behind.

Harry and Neville did not see the scene where Bell burned Scabbers' body, so they didn't know why Ron suddenly went crazy again?

But the two of them knew that fighting was against school rules. Even if he is 'counter-killed' in the end, he cannot escape the professor's punishment.

"Let me go! Let me go quickly! I'm going to fight him!"

Ron struggled angrily.

At this moment, Ron felt that his friendship with these two brothers was in vain. At this time, Harry and Neville didn't even bother to help him beat up Bell, but they actually helped Bell stop him?

The boat of friendship is about to capsize!

Fortunately, Hermione's timely appearance saved the life of the three-person boat.

"Bell? Why are you here? What is happening to you?"

Hermione also ran out after Crookshanks and Scabbers. It's just that she ran slower, so she fell behind Harry and the other three.

"I'm here to find Fina. But it's you. Aren't you practicing the Patronus Charm with Shanna? Why are you here?"

As he spoke, Bell bent down and picked up Crookshanks at his feet with a nonchalant expression.

He gently tickled Crookshanks' chin, causing it to purr comfortably.

And Bell's leisurely attitude made Ron even more angry, and Ron's eyes turned red, and he almost went berserk.

"Zanna was called away by her friends. I originally wanted to go find you. But when I looked out from the castle, I saw you immersed in reading a book, so I didn't bother you. In addition, Fina if……"

"Hey! That's enough for you two!"

Ron couldn't bear the grievance. He shouted angrily, interrupting Bell and Hermione's chat.

Just kidding, his Banban’s bones are still cold (although they have been burned to ashes)! These two people actually started chatting like this as if nothing had happened?

Won’t their consciences feel pain? ?

Bell glanced at Ron dissatisfied.

What a blind kid, didn't you see that he was chatting with his girlfriend?

As for whether your conscience will hurt?

Just kidding, he, Bell, always does good deeds without leaving his name behind. It’s good if he’s not proud, so how can he have a bad conscience?

By the way, where does conscience grow? Why had he never felt that there was such an organ in his body?

"By the way, Bell, what did you do to Ron?"

Hermione was shocked to realize that she had almost been led astray by Bell just now.

"I didn't do anything to him."

Bell spread his hands with an aggrieved look on his face.

So, these days, it’s hard to be a good person!

"you you……"

Hearing Bell's shameless remarks, Ron rolled his eyes angrily.

Harry and Neville quickly patted Ron's back hard, making Ron gasp for breath.

"You murderer! How dare you pretend to be innocent!?"

Ron said through gritted teeth. He wanted to bite Bell to death.

"So what exactly did Bell do?"

Hermione didn't believe that Bell would do anything outrageous to Ron?

Hermione thought she knew her boyfriend very well. She believed that if Bell really did something to Ron, it would be impossible for Ron to find out that it was Bell who did it!

Harry and Neville also looked at Ron curiously. The two of them are still confused.

"He! He killed Banban!"

The shrillness of Ron's voice and the sadness of his emotions were comparable to a cuckoo weeping blood!


However, what Ron couldn't accept even more was that after several people listened to his account of Bell's crimes, their reactions were mediocre! ?

"You, don't you have anything to say?"

Ron asked with a trembling voice as he looked at his two friends in disbelief.

Harry and Neville looked away awkwardly, not daring to look at Ron.

They had previously thought that Bell had done something unforgivable, but he actually made Ron so angry.

The result is this! ?

Harry and Neville actually didn't like the rat named Scabbers at all, but they couldn't show it because of Ron's face.

Harry wouldn't say it anymore. Compared to his pet owl, Hedwig, Scabbers' gray-furred mouse was not even worthy of carrying his shoes.

Even Neville, who raised a toad, looked down on Scabbers.

Does Banban have the slippery touch of Leif?

Does Banban have the cold body temperature of Leif?

Can Banban catch flies and mosquitoes?

Banban won’t! It can do nothing but eat and sleep!

So, after hearing that Scabbers was killed by Bell, Neville not only didn't feel the slightest bit of sadness and anger, he even felt like laughing?

"Bell, why did you kill Scabbers?"

Fortunately, among the few people present, there is still such a reliable person.

Although Hermione didn't think there was anything wrong with her boyfriend killing a mouse.

She also couldn't understand why someone would keep an ugly gray-haired mouse as their pet.

But that mouse was Ron's private property after all, and Hermione felt that Ron still needed to give him an explanation.

"What is Banban?"

Bell pretended to be stupid and said blankly. He found that Ron's current appearance was quite interesting. So he couldn't help but want to continue teasing the other party.

"Scabbers is a gray-haired mouse. The one Crookshanks was chasing just now."

Before Ron could roar, Hermione explained.

By the way, she glared at Bell, signaling that enough was enough.

She didn't believe that Bell didn't know what Scabbers was.

After receiving a warning from his girlfriend, Bell had no choice but to put away his bad taste.

"If you see a mouse running past you, if you don't kill it, will you keep it for the New Year?"

Bell said matter-of-factly.


What Bell said was so right, and Hermione raised her hands in agreement that she couldn't refute it at all.

Even Harry and Neville couldn't help but nodded after hearing Bell's explanation. When they saw Ron glaring over, they quickly stopped and almost twisted their necks.

Seeing that the situation had reached a stalemate, Ron seemed unwilling to give up, and 'Farmer' Bell sighed helplessly.

It's getting late, and dinner will be served soon. He didn't want to waste his precious meal time on blowing the cold air with a few silly children.

"Okay, I admit, I was reckless. I am willing to compensate you for your losses."

Although he admitted that he was wrong, it could be seen from Bell's hand that was always stroking the cat that he had no regrets at all.

"Compensation? What compensation do you want? Can you still bring Banban back to life?"

Ron obviously didn't care about Bell's compensation. Now he just wants to avenge Banban!

Of course, Ron didn't really want to kill Bell... maybe?

In short, it would be impossible for Ron to swallow the feeling in his heart without beating Bell to a happy face!

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