The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 275 Dating (Part 1)


Today is the day to head to Hogsmeade.

Hermione hummed and skipped on the grass.

She is in an extremely good mood right now!

For one thing, today was her and Bell's first date.

On the other hand, yesterday, with her efforts to persuade with emotion and reason, she finally succeeded in stopping Shanna's attempt to act as a light bulb.

"Bell, hurry up!"

Hermione urged her boyfriend, who was walking slowly behind her.

Although Bell couldn't understand his girlfriend's unusual excitement, he respected it. He quickened his pace and walked side by side with Hermione.

The two soon arrived at Hogsmeade.

Because the two of them were faster, most of the little wizards were still behind them. So the streets of Hogsmeade Village are a little deserted.

However, various stores are fully prepared to welcome the students of Hogwarts.

The bats transformed by magic flew happily over the village. The trees beside the street were covered with colorful magic light groups. Occasionally, there will be a few chubby magic puppets walking past holding billboards.

In short, every plant and tree here tells visitors that this is a magical world!

Since neither of them knew enough about Hogsmeade (in fact, Bell had learned about it with his sister last night, but he didn't dare to tell Hermione), so they decided to take a leisurely tour from beginning to end.

They had a whole day to play anyway. Compared to the small village of Hogsmeade, one day is already plenty of time.

The pair’s first stop was the Screaming Shack.

As the scariest and only haunted place in Britain, even Hermione is already familiar with it.

Looking at the gloomy and dilapidated house in front of her, Hermione felt her hair standing on end. She hugged Bell's arm and whispered nervously:

"Bell, what do you think is in it?"

"I don't know. Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Bell is not afraid of haunted houses.

Since he mastered magic, he is no longer afraid of seeing ghosts!

come! Just the front!


And who is he? He is a student of Hogwarts! Is there any place with more ghosts around here than Hogwarts?

"But didn't you say that you can't enter the Screaming Shack?"

Hermione had heard that many people wanted to enter the Shrieking Shack to find out what was going on. However, in the end no one was able to successfully enter.

It is precisely because of this that the Screaming Shack has become the scariest haunted house in the UK.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

The wand slipped from Bell's sleeve.

It was just a defensive barrier that no one controlled, and he didn't believe he couldn't blow it open.

However, before Bell could take action, Hermione held his right hand tightly.

"Forget it, Bell. I don't actually want to go in."

Hermione actually didn't have high requirements for her first date. It doesn’t need to be so ‘vigorous’, plain and warm is enough.

After leaving the Screaming Shack, the next stop was the Three Broomsticks pub. I heard the drinks here taste good? But because it was still early, the two skipped here.

Afterwards, the two came to Honeydukes Candy Store.

Many young wizards came straight here as soon as they arrived at Hogsmeade Village. Therefore, when Bell and Hermione, who had been delayed at the Shrieking Shack for a while, arrived, a lot of people had already gathered in the store.

"Bell, what kind of candy do you like?"

Looking at the dazzling array of candies in front of her, Hermione's saliva flowed out uncontrollably.

Of course, she had automatically ignored the weird candies like piles of cockroaches.

"You know, I don't like to eat things that are too sweet. So I rarely eat candies."

Bell shrugged and said.

He still prefers skewers to candies.

Bell couldn't control his saliva at the thought of masturbating.

Just do whatever comes to mind, this is Bell’s witchcraft!

He took out a kebab from his pocket, stood among a group of little wizards who were tasting candies, and started eating it as if no one else was watching.

In the candy store that was filled with the sweet smell of milk, a strong smell of meat suddenly squeezed in, which was not obvious.

The little wizards around looked at Bell in surprise. I don’t know why this guy came to a candy store to eat skewers? Are you here to destroy the store?

But having said that, the skewers are so delicious!

The little wizards swallowed and suddenly felt that the candy in their mouths was no longer sweet.

"Put it away quickly!"

Hermione was really furious at her boyfriend's incomprehensible amorous feelings.

"By the way, why do you carry skewers with you!"

And it’s not just breakfast! Why did he eat it again?

"If you don't take it with you, what will you do if you get hungry?"

Bell had a 'what are you talking about stupid' look on his face.

If he remembered correctly, he should have taken food out of his pocket many times in front of Hermione. For example, during the Quidditch match and the Quidditch match.

So now, what's so surprising about this?

"Would you like some? This is the XJ mutton skewers that Lim specially prepared for me yesterday. It's super delicious."

When he learned that his young master would have lunch in Hogsmeade, Lim couldn't be more worried.

She has been to Hogsmeade! There are only two bars where you can eat.

Not to mention the Pig's Head Bar, that dirty and disgusting bar is no place for people to stay.

Lim felt horrified just thinking that his young master might enter there, let alone eat there!

As for the remaining Three Broomsticks bar, although it was still clean and tidy, the food tasted just like that. You can't let your young master just drink drinks until he's full, right?

Therefore, in order for his young master to have a happy holiday, Lim put in 200% energy (usually 150%)! A variety of delicious food is prepared!

Seeing that Bell was actually planning to take out the kebabs, Hermione rushed over and held down Bell's hand.

If Bell were to pay for it again, he would really become someone who came to destroy the store. Isn't there already something wrong with the look in the shop owner's eyes?

Finally, after buying a lot of all kinds of delicious and novel candies, the two of them left the candy store.

And seeing that the consumption of the two of them was as much as that of a dozen or so young wizards, Mrs. Frum didn't care about Bell's previous rudeness.

"Bell, there's no need to buy so many."

Holding a lot of candy, Hermione was both distressed and happy.

She originally just wanted to buy some of the same candies to try, but Bell doubled the amount of each candy ten times with a wave of his hand.

"Not much. Go back and give some to Shanna, some to your parents, some to my parents, and finally some to your roommates and friends."

"But even that is too much."

These candies alone cost nearly 20 gold galleons. Hermione didn't have this much pocket money in a year.

"Just keep the rest and eat it slowly. Eat more if you like it. As long as you insist on using the magic power strengthening method I gave you before every day, you don't have to worry about gaining weight."

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