The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 276 Dating (Part 2)

After leaving Honeydukes candy store and walking along the street for a while, Bell and Hermione arrived at Zuko's Magic Joke Shop.

However, neither Bell, who is good at making magic props, nor Hermione, who has a serious personality, are very interested in the prank props sold in this store.

Therefore, after a brief walk around, the two left here without purchasing any goods.

Next door to Zuko's Magic Joke Shop is the famous Fengya wizard clothing store in the wizarding world.

Because both mother and sister like this store, the clothes worn by Bell and his father William are basically Fengya brand.

Of course, Zannah's favorite clothes are the magical clothes made by Bell and given to her.

Standing outside the clothing store, looking at the exquisite clothing displayed in the glass display window, Hermione's eyes burst out with a fanatical light.

She couldn't wait to drag Bell and rushed into the store, looking here and touching, looking like she couldn't put down every piece of clothing.

"If you like it, just try them on."

Bell looked at his girlfriend funny. This was the first time he had seen Hermione show such enthusiasm for items other than magic books.

"But these clothes are too expensive."

Hermione said hesitantly after looking at the price tags on the clothes.

"It doesn't matter. For this trip, I specially prepared some extra Galleons, which is enough to spend."

It may be a bit embarrassing to say it, but in fact, the Galleons on Bell's body were all obtained from his sister last night.

As I said before, Bell gave all his pocket money to Lim.

Although Bell was 10,000% sure that if he asked Lim for it, Lim would be very happy to give him all the previous money. But Bell was really embarrassed to say this!

Fortunately, Shanna has always kept her pocket money herself.

The little girl usually doesn’t have much to spend money on. Shanna couldn't be more happy when she heard that her brother needed it.

If Bell hadn't stopped him desperately, Shanna might have given all her little treasury to her brother.

"Bell! I know you have money. But I can't spend your money casually. That's not good!"

Hermione stared at her boyfriend seriously.

Hermione was lying if she said she wasn't happy that Bell was willing to spend money for her. But they weren't married yet, so she couldn't always spend Bell's money.

Even if you get married, you can't spend so lavishly!

A certain innocent little witch has already begun to think about life after marriage.

"Uh...then, how about treating it as my Christmas gift to you?"

Seeing his girlfriend's serious look, Bell could only do the next best thing.

"Christmas is not far away, and I've been worrying about what to give you recently. You know, I'm not good at choosing gifts."

"It's not impossible to use it as a Christmas gift. However, you must promise that you will never give me anything else during Christmas!"

To this day, Hermione still remembers that when they first met, after she accepted the personal terminal presented by Bell, they both made an agreement not to give her any more gifts at Christmas, but In the end, Bell gave it away.

"Okay, okay, I promise!"

Bell, whose thoughts were revealed, had no choice but to promise.

Bell always feels that something is wrong with the current situation?

So it was obviously him who gave Hermione something, why did it seem like he was begging Hermione?

Without giving Bell time to figure out what went wrong, after receiving Bell's assurance, Hermione took Bell's hand and walked around the store happily.

When choosing clothes for herself, Hermione would certainly not forget her boyfriend.

From time to time, she would take off a piece of men's clothing and make gestures in front of Bell.

Finally, after spending more than an hour, and when Bell was almost beginning to doubt his life, Hermione finally decided to buy clothes.

There are 4 pieces of clothing in total, including 2 for herself and 2 for Bell.

After leaving the clothing store, Bell felt exhausted mentally and physically after being manipulated by his girlfriend like a clothes rack for more than an hour.

In addition, it was already close to 12 noon, so Bell suggested finding a place to have lunch.

"Should we go to the Pig's Head Bar? I read in the book that it was the headquarters of the goblin rebellion in 1612. I've wanted to go there for a long time."

Naive Hermione made a 'silly' suggestion.

Then Bell rejected it without hesitation.

"No! Before I came out, Lim Qian warned me and asked me not to eat at the Pig's Head Bar. She said that the meat there might have maggots in it."

In fact, Bell felt that what Lim said was a bit exaggerated. How could anyone give customers meat with maggots?

However, Bell still plans to listen to Lim's advice. After all, Bell certainly trusts his own Lim more than a bar owner he has never met.

Then, Bell rejected Hermione's offer to return to the Three Broomsticks.

It’s too troublesome to run back to eat and then run back again after eating.

Although it's not far, who calls Bell lazy?

Finally, at Bell's suggestion, the two found a hill with a nice view behind the clothing store and decided to have a picnic.

(Lim followed him out of worry. Lim, who had been observing secretly, slowly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Lim was so touched that her young master actually chose to eat the food prepared by her for lunch! )

Using the transformation spell to turn the grass under his feet into a soft and comfortable blanket, Bell took out the sumptuous meal prepared by Lim.

After all, it was made by Lim with 50% more energy than usual. Even Bell was slightly surprised by the richness of it.

Looking at the various delicacies placed around her, Hermione was shocked beyond words.

‘So Lim is feeding pigs? ’

Fortunately, Bell didn't know the rude thoughts in his girlfriend's mind, otherwise he might be angry... give Hermione less food.

"Bell, there's so much, have you finished eating?"

"Don't worry, the three of us are eating, we should be able to finish it."


Hermione jumped up in surprise. She looked around nervously.

Could it be that Shanna followed her secretly behind her back? ?

However, in the empty surroundings, there were only some young wizards who were also planning to have a picnic, and there was no sign of Zanna.

"That's right."

Bell smiled mysteriously and patted his upper pocket.

"Stop sleeping, let's eat."

Bell shouted into his pocket.

Within a few seconds, Fina jumped out of her pocket.

(Limu, who felt relieved, has already apparated back to Hogwarts.)

As soon as she rushed out of her pocket, she saw a dazzling array of delicious food in front of her. Fina, who was a little hungry after sleeping all morning, immediately started eating eagerly.

If Shanna saw its current state, it might have to eat grass for the next six months.

In fact, Fina received Zannah's order to follow Hermione and stop her bad intentions at the critical moment.

But compared to boring activities like shopping, little Fina still prefers to lie in a warm pocket.

It turned out that it was a little too comfortable to lie down, and it accidentally fell asleep.

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