The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 302 Bell ‘Long time no see, do you miss me?

Chapter 302 Bell ‘Long time no see, do you miss me? ’

Bell only learned about what happened in Hogwarts from his father's mouth during breakfast the day after the banquet.

In fact, last night, when Professor McGonagall was racking her brains to contact Fudge, William had already obtained specific information through his own spies in the Ministry of Magic.

As the number one 'reactionary force' in the British wizarding world, it's not okay to be ill-informed.

When he learned that Blake was arrested, William was very upset for a while.

This will add a lot of variables to his "pinch Fudge's corner" action.

Originally, William planned to tell Bell about the matter immediately and ask his son for his opinion.

However, he searched around the castle and could not find Bell. Instead, he met his wife.

After asking his wife, William learned that Bell had gone to take his girlfriend's family home.

"Huh!? Wait! You mean girlfriend? Whose girlfriend?"

What about Blake, what about Fudge, etc., at this moment, William was instantly forgotten.

He seemed to have heard something extraordinary just now?

"Of course it belongs to Bell, otherwise it could still be yours!"

Elena rolled her eyes to show her disdain for her husband's fuss.

At this time, Elena had completely forgotten. When she first learned the news, she was many times more surprised than William.

"Bell's girlfriend? How could Bell have a girlfriend? Does Shanna know?"

After confirming that he heard correctly, William's jaw dropped.

This piece of news was enough to shock him for a whole year.

Elena rolled her eyes again and said nothing.

She asks who is going?

However, after one night of conversation, she quite liked the little girl named Hermione.

He has a serious personality, is polite, and seems to be quite knowledgeable. It can be said that he is barely worthy of his own son.

As for bloodline, Elena doesn't care much. Her younger sister, Helena, found a mixed-race boyfriend in the United States and was said to be getting married.

All night long, William's mind was filled with thoughts. Now that Bell had a girlfriend, was there any room for maneuver?

It wasn't until the next morning, before breakfast, when William received news about Blake again, that he remembered what he had forgotten last night.

But it doesn’t matter. Blake, who had just been caught, was rescued again before he could even warm himself up. Fudge was undoubtedly disgraced this time.

William, who was in a very good mood, happily shared this 'interesting story' with his family during breakfast.

"Dad, you said Blake was rescued by a werewolf?"

Bell was unusually interested in this detail that his father had mentioned.

"Yes, the news is indeed like this. What's wrong? Do you know anything?"

Looking at his son's half-smiling expression, William asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing."

Bell didn't tell his parents that he happened to know a werewolf. And this werewolf also happens to be located in Hogwarts.

Bell doesn't like to spread the word about uncertainties.

However, this did not prevent him from trying it out.

While Bell was thinking about his next plan, Zannah pouted her lips unhappily.

"How could that Black be so bad! How could he sneak into Hogwarts during Christmas? Doesn't he know that Christmas is a holiday?"

Shanna was very dissatisfied that she missed such a fun thing.

That Black, couldn't she have chosen a time when she was at Hogwarts to infiltrate?

You know, since she had a fun time in Japan during the summer vacation, she hasn't had a fight in almost half a year!

By the way, actual combat training with my brother does not count. For Shanna, it was play, not fighting.

"Honey, it was precisely because of the holiday that there were few people in the school, so Blake chose to sneak in last night."

William, who didn't understand the point, explained it to his little daughter with a smile.

At the same time, he glanced at Bell without any trace.

Sure enough, after Bell found a girlfriend, Shanna and Bell were not so close.

If this had happened in the past, Shanna would have grabbed Bell's arm and asked her brother to explain it to her.

Bell glanced at his father speechlessly.

The other party's small movements did not escape his perception.

Why didn't Bell explain to Shanna?

Because there is no need for him to explain at all.

Bell would not think like his father that Shanna was really asking questions.

My sister is smart. This matter can be figured out with a little twist of the little head.

Therefore, Shanna only complained a few words because her hands were itchy.

If his father continues to treat Shanna like a little girl who doesn't understand anything, he might be hated by Shanna one day.

"Hmph! Here is the most vicious wanted criminal and the first prison escapee in the history of Azkaban. Is that all he has the courage to do!?"

After hearing her father's explanation, Shanna became even more unhappy.

Fortunately, during Halloween, after she learned that Black had infiltrated Hogwarts, she was still looking forward to meeting him.

What a disappointment to her!

As for safety issues?

Shanna never worried.

With her brother behind her, little Shanna is fearless!

Even as slow as William, he realized at this moment that his youngest daughter's words were not quite right.

He cast a doubtful look at his wife, but all he saw was a pair of white eyes from his wife.

(Speaking of which, he has been rolled his eyes too many times recently, right?)

If we want to say that the person who knows Shanna best in this family is undoubtedly Elena.

Because William was busy with work and doting on her, he could only understand the surface of Shanna.

As for Bell, because of his higher level of doting, he would often ignore some innocuous... small problems, intentionally or unintentionally.


Elena looked at her son seriously.

Bell, whose thoughts were interrupted by his mother, raised his head in confusion.

So isn’t there a discussion about Blake now? Why did the fire get to him again?

"Keep an eye on your sister in school. Don't let her get into trouble, and don't pamper her too much. Do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, Mom. Shanna is doing well in school."

Bell smiled and rubbed his sister's little head, causing Zannah to puff up her chest proudly.

"Humph, I hope so."

Will Shanna behave?

If Shanna were good, Elena would write her name upside down!

Thinking back when she was in school at Hogwarts, she...ahem!

Nothing at all.

In short, what Elena wants to say is that she doesn't really care about the small fuss.

As for children, it is normal for children to love to play and be noisy. It is a symbol of liveliness and health, and is a good thing. Excessive control will only destroy the child's nature.

Therefore, as long as she maintains a sense of proportion and does not cause a big incident, Elena has no intention of interfering in Bell's discipline of Shanna.

After all, 10 words she said were not as effective as 1 word from Bell.

What? What kind of thing is a big thing, you ask?

Very simple.

As long as Hogwarts is not demolished, it's not a big deal!

(Bell: ‘Haha, what a coincidence, I thought so too.’)

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